Is Angela Merkel About to be Putsched Out of Office?

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has recently announced his opposition the immigration policies of the CDU, his coalition party in the government headed by Chancellor Angela Merkel. Mrs. Merkel reportedly rejected his demand for a new migration plan, and, surprisingly, the CDU representatives at the coalition meeting supported Mr. Seehofer rather than the chancelloress.

Egri Nök has compiled a report on what may be the beginning of the end of Angela Merkel’s political career.

Angela Merkel and Horst Seehofer. Mutti seems offended. Photo from Welt from CDU/CSU meeting on June 12, 2018.

Is Angela Merkel About to be Putsched Out of Office?

By Egri Nök

Horst Seehofer had recently been working on a paper dubbed “Migration Master Plan”, containing steps that he suggests be taken in what is known as the “migrant crisis”. It was announced that he would present the paper on Tuesday June 12th.

On Sunday the 10th Angela Merkel said in a live TV talk show, when asked about Seehofer and his “Migration Master Plan”, that she wanted to “apply European law”, instead of “acting in a national and unbalanced way”. She said: “I want EU law to have priority over national law.”

Yesterday Seehofer’s office cancelled the Tuesday press conference where he was to present the paper. It was reported that Merkel had refused to accept the paper’s proposals to turn away at the border “refugees” who demand entry to Germany but:

  • have already applied for asylum in another safe European country
  • have in the past been deported from Germany
  • have, in the past, received a ten-year-ban on re-entering Germany (this ban is imposed rarely and mainly for homicide)

Yesterday Seehofer’s office cancelled his attendance at the “Integration Summit” scheduled for today, Wednesday the 13th. This “summit”, which Merkel created in 2006, is an annual event where “diversity” lobbyists and activists present suggestions and make demands to the Interior Minister. This is the first time that the Interior Minister has not attended. Seehofer announced that he would be meeting Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz instead.

His cancellation was announced with reference to his schedule. When pressed by journalists, however, he produced a photocopy of a text written for the notorious Amadeu Antonio foundation by one of the attendees at the “summit”, wherein she accuses Seehofer of “blood and soil” philosophy and of “not understanding that Heimat (‘home’, also ‘interior’ in the title of Interior Minister) means diversity”.

Yesterday evening Kurz, who was then in Berlin and was meeting with Merkel during the day, said to the German press that he didn’t want to interfere in German affairs. But that “it is decisive that we stop people from trekking all across Europe to apply for asylum in Germany and in Sweden. This is not in accordance with the Dublin regulations.”

At the same time last night, a meeting was held between the CSU and the CDU fraction, in which, according to participants, both the CSU and CDU representatives unanimously supported Seehofer and demanded that Merkel give her consent to Seehofer’s propositions. Merkel seems to have confirmed that she was not going to do that.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung comments on Kurz’ statement and on Seehofer’s and Kurz’ meeting today: “Europe is beginning to stand in solidarity — but not in a way that Merkel might like.”

10 thoughts on “Is Angela Merkel About to be Putsched Out of Office?

  1. “”Refugees” who have in the past been deported from Germany or have, in the past, received a ten-year-ban on re-entering Germany (this ban is imposed rarely and mainly for homicide)” are two of the groups Merkel refuses to turn away! A determined and dangerous woman, indeed, and still supported by sunbstantial numbers of Germans who, by the way, by saying in polls that “Islam belongs in Germany” prove that they know not the first teeny weeny tiddle about Islam.

    • I agree that they don’t know much about Islam. Perhaps the picture is getting clearer lately. But anyway, still, with the little bit that they know, an overwhelming majority agree in the polls that it doesn’t belong to Germany.

  2. I agree that they don’t know much about Islam. Perhaps the picture is getting clearer lately. But anyway, still, with the little bit that they know, an overwhelming majority agree in the polls that it doesn’t belong to Germany.

  3. “This is the first time that the Interior Minister has not attended. Seehofer announced that he would be meeting Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz instead.”

    Why would an Interior Minister visit the Austrian Chancellor?
    I believe it is meant as a signal to show once and for all which side he’s on.
    It’s obvious Merkels position has become untenable and Germany is spiraling out of control, she has to go and go she will.
    The problem is who will take her place?

    • The two of them afterwards held a joint press conference, where Kurz called himself, Seehofer, and Italy’s Salvini a “coalition of the willing” [to protect the borders].

  4. Merkel along with her cronies in the EU have systematically started the genocide of European culture. Brainwashed students who wave flags saying immigrants welcome will soon see that they have made a mistake when they start being assaulted and raped by the alien cultures being allowed into Europe. German men too scared of arrest and imprisonment can’t protect their women as was the case in cologne.
    She is a danger to society as is teresa may.

  5. We can only hope… when the German election was taking place, I even hoped the Social Democrats might topple Merkel, I’m sure their policies are the same or even worse than hers, but it’s so disgusting that Merkel remains in power after what she did. There needs to be some kind of punishment!

  6. Its just a show of smoke and mirrors.
    Seehofer would just need to send an email to every police officer with the text: “Close the borders.” to prove that he does act.
    But right now (and considering his actions in the past) he just wants to give the impression that he acts. He does it to steal some votes from the AfD.
    Merkel and Seehofer are just playing Good Cop / Bad Cop , nothing more.
    In the end there will be a so-called compromise, but nothing will change.

    There are no more Count Stauffenbergs in Germany.

  7. It’s time to stop the dialogue and start the rebellion…..or get used to the Muslims raping your wives and your children. GROW SOME [manly generative organs]!!!

  8. Please help me. I am a Somalian youth, 28 years of age, and considering immigrating to Germany, because I would like to receive first world benefits, live in a decent environment, and I appreciate the beauty and kindness of young German ladies. Who can I contact to arrange for my asylum application and to book my choice of residential accommodation? Also, since your government has shown so much compassion, would it be too much to ask for an airplane ticket, because traveling all that way by bus and boat is very tiring, and I heard that the Italians can be very difficult. In return I promise to enrich your culture with all my energy and enthusiasm. Thank you.

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