The following report by Egri Nök was published earlier at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form.
Germany: Hanukkah Menorah Vandalized in Heilbronn
An original translation from Stimme Heilbronn.
Jewish Hanukkah Menorah Vandalized on the Street
December 26, 2017
Heilbronn. Over Christmas night, the Hanukkah Menorah of the Jewish community on Allee was vandalized. Does the deed have a political background?
By Kilian Krauth
Police are calling it “a sensitive matter”, but they are unable yet to determine whether it was a political deed or stupid mischief.
Upon Stimme’s inquiry, a spokesman confirms that the intelligence services will investigate. Monday morning at 9:45, a pedestrian noticed that the ca. three-metre-high Hanukkah Menorah in the Alley at Synagogengasse had been vandalized.
Many believers feel dumbfounded
The nine-branched candelabrum had been erected by the Jewish Community for the Hanukkah feast, which traditionally coincides with the Christmas season. Several lamps and their glass cartouches were knocked off by unknown perpetrators. The exact time of the deed and the financial extent of damage have not yet been determined.
Heilbronn Police, telephone 07131 1042500, are hoping for clues from witnesses.
A spokesman for the “Friends of the Synagogue” society says that many believers feel “like dumbfounded”. The society asks for donations as a sign of solidarity with the Jewish community, which is not well-off financially.
The Hanukkah Menorah in Heilbronn. Photo: Stimme
If the local community is not financially well off then why is it erecting such huge religious symbols for what is a very small congregation? Less than 100 in 2004, not likely much larger now.
This is a rather large thing to erect in a place that is mostly christian and seems more akin to moslems putting their stamp on an area with mosques or street prayers.
Vandalism is a crime, but it’s not up to the local population to pay for other people’s religious beliefs.
I’m shocked, shocked I tell you to hear of attacks on Jews in Germany!
I think our Deutche cousins had better look to their own house pretty damn quick. Or else another round of Jew murders (such as those of my antecedents) are the very least of their problems.
Let’s focus for the moment on keeping Germans alive in a German Germany. If that get’s handled right, the Jews will be just fine. And if it’s not, well, then it’s Auschwitz all over again.
A sound Germany means safe Germans, and that includes the exciting mysterious Jews (such as my entrancing self). An unsound Germany, such as what exists today means that all bets are off … for everybody.
I’m tempted to ask to see a photo, namonai, to check whether you are indeed exciting, but I guess you’d no longer be mysterious! A belated Happy Hanukkah anyway.
Chanukah had finished by Christmas Day. The Channukiah is a menorah with seven branches and is the symbol of the State of Israel. It should have been taken down, cleaned, stored and packed away for next year.
I agree with DanielK that keeping a 3 meter Chanukah on display in a town with almost no Jews smacks of the same triumphalism as Muslim street prayers, however, I am sure (or hope, really) this was not the intention of the Jews who erected it.
There is an injunction for the Channukiah to be displayed to the outside and this is achieved by lighting the Channukiah in a front window.
Here, in Israel, there are Channukiahs everywhere, but this is a Jewish country, so we make the rules. Jews living outside Israel should realise that to express their religion fully and freely, there is only one place they can safely live.
A Menorah as symbol for the Holy number of 7, has seven arms, not nine as only the non-religious but anyhow jewish candle-holder for the Feast of Light.
Nevertheless the vandalization of this attribute in Heilbronn (what’s in a name…) is an antisemitic and so rejectable deed.
There’s a huge amount of anti-Semitism on right-wing and quasi alt-right websites. What I object to is not the sentiments against Jewish influence, but the very boring and uninformative assumptions that there is a unified Jewish presence, super-intelligent and diabolical, plotting to destroy Europe so Jews can feel safer in a multi-cultural environment.
In fact, I wish fellows of Jewish background were that intelligent. It’s not that I share any wish to damage European culture, which I appreciate very much, but then the Jewish groups and organizations would be susceptible to a rational discussion of self-interest.
Instead, what I see is a vast, suicidal movement among most Jews, particularly the liberal sects, to deny the actual consequences of Muslim immigration and continue to pursue their liberal, globalist ideas, regardless of how suicidal. This is how Ayn Rand describe malevolent altruism. The person insists on doing good, regardless of the devastating effects on both the actor and the recipient of the altruism. In a word, the majority of US Jews are not calculating or destructive, but simply unbelievably stupid. Just like the Jews of Sweden, France, Germany, and Hungary, who supported the mandates of the EU to bring in more Muslim immigrants.