The following report was just posted by Egri Nök at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form (see the originals for photos and an augmented subway map).
Hamburg: Explosion of Improvised Device in Subway
An original translation from MoPo (Hamburger Morgenpost):
Perpetrator on The Run – Explosion at the Veddel Subway Station
Explosives-alarm on the Veddel! According to first information, Sunday evening, around 5:30, an explosion took place at the subway station. The perpetrator(s) apparently are on the run. Fortunately, no one was wounded, according to the police.
According to the police, a pyrotechnic item exploded in a plastic bag deposited at the train station. The windows of an air trap were damaged, but people were not harmed, according to police.
The perpetrator used a stop on the subway. He exited, deposited the bag on the platform, and quickly entered the train again. Shortly thereafter, there was a small detonation.
Witnesses report that after the bang, a lot of screws flew through the air. A policeman replies to this that indeed, screws were found at the scene.
It is now being investigated if these are connected to the explosive. The police was still working on the scene in the late evening. Several police detachments combed the area for more traces. The manhunt is in full swing. It is currently investigated whether the surveillance cameras give any cues.
The subway traffic has just resumed. The S3 line was not able to stop at Veddel station until 10PM.
Another day in the Islamic Germanistan , take them more beacuse it’s not enough, unbelievable..
A few more details courtesy of Google translate from the Hamburger Morgenpost article:
“As a police spokesman explained on Monday morning, the exploded object was probably a Polenböller, strictly prohibited pyrotechnics…..The police emphasized that there was no evidence of a terrorist background……………On Monday around 11 clock officials then arrested a 51-year-old German suspects in the Lauterbachstraße (Harburg). The police had become aware of the man by analyzing the video material from the crime scene. He is now fed to a magistrate.” (sic) I imagine he was taken before a magistrate.
Whether it’s a ‘new’ German who wasn’t on their radar it doesn’t say.
Perhaps a German reader can fill in the blanks.