The “Nazis” Have Entered the Bundestag

Update: Egri Nök has more on the election at Vlad’s place. It seems that leftist violence in the streets has already begun, outside the AfD’s election party in Berlin and at the city hall in Leipzig.

That’s what the media and political leaders from the other major parties call the AfD — “Nazis”.

Germans voted in a general election today, and a substantial number of them departed from tradition and voted for the AfD.

According to Egri Nök, the AfD was in at least third place everywhere, and placed second in parts of eastern Germany, the former DDR. It is the worst result for the CDU/CSU Union since 1949.

Nash Montana sends this summary, referencing Politically Incorrect:

The AfD has caused an earthquake in the Federal election of 2017, and they have increased their outcome by almost three times as much. The CDU (UNION) and the SPD saw the largest loss, the result of their mass immigration politics.

Here’s a list of the parties that will be seated in the Bundestag:

  • CDU (Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands, Christian Democratic Union of Germany) , in union with the CSU (Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern, Christian Social Union in Bavaria) — center-“right”, pro-EU
  • SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, Social Democratic Party of Germany) — left-socialist, pro-EU
  • Linke (Die Linke, The Left) — hard left, includes former communist party (PDS)
  • Grüne (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Alliance 90/The Greens) — ecopolitics, pro-EU
  • FDP (Freie Demokratische Partei, Free Democratic Party) — classical liberal, pro-EU
  • AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) — Euroskeptic, anti-immigration

And here’s a chart kindly compiled by Nash that compares the platforms of the various parties on major issues. As you can see, AfD is the sole dissenter on all these issues. Except for the AfD, Germany is essentially run by a Uniparty, much like Great Britain and the United States:

(Click to enlarge)

Nash adds: “My German and Swiss friends are having a meltdown of liberal tears.”

Egri’s response: “I knew the AfD would get between 12% and 15%, so I wasn’t amazed or surprised or anything. But the media are losing their minds, and that is marvellous. We can drink their tears now.”

69 thoughts on “The “Nazis” Have Entered the Bundestag

  1. I keep a real name Facebook profile. I have lots of German and Swiss friends, and family, on that profile. I post mainly Kitteh&Puppy!™ videos. It’s just a platform for people who know me in real life, to stay in touch or find me.

    So needless to say, almost ALL of my friends and family on that profile from Europe are liberals, progressives, or plain dumb. And they’re melting down. It’s the end of the world, they say. Germans are done, they say. How could enlightened Germans let this happen, they say. Typical low information voters, they say.

    They blame Trump, too. And Brexit, and Muslims and gays who voted for the AfD. It’s quite something.

    If only they knew. But there’s a saying that I’ve been repeating for many years. It goes like this: “You cannot wake people who pretend to be asleep.”

    I’ve never known truer words…

    • I am not on Facebook, but like you, most of my family and old friends are liberals. I am in a lot of pain from verbally fighting and arguing with them all the time. lately. Just got back from my mom’s where she got so upset she called me a little racist because I did not
      agree that celebrity
      sportspeople should publically protest against our flag/saying
      the pledge of allegiance., etc.

      She doesn’t want the Arabs to
      keep coming here to the US, but I am the racist because I
      don’t want to continue
      bending over backwards to
      placate American blacks for
      the period they were slaves.
      By the time I left her place
      however, I got her to agree
      that we were indeed both ” racists” according to the actual definition.

      The last couple years have been so emotionally draining for families and friends who
      are split ideologically. I wish I could go back in time. I am arguing with liberals over both American and European politics, in dismay over our crumbling Western civilization. Soon, I may need to commit myself to a loony bin ( do such places even still exist ??)!

      • Last I checked being paid millions on national TV to play a kids’ game is a PRIVILEGE and NOT A RIGHT.

        If these clowns hate their lives and hate this country so much, they should prove it. Quit your NFL job right now and get on a plane back to Cameroon, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, or the Ivory Coast. Go back to your amazing African utopia.

        How many of these fools have the moral courage to do this?

        Precisely zero, which tells you everything you need to know about their ‘protests’.

        They would protest black-on-black killings in Chicago if they wanted to be useful.

        They won’t do it, because that would deny them the chance to run around and scream ‘kill whitey’!!!

        Yes, kill ‘whitey’, the very people who invented this modern world that everyone seems to love so much.

        • Exactly, and I suggested that these anti-American cry babies leave this country, but this did help our arguing! Sad how few people think alike today in the same families and “culture.”

        • Spot on rasp-, I continue to hear of the greatness of Africa, no-one wants to move there & the great contributions of Africans, mud huts are not a step forward.

      • No. “Loony bins” are apparently cruel. I once jokingly referred to myself as ‘crazy’ with a therapist I was seeing due to post partum depression and she jumped on me. I kind of figure “crazy is as crazy does” but I’m not the one with a shiny plaque on the wall.

        More seriously though, I do wish we could go to simpler times. I enjoyed political debates but now they’re just tiresome and relationship ending. And it’s getting into everything so it’s not ‘fun’ anymore. I used to enjoy some good-humoured Conservative bashing in spite of being one myself because laughing at one’s own foibles is a good thing to do from time to time. But now it’s just malicious and the poking-fun never turns inward any longer for them. There is a blog of parenting comics that I loved following because the cynical-yet warmly funny insights of parenting were so relate-able but now the politics is coming in more and more and you can tell these people actually believe the nonsense they’re spewing. They sincerely believe people as myself are Nazis, that Trump IS Hitler, that evil conservatives are in control of the narrative and culture, that muslims are the real victims of terrorism and the Handsmaid Tale is an accurate reflection of Christianity’s role in today’s society, that dressing your child in drag automatically makes them cool and amazing. And when you point out how crazy some of these ideas are you become the lunatic.

        Come to think of it, the same left that closed the asylums for cruelty will be the ones to reopen them….

        • Your comment caused me to put this comment together.

          The Russians who were not brainwashed by the Soviet system tended to use black humor when the chips were really down. Black humor tends to be more introspective on one’s life in a totalitarian system, a way of letting off steam without drawing attention to oneself as a would be dissident, although the Soviet authorities would not agree with such thinking.

          The West in its entirety is almost at the stage of becoming a totalitarian system under the control of Globalism and the United Nations. What was once political fun in making jokes about one’s political bias has now turned serious, due to the Collective belief that Communism is not meant to be laughed at or made fun of, especially with Trump in the White House and the rise of the Patriot throughout Europe now in train.

          To the Left, politics is a very serious game indeed, so serious that it gets to the point of planning how to ‘off’ their political opponents, while to the Conservative natured, politics is meant to be made fun of and not to be taken seriously.

          This time in our history is not for horsing around because the Left are this — close to controlling all of us, and if that ever happens, only black humor will relieve the tension of living under their rules.

          But, don’t let those who cannot reflect with any kind of humor on their own political zealotry bend you to their way. Make your jokes, have some fun, especially when it comes to ridiculing those who can longer laugh at themselves.

          After all, it is they who are the losers and the destroyers of all that is good.

    • My dear wife today, having watched the Mass Media, opined that “the Nazis won 10% of the vote in Germany”.

      I spent 15 minute pointing out that she shares AfD positions…

      The brainwashing is effective. Especially in Germany.

      • On my own and in courses I’ve learned what Nazism was all about. The total state. Mussolini’s famous quote – “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” – describes Hitler’s Germany.

        But it also describes all totalitarian regimes, from Pharaohism to Caesarism to USSR to Red China, and others. That is, as left politically as possible.

        Everything Hilter did, Stalin did, which was the same as what Mao did. The last two on scales even greater than Hilter.

        Yet Hitler’s NSDAP is called far-right?

        • Nazis are termed ‘far right’ or ‘hard right’ and what was done to the millions under them and that is ‘featured’ every so often in the media as something to be avoided while perverting the underlying Socialism, which is the basis of Nazism, to deflect what true Socialism, in all its guises, leads to.

          That is why there is never any ‘features’ in the media concerning what the Communists all over the world have done to their own people, and as Trump spelled out in his U.N. speech. The Left are hard Marxist or Communist in their political ideology which they do not want exposed to the wider population.

          And to further distance themselves from Nazism, the Left then blame the ‘right’ and just what the ‘right’ is they deliberately avoid in explaining because on the political spectrum, there is only anarchy on the ‘far right’ or the ‘hard right’.

          There is no rule of law on the right within the political spectrum. It is from the center of the political spectrum that the rule of law is applied. Everything other than centrally based politics is thus, left of center in its ideology.

          So, knowing that the wider population tend to be political naive, the terms ‘far right, hard right’ are deliberately used to smear the Left’s political enemies, the Patriot and the Conservative.

          • “Everything Hilter did, Stalin did, which was the same as what Mao did. The last two on scales even greater than Hilter.”

            So Hitler not so bad after all then…is your inference

        • you write

          “On my own and in courses I’ve learned what Nazism was all about. The total state. Mussolini’s famous quote – “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” – describes Hitler’s Germany.

          Yet I say as a Marxist to solve mass immigration is needed the state.

          Your premise is wrong.

      • That’s everywhere. My own sister was almost crying when the PVV looked like they might win the elections. “Now the Nazis are coming back,” she said. I didn’t bother to explain what real Nazis are. It wouldn’t get through that plate of Chobham armor in front of her brain.

    • Hi Nash,

      I enjoy reading your message. Germany is saved. I am glad to know that.
      I guess the lesson learnt is that, when you want a policy to receive majority support, for example more than 50%, the best solution is that numerous parties support the policy.

      Thank You.

      • Hello Charles,

        I’m afraid Germany can’t be saved anymore… at least not preserved, back to the state it once was in.

        But the fact that the AfD has now a 13% RIGHT to have a say in policy and law making is yuuuuuge.

        Thank you for reading!

        • Hi Nash,

          Let us have hope, and give moral support to the Alternative für Deutschland.

          You are welcome. I encourage you to continue reading GatesofVienna.

          Thank You.

  2. Practically, since no other party will form a coalition with the AfD, what effect besides symbolic will the AfD be able to exert upon German politics and invader policy?

    • They’ll be [according to Siggi Gabriel anyway] the “First Nazis in the Bundestag since WW2. That’s an accomplishment.
      It means they’ll have a say in policy making.
      It means they can block policies.
      Whether it’ll work out in practice is another thing… but it also means that they’ll gain traction and become more mainstream as now more people will have visual access to them apart from the manufacturing ARD/ZDF newsmaker.

      All that, I think. But at the end of the day… What difference, at this point, does it make? Why aren’t they ahead more points by now, one might ask?

      Sorry… I was channeling Clingon there for a second… I mean Clinton.

    • They will be the third largest fraction in parliament, so cannot be ignored or silenced.
      The CSU dropped from 49% to 38.5% thanks to Merkel, they already announced to take a turn to the right, and they have been Merkel’s most important ally so far. They might very likely try to get rid of her to save their own power.

      • Getting rid of Merkel would come down to how she personally is ‘polling’ within the electorate – does anyone know if her ‘popularity’ is such with the German population that she would still be able to hang onto power?

    • “what effect besides symbolic will the AfD be ”

      to cite the head of the Sweden demcrates on the role of his party: To be a soldering torch at the [posterior orifice] of the old parties!

      Hopefully the AfD will nor dismantle itself.

  3. Since they call anybody right of Stalin a “Nazi,” I think we should freely call them Communists at every opportunity.

    Trump was right to use Socialist and Communist making the same point at the UN last week. And since today “Nazi” has become the worst thing to call a person or group, what exactly do they object to about National Socialism? They are still proud socialists, so obviously what they really hate are nationalists, AKA, national patriots.

    So what does that make the current crop of anti-nationalists or international socialists? COMMUNISTS. No more polite deference. They call us Nazis, when all they hate about the word is national patriotism? Call them what they are:


    • I prefer ‘Perambulating sacs of moral effluent’ myself, Matt, but it’s way past my bedtime and today was a long and extremely liquid lunch day 😜

          • Have a few pints of “Doom Bar” beer (from Cornwall).

            As it happens, my brother from Vancouver is in London this week, and he’s a fan of British beer and pubs, so if my comments this week become incoherent (or non-existent) I plead guilty, with extenuating circumstances!

          • I remember how pleased the B was to be able to bring the future Baron “home” to have a pint of Theakston Old Peculier. Now, with the growth of small breweries here in VA, they’re able to go on jaunts when there’s time…we can’t match the cheeses, though. Not yet.

    • So what does that make the current crop of anti-nationalists or international socialists? COMMUNISTS. No more polite deference. They call us Nazis, when all they hate about the word is national patriotism? Call them what they are:

      Matt Bracken

      If you were to say communist to me then I reply to stand in the tradition of Marx and Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, would be a great honour to me. Have you by the way ever quoted Marx on his characterisation of Islam…easy to find on any search engine

  4. “We can drink their tears now”.

    Wow, so poetic.
    “Next election, we will drink their blood”.
    … on the other hand, what else to expect from “Putin versteher” kind.
    German politics is unattractive mess.

    • It’s a South Park slash George R. R. Martin reference, no need to get your knickers in a twist.
      Do tell me though, what makes you assume I might be fond of Mr. Putin? Prejudiced muchly?

      • simple transitivity.
        you are fond of AfD.
        AfD is sucking up to Putin (it is in their political program).

        yes I am prejudiced.
        as I said, I would probably vote for AfD, but only as lesser evil.

    • AY. I reckon you are so Putin paranoid that you would get to checking under your bed at night before turning in, just in case Putin was hiding under it!

  5. 2024 BST, September 24th.

    It’s being reported that Marxist Soros thugs are gathering in significant numbers around at least two AfD Party HQ’s. Don’t these retards know their history? Don’t they know that there is an eighty year old playbook for this scenario and recall what happened to them last time around.

    This has been a properly conducted democratic election and to try to subvert the result thereof by means of intimidation and perhaps gratuitous violence is not only illegal but has consequences that go far beyond the normal course of electoral events.

    • Those who partake of such rambunctious behaviour do not wish to know past history, especially the kind of history that may reflect badly on what they do.

    • The playbook is actually closer to 100 years old, not 80. In 1919 and 1920 there were street battles between the Freikorps veterans (who later coalesced into the Nazi party) and the Communists.

    • It’s being reported that Marxist Soros thugs are gathering in significant numbers around at least two AfD Party HQ’s. Don’t these retards know their history? Don’t they know that there is an eighty year old playbook for this scenario and recall what happened to them last time around.

      Seneca 111

      You are being misled. Soros is the opposite of Marx.

  6. If the German media is having kittens about a 13.3% showing for AfD, what would happen for a 33% showing? Sure, AfD isn’t going to control anything without taking a coalition member, but as the major parties are converged, they’re all going to start looking like the same thing.

    • They still remain thoroughly brainwashed. While 13% is a good start, the fact remains that 87% of the electorate voted to continue the status quo; hardly an encouraging sign…

      The only really encouraging news I see from this is that the disastrous results for the CSU has resulted in them bolting from Merkel’s coalition which might prove to be the beginning of the end for the Frau.

        • You were right though when you said CSU – they dropped from 49% to 38% in Bavaria. They are the CDU (Merkel’s) most important ally. They need to commit regicide, if they want to keep their hold on Bavaria.

      • Moon, is voting compulsory in Germany? If not, does anyone know the turnout figure? If voting is not compulsory, it would be interesting to know how much of that voter percentage the leading parties have really lost. And I would be assuming that those who chose not to vote did so out of disillusionment with how things have now been made in Germany

        And you could add that figure to those no longer brainwashed.

        Mutte Merkel’s actions have overseen her own eventual demise. We all know what becomes of leaders when they begin losing at election time.

  7. At 3.30am I was woken by the noise of one of my sons. “What have you been doing?” I asked, after establishing the ungodly hour. “Following the German elections – I was engrossed, the AfD are gong to get at least 80 seats!” “Good”, I answered and tried to get back to sleep.

    So six hours later I visited my usual sites to learn of the German election results: tried Breitbart, nothing; tried Frontpage, nothing. Only GoV had an analysis of them. Congratulations! If one wants to know what’s going on in the world (of any importance) just go to GoV.

      • I wonder if voter fraud is as much a feature of German elections as it is in American elections? Is their a graveyard & illegal immigrant vote there?

    • Julius: I don’t know what section of Breitbart you looked at but they had a livewire on the German election at BB London from around 15 minutes before the exit poll.

  8. Since they call anybody right of Stalin a “Nazi,” I think we should freely call them Communists at every opportunity.

    Trump was right to use Socialist and Communist making the same point at the UN last week.

    I could not agree with you more, Matt. Please see my (most recent): “Notes from NorseRadish“, at Vlad Tepes Blog. Your recent spate of comments and participation there have been both heartening and of immense value in terms of boosting the overall traffic and quality-of-content.

    As one of Eeyore’s admirers and someone who holds your own works (e.g., “Piss Christ? Piss Koran!” in great esteem, please pardon if I trowel it on a bit thick.

    That said, it is beyond refreshing to see someone else proclaim this equivalency of Socialism and Communism. While Trump was not the first to do so, all the same, his UN address made it more than clear that Socialism and Communism remain a distinction without a difference.

    Please visit Vlad Tepes Blog for a more detailed (Notes from NorseRadish) essay which I’ve spent the bulk of today composing. It centers upon an astonishing 1945 election speech by Winston Churchill that, by my own lights, was almost surreal in its prediction of what awaited post-WWII Europe.

    As always, Matt, your resolute opposition to the muddling of labels and terminology found throughout Politically Correct America and Europe is an inspiration for the entire Counterjihad movement.

    I cannot thank you enough.


      • What socialists need, if they want to keep the Ponzi scheme going, is simply to reproduce. Anyone who wants socialism has to have children to make their system work. Which is why EUrope is losing fast. And importing single males who appear to be able to assault the indigenous women with impunity means that the results of those rapes will not grow up to support those indigenes currently paying into the Ponzi scheme. At least those who are already retired are safe. For the moment.

        Here in the US, the Ponzi scheme of socialism – various trade unions – are in deep doo-doo because they ate the seed corn. Now those retiring in places like Illinois are seeing the illusion of their pensions slowly disappear. Heck, Illinois can’t even pay out on its lottery system – they had to stop it because they’d spent the money…

      • “As always, Matt, your resolute opposition to the muddling of labels and terminology found throughout Politically Correct America and Europe is an inspiration for the entire Counterjihad movement.”

        Norse radish

        Actuallt Matt Bracken has ignored Karl Marx and Islam…easy to find through any search engine

  9. Merkel may still be in power but for a new party to grab 13% of the vote and be the 3rd largest party is a significant achievement. The Germans are moving at a snails pace to sanity, but they are at least moving the “right” direction.

  10. There are benefits that come from being a parliamentary party eg. funding, representation on boards/committees etc.

    • Practically speaking it also an oportunity to trip or stumble before they fully and firmly have their feet under the table. We shall just have to watch and wait with our fingers crossed.

  11. Hi Mr Baron,

    The process of saving Europe is happening.

    I suggest that we have a continental Siege of Vienna remembrance day in Europe to let the Europeans learn from their mistakes. Do you agree with me?

    Thank You.

    • I don’t know if he saw your comment, but I certainly agree with your idea. That it would coincide with our own 9/11 observation makes it even better.

      Of course, France won’t be interested; it was rooting for the Turks back then and now it’s reaping the whirlwind.

      And Britain doesn’t seem capable of honoring the innocent dead anymore. Sure, poppies for WWI are p.c., but the dead from 7/7? Birds chirp in the silence. Cut off from a lively sense of its recent history, Britain just lurches from attack to attack with no sense of connecting the dots.

      Oh, except for the professionally orchestrated remembrance of Princess Diana by her sons. Good for them!

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