Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/15/2017

The Libyan coast guard has again threatened a European NGO, this time a Spanish group that sent a migrant “rescue” vessel to Libya’s territorial waters. Meanwhile, Save the Children has suspended its migrant-rescue operations along the Libyan coast due to Libya’s interdictions.

In other news, Hungary has offered asylum to the Christian refugee in Sweden who is being threatened with deportation to Iran.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Charles Low, Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Sweden Hits Inflation Target for the First Time in Six Years
» $3M Lawsuit Filed Against Kessler, Fields and Others After Fatal Crash
» Charlottesville Police Inaction: Part of a Nationwide Development
» Charlottesville Trump-Bashing Mayor Wrote Book Praising Slave Owner and Author of Three-Fifths Compromise
» Islam’s Onslaught of America: Multicultural Experiment Gone Mad
» James Comey Destroyed in Letter by Anonymous FBI Agent Who Calls Him ‘Cowardly’ And ‘Juvenile’
» Street Artist Sabo Suspended From Facebook Following ‘F*** Zuck 2020’ Posters
» Student Viciously Bullied Over Photo With Pence
» Study Finds There Are 3.5 Million More Registered Voters in U.S. Than Eligible Voters
» The American Left Has Declared War on Confederate Monuments.
» The Real Matrix is … Still Real
» The Unstoppable Trump Train
» Video: Charlottesville Rally Organizer Chased, Beaten by Mob During Press Conference
» White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter — Occupy Protester
Europe and the EU
» Austria Finds Insecticide in Egg Products
» ‘Easy Meat’: Mass-Rape of White Girls by Muslim Gang
» Fiat Wins EPA Approval for 2017 Diesel Jeeps, Ram Pickups
» France: Girl Dead, Four Hurt After Car ‘Deliberately’ Smashes Into Restuarant East of Paris
» Julian Assange, A Man Without a Country
» Soros Group Ramps Up Lobbying Efforts in 2017
» Sweden: Two Injured in Southern Stockholm Shooting
» UK Official Admits: Muslim Rapists Given Lighter Sentences
» Viral Swedish White Elk’s Apple Habit Brings Trespassing Tourists to Couple’s Garden
Israel and the Palestinians
» Palestinians to U.S.: Shut Up and Give US the Money!
Far East
» North Korea Factories Humming With ‘Made in China’ Clothes, Traders Say
» NYT Shocking Report: US “Ally” Ukraine is Source of North Korean Missile Engines
Australia — Pacific
» Horrific Moment Three Thugs Armed With a Metal Pole Launch a Vicious Attack on a Shirtless 52-Year-Old Man — Leaving Him Lying on His Front Steps and Blood Pouring From His Head
» ‘I Don’t Think it’s a Good Use of Public Money’: Islamic Leader Hits Out at Taxpayer-Funded Report That Claims Two-Thirds of Australians Are ‘Uncomfortable’ With Burqas
» ‘This is Terrorism by Another Name’: Muslim Senator Sam Dastyari Likens White Nationalists to Islamic Jihadists — and Says Australians Were ‘Kidding Themselves’ By Thinking Charlottesville Rally Couldn’t Happen Here
» Two-Thirds of Australians Are ‘Uncomfortable With Women Wearing Burqas’ — As it’s Revealed Even Muslims Have a Problem With Face Coverings
» ‘Endless Growth is Like Cancer’: Businessman Dick Smith Spends $1 Million on Confronting Grim Reaper Ad Warning High Immigration Will Lead to War, Famine and Poverty in Australia
» Greece Arrests Three Suspected Migrant Smugglers
» Hungary Offers Asylum as Sweden Prepares to Deport Christian Convert Actress to Iran
» Libya News: Coastguard Threatens Spanish Migrant Rescue Ship
» Merkel Acknowledges Europe’s Disastrous Migrant Policy
» Migrant Gets Suspended Sentence for Sexually Abusing Children as Young as Five
» Save the Children Pulls Migrant ‘Rescue’ Boat as Italy Praises Tripoli for Defending Libyan Waters
» Sweden Plans to Deport Christian Actress … to Iran!
Culture Wars
» ‘Bisexuals Will Want Polygamy’: Controversial Muslim Leader Keysar Trad Claims the Gay Lobby Has a Secret Plan for ‘Plural Relations’ If Same-Sex Marriage is Legalised
» Evidence for a Muslim Antichrist
» Is the Mainstream Igniting Pedophilia With ‘Victoria Secret’-Style Lingerie Show Featuring 5yo Girls?
» Transgender and Pansexual Parents Are Raising Their Child as Gender-Fluid
» 10 Very Strange Facts About the August 21 Solar Eclipse That Will Absolutely Blow Your Mind

Sweden Hits Inflation Target for the First Time in Six Years

Sweden reached its inflation target for the first time in more than six years in July, which could spell a return to normalized monetary policy after years of negative interest rates.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

$3M Lawsuit Filed Against Kessler, Fields and Others After Fatal Crash

Lawsuit filed in Charlottesville circuit court Tuesday.

Two people involved in the fatal car crash Saturday have filed a lawsuit against Unite the Right organizer Jason Kessler, James Alex Fields Jr. and 31 others.

Tadrint Washington and Micah Washington, the plaintiffs who were in a car that was hit during the attack Saturday, are seeking $3 million in damages.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Charlottesville Police Inaction: Part of a Nationwide Development

In the major moral crisis growing out of Charlottesville, a lot of attention has been paid to Trump’s lack of leadership.

But the whole nation has a stake in a related matter, the inaction of the local police.

The Charlottesville Police Department was not caught unawares. It had anticipated a crowd of from 2,000 to 6,000 people, and had promised a presence with assistance from the Virginia State Police.

Yet when violence and bloodshed broke out at Emancipation Park, witnesses complained to the New York Times that “There was no police presence… We were watching people punch each other; people were bleeding all the while police were inside of barricades at the park, watching.”

A.C. Thompson, a reporter for ProPublica, saw repeated instances of this police inertia:

[Comment: Globalists and their puppet politicians are manufacturing crisis and chaos intentionally.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Charlottesville Trump-Bashing Mayor Wrote Book Praising Slave Owner and Author of Three-Fifths Compromise

Charlottesville, Virginia Mayor Michael Signer blamed President Trump for the violence and deadly attack in his city on Saturday.

Signer blamed President Trump for playing on our worst prejudices.

The mayor wants to blame President Trump for the violence in his city on Saturday. This was after he called off the police and refused to offer protection to protesters he did not agree with.

Mayor Signer wrote a book praising James Madison who owned over a hundred slaves and the creator of the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Amazon’s review of a book on James Madison written by Mayor Signer, Charlottesville, VA reads: “Michael Signer takes a fresh look at the life of our fourth president. His focus is on Madison before he turned thirty-six, the years in which he did his most enduring work: battling with Patrick Henry — the most charismatic politician in revolutionary America, whose political philosophy and ruthless tactics eerily foreshadowed those of today’s Tea Party-over religious freedom; introducing his framework for a strong central government; becoming the intellectual godfather of the Constitution; and providing a crucial role at Virginia’s convention to ratify the Constitution in 1788, when the nation’s future hung in the balance. Signer’s young James Madison is a role model for the leaders so badly needed today.”

Note: Madison, who owned over 100 slaves, originated the Three-Fifths Compromise, which counted slaves as three fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and legislative representation.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Islam’s Onslaught of America: Multicultural Experiment Gone Mad

Last year, another Muslim terrorist shot up a meeting of “freedom of speech” at the Krudttonden, Copenhagen, Denmark. One died while dozens dove for the floor. Three cops returned fire before the terrorist raced away in a car.

On the heels of the Paris, France killings, Nice, France, Brussels, Belgium and the Kosher Café killings, Europeans walk the streets of their cities in fear of further Muslim attacks. Ironically, Muslims don’t fear any attacks in the Muslim “no go zones” because their own people won’t kill other Muslims inside Islamic strongholds. Other than the usual “honor killings” of wives and daughters for stepping out of line!

Just days after a jihad attack in the Sinai region, which killed 25 people, the Muslim Brotherhood issued this statement:

“It is incumbent upon everyone to be aware that we are in the process of a new phase, where we summon what is latent in our strength, where we recall the meanings of jihad and prepare ourselves, our wives, our sons, our daughters, and whoever marched on our path to a long, uncompromising jihad, and during this stage we ask for martyrdom.”

Ironically, Muslim-Americans called last year’s killing of three Muslim students in North Carolina a “hate crime.” When in fact, every teaching of Islam equates to defaming and issuing hate crimes against all over religions. Islamic faith specifically calls for the eradication of all Jews off the planet.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

James Comey Destroyed in Letter by Anonymous FBI Agent Who Calls Him ‘Cowardly’ And ‘Juvenile’

The following was published in the NY Post on Friday, reportedly from a former FBI agent, ripping the former FBI Director a new asshole for failing to convene a grand jury against Hillary Clinton, execute search warrants, and for being “cowardly” and “juvenile.”

Comey botched the Hillary Clinton email investigation

By John Crudele

August 12, 2017

Dear John: You recently criticized the FBI for its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails.

I am a retired FBI agent and extremely proud of my career and service. I feel compelled to write. Former FBI Director James Comey’s statements, testimony and behavior are truly abhorrent.

Comey admitted under oath before Congress that the bureau did not utilize a federal grand jury in the Hillary e-mail investigation.

Furthermore, he testified that in his experience, when dealing with attorneys, you can obtain information easier and faster than via a federal grand jury.

Never, I repeat never, in my 25-year career have I or any FBI agent known to me investigated a criminal case without the use of a federal grand jury, federal grand jury subpoenas, search warrants, etc.

Search warrants and/or subpoenas should have been executed at Clinton’s residences in Chappaqua and Washington and at Platte River Networks.

In fact, Comey frequently cites his vast experience. Well, I am certain that in every case with which he was involved (except this one, conveniently) he employed the use of a federal grand jury and all of the authority that encompasses.

Comey’s parsing of words to justify his cowardly decision was awkward and juvenile. These circumstances are indicia of Hillary’s intent (which, as we both are aware, is not a necessary element to satisfy the federal espionage statute) on which Comey placed so much emphasis.

Comey’s cowardice and lack of integrity is further exemplified in his surreptitious disclosure of confidential information through an intermediary to the New York Times.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Street Artist Sabo Suspended From Facebook Following ‘F*** Zuck 2020’ Posters

“Your page has been unpublished for using hate speech,” Facebook declared, before giving Sabo the option to appeal.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Student Viciously Bullied Over Photo With Pence

‘Close friends lashed out in fury, subjecting me to lectures, rants, and name-calling’

In times past, getting your photograph taken with an elected official such as the vice president of the United States would usually be looked upon with celebration and respect.

But in the vitriolic political climate in today’s age of President Donald Trump, one college student is finding out firsthand how reverse the world has become.

McKenzie Deutsch, an incoming junior at Scripps College in Southern California, posted a photo of herself on Facebook standing between Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., for whom she had served as a congressional intern.

That’s when all hell broke loose as she was pummeled with a nonstop deluge of toxic comments including “B-tch.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Study Finds There Are 3.5 Million More Registered Voters in U.S. Than Eligible Voters

All Americans need to ask themselves a very important question. Who really runs this country? Supposedly the answer is us, which is what we’ve been told our entire lives. But that’s becoming increasingly hard to believe as time goes on. How can ordinary law abiding Americans be running this show, if our elections appear to be a total sham? We live in a country where the voter rolls seem to be stacked with illegal immigrants and dead people, and our voting machines are shockingly easy to hack. And not only that, but states like California have hundreds of thousands more registered voters than eligible voters.

It’s not just California that has this problem either. According to Judicial Watch, there are hundreds of counties across the country, run by both Democrats and Republicans, which have failed remove millions of “ghost” voters from the registration rolls.

Some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The American Left Has Declared War on Confederate Monuments.

Not just Southern military leaders — most notably General Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia — but even the bronze statue known as “Old Joe” in a “memorial to men of the Gainesville [Florida] area who lost their lives in the Civil War.” Old Joe is being evicted from where he’s stood, motionless, outside the Alachua County Administrative Building, since 1904.

The metallic history of the Confederate States of America (1861-1865) is being erased from parks, courthouses, and campuses across the nation. Can the book banning and burning be far behind?

Well, if this is how it is to be, let’s take a page from Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals” — specifically his Rule #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

And, let’s start with The Southern Manifesto of 1956.

Its official title was The Decision of the Supreme Court in the School Cases Declaration of Constitutional Principles. The Manifesto is found in the Congressional Record, 84th Congress, Second Session, Vol. 102, in Part 4, dated March 12, 1956.

It was created in response to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, “a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.”

Here’s a quote from the Manifesto:

“This unwarranted exercise of power by the Court, contrary to the Constitution, is creating chaos and confusion in the States principally affected. It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races that have been created through 90 years of patient effort by the good people of both races. It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding.”

Today, some of the Senatorial signatories are memorialized in prominently-placed, metallic representations of their former selves

The Manifesto was signed by 101 members of the United States Congress, including 19 senators and 82 members of the House of Representatives.

Ninety-nine of the 101 signatories were Democrats.

All of the 19 Senators who signed the Manifesto were Democrats: Walter F. George, Richard B. Russell, John Stennis, Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Strom Thurmond, Harry F. Byrd, A. Willis Robertson, John L. McClellan, Allen J. Ellender, Russell B. Long, Lister Hill, James O. Eastland, W. Kerr Scott, John Sparkman, Olin D. Johnston, Price Daniel, J.W. Fulbright, George A. Smathers, and Spessard L. Holland.

Today, some of the Senatorial signatories are memorialized in prominently-placed, metallic representations of their former selves. They include:…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Real Matrix is … Still Real

The most popular piece I ever wrote for an online site continues to be “The Real Matrix,” my 7-part debut on The day it appeared I was inundated with email, including requests for reposting on other sites, etc. The series won me radio interviews and speaking invites, one of them at a national meeting all-expenses-paid, and an offer of print publication I regret passing up to this day (I wanted to add back a couple of sections I’d deleted because of the length, started tinkering, added still more material, the project snowballed, and a year later had a manuscript of over 150,000 words that was collapsing under its own weight).

“The Real Matrix” triggered useful and informative correspondence. I still get occasional favorable email about the series, which I added to more recently, but the new installments did not generate as much interest. I had more planned, but the material was bogging down, and it was clear, especially with the rise of Donald Trump, that the editor and readers had other priorities. So, for that matter, did I.

The problem is, “The Real Matrix” is still, well, real: one of the pre-eminent facts of life in Anglo-European civilization, and all other places around the world that have adopted the forms and slogans of modernity (“liberal democracy,” “the liberal global order,” “economic integration,” “free trade” or “liberalized trade,” “the global marketplace” or “market capitalism” or “consumer capitalism,” etc.).

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Unstoppable Trump Train

Delivering on His Promises, Decimating the Opposition

In mid-May, I wrote an article entitled The Juggernaut & the Jerks, which spelled out the stupendous accomplishments of President Donald Trump in his first three months in office. The response was tremendous, many people thanking me for bringing to their attention hundreds of the president’s achievements they had never heard of or read about or seen on TV. They agreed with my description of the president as a virtual unstoppable juggernaut and that members of the media were indeed a bunch of jerks.

Well, whaddaya know? Plus ca change, plus la meme chose! Now that the juggernaut president has just passed his 200th day in office, he is still going at warp speed in chalking up significant accomplishments and, at the same time, draining both the national and international swamplands that have contaminated our politics for decades, and the media are still spewing out fake news and fake polls in their desperate but impotent attempts to derail the unstoppable Trump Train.

Here is an impressive-but not comprehensive-list of President Trump’s accomplishments in his second three (almost four) months in office:

[Comment: Take a look at what Trump has done in office. Note how many of these achievements were reported in fake news media. ]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Video: Charlottesville Rally Organizer Chased, Beaten by Mob During Press Conference

Police forced to escort Kessler away from violent leftists

Jason Kessler, organizer of the #UniteTheRight rally in Charlottesville, was chased and beaten by a mob of leftists during a press conference on Sunday.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

White Supremacist Leader in Charlottesville Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter — Occupy Protester

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (an organization that is certainly no friend to Conservatives), Kessler revealed his political transformation around November 2016, the same month then candidate Donald Trump won the presidential election.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Austria Finds Insecticide in Egg Products

Austria on Monday become the latest European country to confirm that it has found the insecticide fipronil in egg products imported from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Poland.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

‘Easy Meat’: Mass-Rape of White Girls by Muslim Gang

WASHINGTON — Seventeen men and one woman were found guilty of a host of sexual crimes against young women — many of them children — after a massive “ grooming gang” was uncovered in Newcastle, England.

The gang, made up of mostly Muslim Middle Easterners and South Asians (commonly referred to as just “Asian” in the U.K.) preyed upon white British girls, plying them with alcohol, marijuana, mephedrone and other drugs.

The victims of sexual abuse were between the ages of 13 and 25. They were drugged unconscious and then raped or pressured into sex through physical or emotional abuse.

According to the London Guardian, one of the gang members, Badrul Hussian, allegedly yelled at a female ticket inspector on public transit: “All white women are only good for one thing. For men like me to f— and use like trash. That’s all women like you are worth.”

Peter McLaughlin, author of “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal,” noted Muslims make up 5 percent of the population of the U.K. but account for 90 percent of “grooming gang” convictions.

The gangs work by targeting vulnerable individuals and abusing them emotionally, the so-called “boyfriend model” in which the victim of sexual abuse is led to believe she is in a healthy relationship.

The law-enforcement effort to take down the grooming gang, “Operation Sanctuary,” was the largest and “most complex” sex-abuse investigation in the history of the Northumbria police, according to Chief Constable Steve Ashman.

The case has startling similarities to other accounts of other “grooming gangs” in the U.K., the most well-known of which is the Rotherham scandal in which at least 300 Muslim men groomed young girls for sex over a 16-year period.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Fiat Wins EPA Approval for 2017 Diesel Jeeps, Ram Pickups

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US environmental regulators have approved the sale of 2017 diesel models of the Jeep Cherokee SUV and light-duty Ram 1500 pickup, auto giant Fiat Chrysler said Friday.

The move allows the company to begin selling diesel versions of the popular vehicles that US officials had refused to allow on the road over concerns about the emissions technology.

The announcement follows a lawsuit brought in May by the US Environmental Protection Agency, which accused the company of configuring models in earlier years to evade emissions testing, which Fiat Chrysler denied.

The Italian-controlled FCA said Friday the go-ahead to sell the new diesel models was the result of months of talks with the EPA and California’s Air Resources Board…

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

France: Girl Dead, Four Hurt After Car ‘Deliberately’ Smashes Into Restuarant East of Paris

A car smashed into a pizza restuarant east of Paris late on Monday, killing an eight-year-old girl and badly injuring four other people, but investigators said the young driver had tried to commit suicide and the incident was not terror-related.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Julian Assange, A Man Without a Country

The Ecuadorian Embassy in London is situated at the end of a wide brick lane, next to the Harrods department store, in Knightsbridge. Sometimes plainclothes police officers, or vans with tinted windows, can be found outside the building. Sometimes there are throngs of people around it. Sometimes there is virtually no one, which was the case in June, 2012, when Julian Assange, the publisher of WikiLeaks, arrived, disguised as a motorcycle courier, to seek political asylum. In the five years since then, he has not set foot beyond the Embassy. Nonetheless, he has become a global influence, proving that with simple digital tools a single person can craft a new kind of power—a distributed, transnational power, which functions outside norms of state sovereignty that have held for centuries.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Soros Group Ramps Up Lobbying Efforts in 2017

Soros pushed resources to counter laws described as direct attack on the liberal billionaire

Liberal billionaire George Soros’s advocacy arm is ramping up its lobbying efforts this year, disclosure forms show.

The deep-pocketed Democratic financier increased lobbying expenditures on a range of foreign issues, including efforts to oppose laws described as a direct attack on his funding of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in his native country of Hungary.

The Open Society Policy Center, a D.C.-based nonprofit that focuses on advocacy efforts and is a separate entity from the Soros grant making Open Society Foundations, has spent nearly as much on lobbying in the first half of 2017 as the group did in the entirety of 2016.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Two Injured in Southern Stockholm Shooting

Police have launched an attempted murder investigation after two people were injured in a shooting in southern Stockholm.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

UK Official Admits: Muslim Rapists Given Lighter Sentences

Because of political correctness, British judges are giving lighter sentences to members of Muslim “grooming” gangs convicted of raping young girls, charges the government’s senior legal adviser.

“Some have been more concerned about being labeled racist than dealing with child safeguarding,” Solicitor General Robert Buckland told the Daily Telegraph newspaper of London.

The city of Newcastle Upon Tyne is the center of the latest child sexual-abuse scandal in Britain, with 17 men and one woman convicted last week of raping more than 100 underage white girls, some as young as 13. Conservative Party members of Parliament are urging Buckland and the attorney general to review the sentences of mostly British-born men from Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities.

Noting the British media refer to the gangs as “Asian” rather than Muslim, Jihad Watch contributor Christine Douglass-Williams contends the problem goes beyond racism.

She writes that the “violation of the girls points to a larger problem that Western leaders have continued to willfully ignore: Crimes are being committed by Muslims that are rooted in Islamic doctrine, where the West is regarded as the House of War (Dar al harb) and its women are deemed to be the spoils of this war.”

“Jihad attacks and a continued stealth invasion of the West are also all components of this war. A society is doomed when it does not even recognize who its enemy is,” she said.

She cites Denis MacShane, British member of Parliament for Rotherham between 1994 to 2012, who told the BBC’s World At One that “there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat.”

Investigators of the Rotherham case were told that “influential Pakistani councillors acted as barriers to communication on grooming issues.” Front line workers said “the town hall told them to keep quiet about the ethnicity of the perpetrators in the interests of ‘community cohesion.’ “

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Viral Swedish White Elk’s Apple Habit Brings Trespassing Tourists to Couple’s Garden

The famous Swedish white elk’s celebrity is proving to be something of a moosance for one couple.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Palestinians to U.S.: Shut Up and Give US the Money!

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted to advance the Taylor Force Act, which would halt U.S. taxpayer subsidies to the Palestinian Authority until it stops a “Pay to Slay” practice through which terrorists and their families are rewarded financially.

The international community has raised the issue because of the hundreds of millions of dollars the PA gets annually from Western nations.

For example, U.S. taxpayers send about $700 million annually to the PA, which then gives more than $300 million annually to terrorists or to the families of terrorists who die in a suicide bombing.

Now, the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s executive committe has responded to the protest over subsidizing terror.

Its message to the Senate, essentially, is,” Shut up and give us the money.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

North Korea Factories Humming With ‘Made in China’ Clothes, Traders Say

Clothes made in North Korea are labeled “Made in China” and exported across the world

Chinese textile firms are increasingly using North Korean factories to take advantage of cheaper labor across the border, traders and businesses in the border city of Dandong told Reuters.

The clothes made in North Korea are labeled “Made in China” and exported across the world, they said.

Using North Korea to produce cheap clothes for sale around the globe shows that for every door that is closed by ever-tightening U.N. sanctions another one may open. The UN sanctions, introduced to punish North Korea for its missile and nuclear programs, do not include any bans on textile exports.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

NYT Shocking Report: US “Ally” Ukraine is Source of North Korean Missile Engines

When the US State Department supported Ukraine domestic forces and nationalist elements to stage a successful and deadly coup against then pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, the outcome was supposed to be a nation that is a undisputed US ally and persistent threat, distraction and non-NATO opponent to bordering Russia. Instead, it now appears that it has been Ukraine which was, as the NYT writes, the secret behind the success of North Korea’s allegedly nuclear-capable ballistic missile program.

Specifically, in a blockbuster report this morning, the NYT alleges that North Korea has been making black-market purchases of powerful rocket engines from a Ukrainian factory citing “expert analysis being published Monday and classified assessments by American intelligence agencies.”

The studies may solve the mystery of how North Korea began succeeding so suddenly after a string of fiery missile failures, some of which may have been caused by American sabotage of its supply chains and cyberattacks on its launches. After those failures, the North changed designs and suppliers in the past two years, according to a new study by Michael Elleman, a missile expert at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

According to the report, analysts who studied photographs of Kim Jong-un, inspecting the new rocket motors concluded that they derive from designs that once powered the Soviet Union’s missile fleet. “The engines were so powerful that a single missile could hurl 10 thermonuclear warheads between continents.”

Since the alleged engines have been linked to only a few former Soviet sites, government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine, on the edge of the territory where Russia is fighting a low-level war to break off part of Ukraine. During the Cold War, the factory made the deadliest missiles in the Soviet arsenal, including the giant SS-18. It remained one of Russia’s primary producers of missiles even after Ukraine gained independence.

[Comment: Globalists Hillary, McCain and Obama destabilized Ukraine…]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Horrific Moment Three Thugs Armed With a Metal Pole Launch a Vicious Attack on a Shirtless 52-Year-Old Man — Leaving Him Lying on His Front Steps and Blood Pouring From His Head

Gary, 52, was bashed by a group of three thugs at the front of his western Sydney home with metal poles after they tried to break into his house, leaving him bloodied with several fractures.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘I Don’t Think it’s a Good Use of Public Money’: Islamic Leader Hits Out at Taxpayer-Funded Report That Claims Two-Thirds of Australians Are ‘Uncomfortable’ With Burqas

The Islamic Council of Queensland has questioned why public money funded burqa research. RMIT University in Melbourne found two-thirds of Australians were uneasy about it.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘This is Terrorism by Another Name’: Muslim Senator Sam Dastyari Likens White Nationalists to Islamic Jihadists — and Says Australians Were ‘Kidding Themselves’ By Thinking Charlottesville Rally Couldn’t Happen Here

Australian Muslim senator Sam Dastyari (pictured) has likened white supremacists to Islamic jihadists in an impassioned speech speaking out about the Charlottesville carnage.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Two-Thirds of Australians Are ‘Uncomfortable With Women Wearing Burqas’ — As it’s Revealed Even Muslims Have a Problem With Face Coverings

Two-thirds of Australians living in poorer suburbs are uncomfortable with women wearing burqas, a study by RMIT University in Melbourne found. Even Muslims are uneasy about face coverings.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘Endless Growth is Like Cancer’: Businessman Dick Smith Spends $1 Million on Confronting Grim Reaper Ad Warning High Immigration Will Lead to War, Famine and Poverty in Australia

Australian businessman Dick Smith has launched a $1 million ‘disturbing’ ad campaign blaming economic and population growth for famine, disaster and war.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Greece Arrests Three Suspected Migrant Smugglers

ROME (AP) — Greek authorities say they have arrested three men on suspicion of ferrying 69 refugees or migrants on a yacht to the island of Zakynthos off the western coast of Greece’s mainland.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hungary Offers Asylum as Sweden Prepares to Deport Christian Convert Actress to Iran

Hungary has offered asylum to Christian convert Aideen Strandsson because the Swedish government plans to deport her to Iran where she could face prison or even the death penalty for apostasy.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Libya News: Coastguard Threatens Spanish Migrant Rescue Ship

THE Libyan coastguard has issued another terrifying warning as it demanded a Spanish ship rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean leave its waters.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Merkel Acknowledges Europe’s Disastrous Migrant Policy

ANGELA Merkel has rejected the idea of linking European Union funds to receiving migrants — a policy championed by her rival Martin Schulz.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Migrant Gets Suspended Sentence for Sexually Abusing Children as Young as Five

A 47-year-old asylum seeker in the Germany city of Augsburg in Bavaria has received a suspended sentence of 15 months imprisonment for the sexual abuse of several children, some as young as five.

The unnamed asylum seeker, originally from Afghanistan, is said to have abused several children in the asylum home he lived in over the period of a year. The man, found guilty of sexual abuse and bodily harm, is said to have used the opportunity of living in a shared accommodation to molest the children, local newspaper Augburger Allgemeine reports.

The judge in the case, Stefan Lenzenhuber, changed the sentence to a suspended sentence meaning that the asylum seeker will not face any actual prison time.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Save the Children Pulls Migrant ‘Rescue’ Boat as Italy Praises Tripoli for Defending Libyan Waters

Save the Children is the third NGO to suspend its migrant ferrying operations in the Mediterranean after Tripoli confirmed it would be blocking its waters to foreign ‘Search and Rescue’ (SAR) boats.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Sweden Plans to Deport Christian Actress … to Iran!

Sweden is violating a United Nations human-rights treaty in its attempt to deport a prominent Iranian actress who revealed her conversion from Islam to Christianity after arriving in the European nation, according to a charity that defends persecuted Christians worldwide.

Aideen Strandsson would face punishment and prison, possibly even rape and death, if returned to the mullah-led Islamic nation, argues the U.K.-based Barnabas Fund.

The group cites the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention, which states “a refugee should not be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom.”

In Strandsson’s case, the international Christian ministry said, she undoubtedly would face prison — at a minimum — for her conversion to Christianity.

“In fact, Iranian prisons are a particularly dangerous environment for any woman,” the organization said.

“Rape has been widely used against female prisoners since the 1979 Islamic revolution on the pretext that women offenders must not be allowed to remain virgins, as this could result in them being admitted to paradise. Added to this, as both an apostate from Islam and a nationally known actress who has appeared in films and on TV, Miss Strandsson is likely to be viewed as a significant embarrassment to the Iranian government. As such, her life will be in serious danger,” the Barnabas Fund said.

“Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians” tells of the perseverance and courage of men and women who suffer because of their faith in Jesus Christ

The organization said the actress had a conversion experience after watching a video in Iran of a woman being stoned to death.

“I decided at that moment I don’t want to be a Muslim anymore,” she said.

Strandsson said that shortly after that, she had a dramatic spiritual encounter.

“I had a dream about Jesus. He was sitting near me and he took my hand,” she said.

But she, like many others in Iran, kept her faith quiet, allowing word of it to come out only after she safely was in Sweden.

At that point, in 2014, she asked for a public baptism.

“I want to have a baptism in public because I want to say I am not afraid anymore I am free, I am Christian. I want everyone to know about that,” she explained, according to Barnabas.

Now, however, Swedish officials “have told Aideen that becoming a Christian was ‘ her decision’ and now it’s ‘ her problem’ and not theirs.”

“At her asylum hearing, a Swedish migration official even told her it would not be as bad for her in Iran as she is expecting because it would only be six months in prison,” Barnabas said.

[Comment: This woman is a real refugee.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Bisexuals Will Want Polygamy’: Controversial Muslim Leader Keysar Trad Claims the Gay Lobby Has a Secret Plan for ‘Plural Relations’ If Same-Sex Marriage is Legalised

A controversial Muslim leader Keysar Trad (pictured) has suggested bisexuals will lobby to be allowed a husband and a wife at the same time if gay marriage is legalised.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Evidence for a Muslim Antichrist

Joel Richardson details the prophecy of Daniel 11

This is the Old Testament text that trips up a lot of people.

Prophecy expert Joel Richardson, in his newest edition of The Underground, discusses Daniel chapter 11, and explains what it suggests about a Muslim Antichrist.

Hear his analysis.

“This is a critical chapter,” he explains, “because it concerns the idea that the Antichrist could come from the Middle East, and could be a Muslim.”…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Is the Mainstream Igniting Pedophilia With ‘Victoria Secret’-Style Lingerie Show Featuring 5yo Girls?

It’s no secret, pedophilia has been a topic of conversation in a big way over the last year. With the rise of investigations into elite pedophile rings, including the popularization of PizzaGate, many have begun to ask questions about how big of a problem this is in politics, government and hollywood.

In this new show that took place in China, we see 5 year old girls dressed in lingerie walking down the runway, looking quite uncomfortable. I’m not about to say putting a girl in lingeries at a fashion show is the same as pedophilia, but we need to ask why we are sexualizing young girls like this.

It becomes a very find line between acts like this and pushing the envelope to further see children as sex symbols.

FreeThoughtProject reports: The latest movement within media and Hollywood pop culture seems to be an agenda to normalize pedophilia and the sexualization of children. The latest example of this was a fashion show that many feel crossed the line from — with scantily clad girls, who appear to be as young as five-years-old, walking the runway in a Victoria’s Secret-style show.

The show, held at a shopping mall in China, revealed shocking images of young girls wearing nothing but lingerie, costume wings, and headpieces…

What you see talking place is simply the latest manifestation of what is, without question, a creeping agenda within the mainstream of pop culture to normalize and force public acceptance of pedophilia.

FreeThoughtProject previously reported on the constant drive within pop culture to normalize pedophilia:

“In the current age of political correctness, some sects of society know no limits as to how far they will go to force acceptance to avoid offending others. In one extreme case of forcing such political correctness, Salon magazine implies that society must be accepting of pedophiles. In two separate articles, Salon refers to pedophilia as an ‘alternate sexual preference’ and suggests that society should embrace these differences by insinuating that this poor man is just misunderstood.

The article and video on Salon deal with pedophiles known as ‘non-offending’ — — meaning while these individuals admit they are sexually attracted to prepubescent children, they claim they’ve never acted on it. However, the subject of one Salon article, Todd Nickerson admitted to seeking out jobs as a babysitter and noted that he “fell in love” with a five-year-old whom he babysat.”

The U.S. corporate mainstream media is, without a doubt, the most sophisticated propaganda operation in the history of humankind, according to political philosopher Noam Chomsky, author of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media.

The mainstream media works diligently to alter and shape our perceptions and values. It seems clear that the propagandists are attempting to engineer a society that is accepting of pedophilia as a normalized behavior.

[Comment: Elite ranks are infested with pedophiles… they are using media — that they own — to try and “normalize” this evil in society.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Transgender and Pansexual Parents Are Raising Their Child as Gender-Fluid

Parents Nikki and Louise Draven say they are ‘just ordinary’ and are being ‘who they want to be’.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

10 Very Strange Facts About the August 21 Solar Eclipse That Will Absolutely Blow Your Mind

In just a matter of days we are going to witness the most unusual solar eclipse in U.S. history. Could it be possible that all of the very strange “coincidences” surrounding this event have some sort of special significance? The mainstream media has been buzzing about this upcoming solar eclipse for months, and it will easily be the most watched eclipse in all of U.S. history. Last week, I published an article entitled “12 Critical Events That Are Going To Happen Over A 40 Day Period From August 21st To September 30th” that received an extraordinary amount of attention, and of course the first event on that list was “the Great American Eclipse” on the 21st. As you will see below, so many numbers seem to indicate that this eclipse could have some sort of special significance, and it begins a period of exactly 40 days that many believe could be a turning point for America.

In the Scriptures, we are specifically told that one of the reasons why God created the sun and the moon was so that they could serve as “signs”. The following is what Genesis 1:14 tells us…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

12 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 8/15/2017

  1. Charlottesville Police Inaction: Part of a Nationwide Development

    Where law enforcement refuses to protect the citizen from attack – it’s all over! The primary responsibility for government IS to protect its citizenry.

    I hope the peaceful protesters, who were bashed up by white supremacists and antifas communists, will get together and bring a class action lawsuit against Virginia – whose Governor and Mayor of Charlottesville are both Democrat political hacks! And I suspect the two of them colluded in a plot to stand down the police, in order to create a ‘racist crisis’ by which the corrupt Governor Mcauliffe, could jump start a presidential run!

    And to think the hypocritical Mayor wrote a book praising James Madison, a slaver owner, indicates the power play behind their bungled scheme! It backfired!

    The corruption of the DOJ and throughout the entire left-over Obama administration has seriously crippled the nation. A healthy Democrat party and a truth-investigating media would be welcomed, but they are so infected with viral left-wing lunacy that the political process is violent, cynical and no longer works.

    We are at a tipping point.

    • To everyone sworn to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, remember that some of these enemies are police officers.

      • I would say a minority – just as a minority of white people are racists. Most racists I meet/read about are black – like Obama. (The politics of Revenge.)

        In this case the police were told to stand down. Even today the lying, deceitful Governor is saying that the Nazi bunch had weapons stashed around the city but the police have denied it!

        The Police Chief was clearly a broken man at his press conference. He knew too well what ‘standing down’ had cost the city, yet perhaps he could not speak out against its Democrat leaders.

        It is shocking to me the extent to which the media is blatantly lying with utter impunity, characterizing Trump as supporting the White Supremacists, when he has said over and over that he disavows them.

        Truth is dead in the USA. Not a good sign. And today in the Washington Post, a professor has said that Liberalism has failed to defeat racism and that violence is now permissible – in the Washington Post!!!!

        I’d say civil catastrophe is on the way. They will not relent until Trump is destroyed and all his good overturned, and the globalist scum are back in power.

        • Truth is not dead in the U.S.A. but only within some sections of the population who unfortunately, still control much of the narrative.

          One must also consider the fact that what happened in Charlottesville is not being reflected in the hundreds of other large towns and cities around the country.

          The paid for protesters, like Antifa, cannot be everywhere all the time, and the impact they are now having is largely psychological rather than in any long lasting effect on those who view such things as just another day in America or are now awake and support Trump.

          • Nemesis-

            Disagree with your second paragraph.

            I live in a city with 200k population and there was a rally in support of Charlottesville this past Sunday night.

            I would estimate attendance as several hundred with two dozen city police observing.

            I would estimate a few dozen Antifas as well.

            However, the majority appeared to be pozzed out boomers that had dropped in from their >95% white suburbs to show their support for the ongoing Third Worldization of the US.

          • So, Raspailwasright, did a Charlottesville -that is the fascist violence as recorded – occur in your city or didn’t it?

            Did those who appeared on the streets in your town take to tearing down inanimate objects like statues that now offend some?

            Did a counter protest group turn up and begin violently opposing those already in the street?

            Did someone drive a motor vehicle into the crowd?

            Were the city police called off?

            Did the Mayor take to blaming one side only?

            etc, etc.

  2. I would say our country is in deep doo-doo right now. The adults shoud be in charge but it doesn’t seem like they are. So who is in charge? The brats from the the 60’s and 70’s? Too bad, so sad. I’m glad I’m old so I won’t have to put up with this bushwa too long. You young idiots are ruining our country and you will eventually rue the day you did it.

    We had a country that was working well until the pestiletional (sp) little children decided they should take charge. Does any adult think it is better now? NO.

    • Maria _dee. You need to get outside that box you have placed yourself into. And if you can do that, then you will soon appreciate that those who now hold your attention as to their childish tantrums are in the minority and as such, will not stand the test of time among the majority of true Americans.

    • I used to wonder before the advent of the Trump Era, and that term is I believe, one that will eventually come into common use, how the Left would handle their defeat.

      Now we all know – temper tantrums and lies, lies, and more lies, from their corrupt media while they plot and scheme to render as illegal or a traitor, a duly elected candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

      What we are now witnessing on a daily basis goes to the heart of the problem that has beset America and the Western world for the past century, and it has been a cancer that is now being exposed and slowly medicated against for the danger that it represents to all of us who value our individual liberty and inalienable rights, and it is a combination of all those ‘isms’ that have plagued Mankind since their inception and can be put into the one box of the Big Lie, and simply called, Socialism.

      One needs to remember a simple line when countering the smarty pants socialists disguised as Antifa, Neo- Nazis, Progressives, Liberals or whatever they may happen to morph into after this latest defeat – that Conservatism protects while Socialism destroys.

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