
Last week’s jihad massacre in Manchester prompted our Israeli correspondent MC to share some thoughts on “racism” and related matters.


by MC

An irrational fear of racism? No. An irrational fear of being called a racist? YES.

Only white people are race-o-phobes, because only white people (or maybe a few well-integrated ‘others’) can be called racist.

I can rape, pillage and steal to my heart’s (dis)content, but I only need to be thought to think something negative about those whose skin colour is darker than mine to be thought of as racist, and if, god forbid, I think that a supremacist religion that supports rape, slavery, looting and slaughter is something foul, then I must be a far-out racist outlaw.

But wait — in my culture, names and name calling are not supposed to hurt me, but in the brave new world of prescribed virtuosity, name-calling has impact. I am no longer innocent until proven guilty, I am guilty solely by implication and by the testimony of a self-appointed somebody judged to be more ‘submitted’ than myself.

Submitted to what?

Submitted to the new Nazism, of course. That’s what.

There never was much of an air gap between Communists and Nazis. With Cultural Marxism that gap is now microscopic. The new Nazi race focus has changed from Jews to (believing) Christians, and even the Pope is infected.

I am not a Christian, and I live in Asia. I look around me, and I see multiple products of Western technology, a gift from a Christian Europe and a Judeo-Christian USA. Then the ‘Seva Adom’ air raid warning goes off and I have about 15 seconds to gather my grandchildren and get them into shelter. This is my corresponding gift from Islam.

I have many relations in Manchester, which is the place where my father was born and grew up. Many of his nephews and nieces, my cousins and their offspring, are still living and working there. I have a very RATIONAL fear of both Muslims and especially of Islam and its book of death.

And so I found myself looking through the Manchester casualty lists to see if there was anybody I knew.

Fragmentation bombs are designed solely to kill and maim, to inflict horrific injuries on people; in this case, innocent people, both the very young and their grandparents.

Why? Because the holy book of Islam, the Koran, tells us that killing unbelievers is a highway to heaven, and that if you have failed to keep the onerous burden of the prescribed ritual of Islamic religious culture, then you can shortcut the process by blowing little 8-year-old girls to pieces.

Within Torah, one can atone for violations of Torah, and with Christianity Jesus died for your sins, but within Islam there is only a scale of justice — that is, unless you are a shahid, a holy martyr who has died whilst fighting the unbeliever.

Like Communism, Islam does not work until all are believers, hence the butcher’s bill of infidel Mancunians.

Yet I am deemed to be a ‘racist’ if I even think these words let alone write about them. But frankly, my dear, I don’t give a Hoover.

But there can be consequences: my job, my credibility, the inevitable fatwa. These could all happen as a result of my ‘racism’, and thus most people are race-o-phobic. It is the ruling meme of this day and age.

And it sets the abusers above the law.

Name-calling is abuse, pure and simple. Calling somebody a ‘racist’ is abuse of the worst kind because ‘racism’ is not illegal and has no real meaning or definition. ‘Race’ can mean religion, skin colour, culture, eye/hair colour or even whether you cover your hair in public or if you are white and live in Louisiana. So there is no defence against this type of abuse. To destroy a person’s life because of a non-criminal, possibly accidental violation of the unwritten code of ‘racism’ is a dirty and disgusting injustice in our society.

Worse, race-o-phobia means that there are now ‘religious’ taboos enshrined in society, taboos which mean that eventually our wonderful Western civilization will fail and fall. We are little different from the people of 2000 or 4000 years ago. We have not evolved. We are no more intelligent (and maybe less), but our culture benefitted greatly from a belief that all are equal under a fair and just law. For a few hundred years we were progressively freed from the chokehold of the warlords, and we prospered. We had no hunger, and we had an opportunity to make something of ourselves. The media expected public figures to behave properly and honestly, and rightly accused wrongdoers, whatever their station in life.

All gone!

Now we have trial by ‘photoshop’, a Stalinist type of justice system where the political airbrush rules, and where every picture is a propaganda exercise bought and paid for in advance by those who can afford to buy influence and absolute power.

Power to do whatever they want with no consequences, power to destroy their enemy even if he is in the White House. Power to reshape the world in their own image. The warlord is back onstage and at the centre.

So its time to get over the race-o-phobia and become an out and out racist like me. I like my race, and it is up to me to keep it so!

You can hate me for being Jewish and for believing that “in the beginning Yah created” and for living in Israel, but in turn you must allow me to return the compliment. It is when you make the dialogue a monologue that things go wrong. The object of ‘racism’ is to do exactly that, and in so doing, to ensure that Judeo-Christian based society is always at a disadvantage and unable to defend itself.

I hate anti-Semitism in all its forms, but I love free speech more and I am sad that anti-Semitism is at the forefront of the attack on the First Amendment.

The Holocaust is a terribly blunt instrument when used to bludgeon a political agenda into our culture. The Holodomor and the Holocaust were committed by socialists who conscientiously believed that their politico-religious objectives justified the mass murder of innocents. For those same socialists to then project this onto Judeo-Christian culture through the weapon of ‘racism’ is a travesty of truth and a re-enactment of the same crimes.

It is deemed ‘racist’ to equate Manchester and Muslim terrorists. “Then they came for me”, and I must all walk peacefully into the gas arena just like the Jews did. The Jews thought they were being relocated, and we have been taught that it is the Christian duty morally and racially correct thing to ignore the linkage between Muslims and terrorism. Woe betide anybody who thinks differently!

The Jews were guilty of being successful, and an establishment full of replacement theologians was deeply jealous. But, on the whole, the Jews did not insist in killing all unbelievers as do the Muslims. One might accuse some Jews of warmongering, but many more Christians were also warmongers, and in 1914 the fatal decision was made in the supposedly Christian Court of the Hapsburg Emperor and not in a sinister churchyard as many like to believe.

The Nazis went through a very sophisticated and at times theatrical charade to keep the Jews from understanding their fate, but there was still a backlash in the Warsaw Ghetto. News of the exterminations leaked out. Some survived the Sobibor mass breakout, and the cat was out of the bag. Jews now suffered from ‘showerphobia’…

I know that there are those out there who deny the Holocaust, but I would say this, the modern-day archaeology of the Reinhardt camps shows a huge investment in killing. If the Holocaust was a hoax, then it was an extremely expensive and extensive one.

The current Islamo-fascist Holocaust is expensive and extensive too, paid for by ourselves every time we put gas in our car. We could wipe out the Islamic menace just by boycotting OPEC oil and opening up Alaska. Think about it.

But cui bono?

Who takes money from Islam to ensure that this never happens, and who takes Islamic money to ensure the Islam is included in the ‘race’ industry?

I think we know the answers. The initials HRC come to immediately to mind.

But I am not ‘race-o-phobic’. I am racist and proud of it, and if the time comes for my own ‘Warsaw ghetto’, then I will be there, hopefully with an FN FAL, with which I did my basic training. But a Lee-Enfield or Garand will do!

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

18 thoughts on “Race-o-phobia

  1. MC – the comment that I must make is that you apparently still live in a free country. In much of Europe, talking as you do would land you in jail.

    Recently, I came across a visitor from Lebanon (rather pro-Israeli, incidentally). After some time in Canada, he became shocked at the level of word/thought policing that goes on here. Compared to Lebanon.

    The situation is bad. It by now looks as if the future in Sderot is probably better than the future in many parts of Europe. At least you know who your enemy is and can say so openly.

    • Yes, one can tell it is a free country by the distain in which it is held by the supposedly ‘free’ world. I think if I were writing in Hebrew that I would get a visitation, and I would be asked to desist for the sake of cohesion, but it would be a request rather than a demand.

      More likely however would be an illegal attack by the forces of terror; the left or Islamic.

      This is the world in which we live, a world mesmerised by its own self-righteousness.

  2. Killing those whose ideas are different is saying that my ideas are so lousy that they would never survive in debate or argumentation…and killing opponents is the only way I will ever win. Killing is a marker, therefore, of the epitome of inferiority.

  3. Admittedly I know little about Islam, so my impression might be mistaken. I’ve never heard “mercy” and “redemption” mentioned as tenets of Islam as with Judaism and Christianity.

    • From what I red Islam is a double think thing: There is also mercy, but the way it is set up you will find both mercy and no-mercy in Koran, and the ultimate decision whether to kill or not is on the holy guy called Imam.

      Its like EU laws – there are exceptions and contradictory statements to every law, and if you know the right guy, you can get the decision you want. That is the secret of the ruling class secretly avoiding fair justice.

      • It appears that whichever Imam has the interpretation of the moment, so to speak, and the political and military to back it up is the one with the most forceful impact. Run afoul of hime spells big trouble. They really need to get into systematic thought.

      • “Those who claim that Jesus was averse to killing and war, harm his prophetic mission.”

        This is one I’ve never heard. Thanks for the link.

    • In Islam killing you, the infidel, [it] can be considered merciful, so you do not have to continue your “miserable” life as a “dirty kuffar”.

      • I rather think of putting them our of our misery. Whether it’s merciful for them can be debated. It sure is merciful for those who would be their victims.

  4. It’s easy to be a racist in a remote place like Israel. Try being a racist in Cambridge, Mass. You will be treated with more respect and understanding if you kill children than if you utter any true statement about Islam.

    • That is because you allow it to be so. if you allow bad people to dictate the narrative then bad things will happen. Keep turning things around on them, keep accusing them of the same racism they try and weaponize.

      It is never easy to expose evil, even here in Israel, it is always easier to do a 3 monkeys.

  5. All I am allowed to say now is, “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified,” which is a historical fact. Of course, what you do with that fact is up to you. I am encountering the thought police in the business profession as loyalty to the narrative is now more important than merit or ability. Western culture may be digging its own grave but I refuse to grab a shovel and help.

  6. Islam behaves as all totalitarian ideologies behave when confronted with opposing thought or beliefs – it kills them.

  7. If the Book of Revelation is correct, then there is a strong possibility that Islam will indeed rule the world. Israel will suffer, but ultimately, with God’s help, she will win the battle.

    I heard that the plan for WWIII was to play Islam against Christianity with the ultimate goal of destroying both. However, I feel that the “elite” might be quite surprised when Christianity withdraws from the fight (Lord have mercy on them for they know not what they are doing – thing)…

    And Islam will go forth and conquer uncontested – until they hit upon Israel, who is not bound by new testament morality…

    Christianity will disappear from this Earth, and there will be no one left to hold back the evil.

    The socialist muslims have no idea about the nature of fallen man, and so they have no idea about the purpose of Christianity – to keep peace. They are in for a big surprise.

    • Personally, I don’t believe in the ‘rapture’ the verses interpreted as describing the ‘rapture’ could also be describing the feasts of Yah, particularly Taruwah as described in Leviticus 23. The ‘Rapture’ theology has rendered the Christian voice in the USA redundant as Christian believers have come to see the future as irrelevant to them as they are to be ‘snatched’ away, how convenient!

      This in turn allows the bad guys a break, and they will take full advantage of it, so when the is the profound realization that there is no ‘rapture’ Christians will be compromised, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, but it will be too late.

      “even to the fooling of the very elect….”

      • The “Christian voice in the USA”? Very few American Christians are concerned with eschatology or “the rapture”, as you call it. It’s an old language and equally old expectation, no longer relevant in most American Christian daily life. However, that kind of “end times” thinking inevitably arises in times of extreme turmoil.

        For a parallel example, look up the origins of the word iconoclast. Not its meaning, but its origin.

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