Whether Wind or Rain

These bulletins do get old.

Right now there is the tee-tiniest two-cell storm, thundering above me. The wind, which had earlier picked up, has now died to a still anticipation and the temperature is dropping.

This temperature would be seasonable in northern Florida in mid-April, but not here, as we approach our ‘official’ frost date. In other words, far too warm for mid-April, putting the Spring blossoms frustratingly on fast-forward. Now you see the tulips, now you see the petals lying on the not quite-mulched soil…

Had we a heath handy, I’d take my turn as Lear…

Here’s hoping those internet tin cans don’t cut our connection…again. When it comes to technology, we live in beta mode land.

3 thoughts on “Whether Wind or Rain

  1. Note to comment moderator: I’m trying to see what markup will work and what won’t, so I’m choosing to comment on a thread unlikely to be viewed by anyone.


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