A 42-year-old “Australian” man has been arrested on suspicion of plotting to develop missiles for the Islamic State. Police are now in the process of searching the suspect’s rural property in New South Wales, and are using a drone to help them with their enquiries.
In other news, a recent Gallup poll indicates that 73% of Bulgarians want a complete halt to Muslim immigration into their country.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Anestos Canelides, JD, Jerry Gordon, Nick, Reader from Chicago, Seneca III, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Anti-Trump Army: Holder Says Obama Will Reappear Soon, “It’s Coming”, “…He’s Ready to Roll.”
President Trump believes that Barack Obama has been behind many of the leaks coming out of the White House, and rightfully so — it’s Obama’s people that are making them happen.
Obama loyalists and holdovers are everywhere, and it isn’t unreasonable to think that they are taking orders directly from the man himself. It has been made clear that Obama is going to go against the norms of past Presidents and actually fight against a sitting President.
When is Obama set to reappear? According to former Attorney General Eric Holder, it’s soon. When I write a new article, I’ll email it to you:
Holder knows about the inner-working of his old boss — heck they even did fun things together like fast and furious, which lead to the deaths of civilians and law enforcement officials. He has been in communication with the former President, and seems to be quite excited about the idea of Obama becoming visible in politics again.
As reported by leftist Politico,…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Effect helping to destroy Clinton News Network
CNN’s brand has continued to struggle.
CNN, which President Trump has referred to as the “Clinton News Network,” now trails both MSNBC and Fox News in brand perception, according to findings from YouGov. Both MSNBC and CNN have fallen far behind Fox News in recent months.
[Comment: Trump switched on the spotlight of truth and helped public see what the media really is — the enemy of the Amercian people — the same goes for their globalist masters.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Democrat Leaders Turn on Obama and His Secret Shadow Government
The mainstream media narrative is all about the people versus Trump, the Democrats versus Trump, and even the Republicans versus Trump! But what is scarcely being reported is the Democrats versus the Democrats, or more specifically the Democrats versus Obama’s shadow government. You see, rather than retiring peacefully or giving corporate speeches for his corporate overlords a la Hillary, Obama is continuing to work behind the scenes to undermine the Trump administration; and even the Democrats are getting sick of it.
In the following video, Right Wing News looks at the OFA, the community-organizing machinery from the former president’s election campaigns that still exists today. This shadow organization answers directly to Obama and Democrats feel that it is costing them votes. What are the implications when a former president is secretly working to undermine the current, democratically-elected one?
[Comment: Belongs in jail for sedition and treason. Same with Soros.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Homeschool Mom Arrested, Children Seized by CPS for “Educational Neglect”
The government values education; in fact, they value it so much that they’re willing to go to great lengths to exercise control over curricula in every school district in every state so as to ensure that children receive the education that they deserve.
That’s what Kiarre Harris (shown) discovered when her two children were snatched away from her because the government deemed her teaching to be inadequate.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
ObamaCare in Limbo: Repeal or Let Die
President Trump is right: we need to repeal ObamaCare, not let it die on its own. And the GOP needs to know that if they don’t repeal ObamaCare, they will “own” ObamaCare. They will be pilloried and “primaried” out of office if they renege on their promise to repeal the ACA.
Until and unless they can correct healthcare pricing, Republicans shouldn’t even dream of “replacing” ObamaCare — they should repeal only.
That means resetting America’s healthcare and health insurance back to what it was before the Pelosi-Reid-Obama axis got their hands on it; it means going back to the way things were just three years ago when ObamaCare became operational.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Ohio Investigation Reveals Voter Fraud
Findings from an investigation in Ohio disprove claims that voter fraud is a “myth” or a fabrication resulting from Republican racism, as Democrats allege. According to an announcement from Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, “an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally,” NBC News-Columbus reported Monday. “According to a release from Husted, 385 people who are not citizens of the United States are registered to vote in Ohio. Out of those, 82 voted in at least one election in the last year.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Orlando Nightclub Attack: Gunman’s Wife Released on Bail Before Trial
THE wife of the Islamic State fanatic Omar Mateen who killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida has been freed on bail, before her trial.
Noor Salman, the widow of the terrorist has been accused of obstructing justice and aiding and abetting her husband’s material support to the Islamic State.
Although Oakland-based Judge Donna Ryu said the government’s evidence was “debatable”, she insisted that Salman is not a flight risk or a danger to public safety, according to the BBC.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Shocking Aerial Footage Shows What the Oroville Dam Looks Like Now
Earlier this month, we all heard the news that the Oroville Dam was damaged, and that thousands of residents living in its shadow would have to be evacuated. Fortunately the dam held, and the residents of Oroville were able to return to their homes. For the most part the story has since faded from the news. However, the damage remains.
When the crisis was at its peak, you may have heard about what specifically went wrong with the dam. The main spillway was damaged when the dam operators attempted to release some water to control the depth of Lake Oroville. Essentially, a crater unexpectedly emerged in the middle of the spillway, and when the water flowed through that hole, it eroded the soil beneath. So the dam operators decided to let the water flow over an emergency spillway instead. But as the emergency spillway began to erode as well, an evacuation order was issued.
But hearing that doesn’t really do it any justice. To really appreciate the magnitude of what occurred that day, you have to see it with your own eyes. And now you can.
On Monday the California Department of Water Resources stopped the flow of water down the spillway so that they could assess the damage. Here’s what they found:
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Enemies of Donald Trump Are the Enemies of America
Trump is turning on the lights. The rats are upset and running scared. We are entering a battle right now in America. Last night showed me clearly that the enemies of Donald Trump are indeed the enemies of America.
The generous, gracious optimism of the conservative listeners at our first black president’s pilot congressional address fully illustrated the spirit of a unified America. The right side of the house was warm and welcoming. Acknowledging defeat, they very visibly had chosen to walk forward believing the best of their new president. His words were filled with promise. Eight years later, sadly, most of the promises he made that night were shown to be part of an elaborate sales pitch that has left our country in ruin.
Last night, mirroring the attitude of the crazies they represent — and of course siding with the liberal media that has fully promoted ‘Trump hate’ and the past eight years of America’s division — the liberal left side of the House of Representatives made shameful fools of themselves. They carried their determinedly orchestrated fit into what should have been the kickoff of a cooperative bipartisan effort toward a stronger America, 2017.
Instead, joining Nancy Pelosi and her fellow white-garbed ‘suffragettes’ in remaining silent and seated throughout Trump’s speech, America’s liberal representatives completely put their seal of approval upon the childish behavior of their snowflake constituency. In the face of the clear speech coming from the sane and solidly successful new leader of the free world, the left side of the aisle’s return message was to simply placate and reassure the babies who keep them employed.
Many of the libs wouldn’t even stand with the ovation for the widow of Navy Seal Ryan Owens — the man who gave his life in service to our nation. How would their honoring him have detracted from their Trump hate? And again when Jamile Shaw Sr. received the condolences for the loss of his son Jamile Jr. — KILLED BY ONE OF OBAMA’S ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO HAD BEEN TWICE DEPORTED PRIOR TO THAT AVOIDABLE MURDER — many of the left would not stand in that Trump-led show of sorrow and respect.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Greatest Start for Any Modern President
It’s time for someone to say it.
Donald Trump’s first 40 days in the White House rival those of any modern American president for excitement, controversy, accomplishment, work ethic, courage, boldness and real leadership.
Think about that. Is there any question? Is there any doubt?
If he continues like this, there could be a new face on Mount Rushmore in the future.
I’ll also add this, based not only on his speech to the joint session of Congress Tuesday night but on his overall performance in his first 40 days: This is the most overtly “conservative” start to a modern presidency — including the iconic conservative presidency of Ronald Reagan.
Did you ever expect to see a president in your lifetime slash the illegitimate power and the funding of the Environmental Protection Agency? I lost hope long ago on that issue. I thought property rights were dead. Yet, on Tuesday, Trump ordered an end to the rule that permitted the EPA to govern the land use of any so-called “wetland” in the country by pretending they were all “navigable waters.”
Trump did this long after “conservatives” had thrown in the towel on property rights.
Trump may not be the “Great Communicator” Reagan was. But what he lacks in performance skills he more than makes up for in the kind of boldness that puts his political adversaries on the defensive.
While I will not offer a blow-by-blow review of a speech everyone had a chance to see for himself, I continue to be amazed at the president’s feistiness and tenacity. Not only is he always on offense, he still never misses a chance to defend himself as well.
Suffice it to say that none of us have ever seen anyone quite like Donald Trump.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Satanic Temple Has Experienced a Huge Surge in Membership Following the Election of Donald Trump
The election of Donald Trump has been the best thing that has ever happened to the Satanic Temple. Founded in 2013, this relatively new organization now boasts chapters all over the country, and over the past couple of months they have experienced a huge surge in membership. Recently the Los Angeles chapter held a full-blown Satanic mass that included “a live bloodletting ritual”, but mostly it is the Satanic Temple’s ultra-liberal politics and anti-Trump message that is fueling interest in the group.
Of course the Satanic Temple is not officially aligned with the Democratic Party, but without a doubt the organization is extremely opposed to everything that Donald Trump says that he stands for. The following comes from L.A. Weekly…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Watch: Democrats Think Trump’s Job is to Represent the World, Not America
In their minds, our job is exclusively to service the needs of the third-world as penance for slavery and colonialism
During President Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday, Democrats refused to clap after Trump said his job is to “represent the United States of America” and not “the world.”
“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America,” President Trump said. “Free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people, and America respects the right of all nations to chart their own path.”
While the Republicans gave President Trump’s remarks a standing ovation, almost all the Democrats stayed seated and didn’t move an inch.
In their minds, our job is exclusively to service the needs of the third-world as penance for slavery and colonialism.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Hate Spewing Toronto Islamic Centre Torched in Arson Attack
The Reign of Islamic Da’wah located at 874-A Weston Rd may have suffered an arson attack according to CP 24.
The Islamic center is affiliated with Masjidul-Furqaan
Now before the media gets carried away with its usual “Islamophobia” frenzy lets take a look at the hate spewed by this outfit and its disturbing Prison Da’wah initiative.
Following is the report I did in August of 2013
Toronto Masjid Conducting Prison Da’wah Throughout North America Hates You, Your Society, Your Religion & High Heels
Masjid al-Furqaan & Islaamic Centre located in Toronto conducts Prison Da’wah throughout the US & Canada — it claims.
A noble cause? No? No.
Here’s a letter from a Muslim prisoner happy to have been converted to the joys of Salafism. Lots more to read here.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Emmanuel Macron Egged at Show in Agricultural France
FRENCH presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was left with egg on his face after being attacked by a protester.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
European Union — EU Leaders to Meet Pope Francis Ahead of Rome Summit
EUROPEAN leaders are set to hold an historic meeting with the Pope later this month when they head to Rome to unveil their make-or-break plans to revive the struggling EU.
Brussels chiefs are hoping the Pontiff can provide them with the “leadership” they are lacking to help solve the debilitating crises tearing the bloc apart.
The 28 heads of government will meet with Pope Francis on March 24, the day before they all gather in the Italian capital to celebrate the 60th birthday of the EU and launch its “rebirth”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Geert Wilders Given Military Police Protection on Election Campaign
GEERT Wilders will be protected by a special unit of the Netherlands’ military police as he resumes his campaign into the run up to the country’s general election.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Italian Intelligence Warns of ‘Concrete’ Plans for Terror Attack
The Italian intelligence agency has warned the country’s lawmakers that an attack from Islamic State is likely and Rome is the most probable target for the radical Islamist group.
The intelligence report, which was presented by Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni and intelligence chief Alessandro Pansa at the Palazzo Chigi, claims the risk of Islamic terrorism in the country and the rest of Europe is incredibly high. According to the intelligence agency, there is a particular worry after Islamic State mentioned Rome by its Arabic name “Rumiyah” in the latest issue of its magazine Dabiq, La Repubblica reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Le Pen Victory Will Destroy European Union, Warns Enrico Letta
A MARINE Le Pen victory in this spring’s presidential election would be “game over” for the European Union (EU), according to a former Italian prime minister.
The Front National leader is surging in the polls and a win would signal the “end of Europe”, Enrico Letta claimed yesterday.
He said the upcoming French election was even more important than the upcoming federal and presidential votes in Germany due to the former’s place at the UN Security Council.
Mr Letta said: “You would have the end of Europe. I think the European Union can’t survive with Marine Le Pen in the European Council representing France. It will be game over.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
A gang has been jailed for more than 30 years after they killed a great grandmother in a ‘callous and dishonest’ cash-for-crash scam.
Sabir Hussain, Raja Hussain, Shahrear Islam Miah and Muhammed Ubaidullah have all been jailed for their involvement in a deliberate ‘crash for cash’ which killed 88-year-old Betty Laird.
Mrs Laird was in a car being driven by her friend Jeff Grimshaw, 77, who also died after the crash in Leeds in September 2014.
For only the second time in British legal history, Judge Mr Justice James Goss convicted the gang in the absence of a jury which he dismissed after jurors said they had been offered sums of £500 in return for not guilty verdicts.
He called the harrowing incident a ‘terrible end’ to Mrs Laird’s life, adding: ‘To be killed for reasons of callous, dishonest financial greed is shocking.’
Raja Hussain (left) was found guilty of manslaughter and conspiracy to defraud and jailed for 15 years. Sabbir Hussain (right) was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the same offences — and was already serving a seven-year sentence for firearms offences
Shahrear Islam Miah (left) was jailed after four years for conspiracy to commit fraud. Muhammed Ubaidullah (right) admitted manslaughter, conspiracy to commit fraud and attempting to pervert the course of justice
Mrs Laird sustained fatal spinal injuries after a Volkswagen Passat driven by Sabbir Hussain, 25, ploughed into the Renault Kangoo she was a passenger in. She died four hours after the collision.
Mrs Laird’s friend Jeff Grimshaw who was driving at the time of the crash, died weeks later ‘believing he caused her death’…
— Hat tip: Seneca III | [Return to headlines] |
“The Golan is Ours”- Israel Sovereignty and American National Security
An interview with Ambassador Yoram Ettinger (ret.)
A momentous joint press conference was held at the White House with President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu on February 15, 2017. For the first time in recent memory, a US President was not demanding that Israel relinquish sovereign territory that had been granted under international law. That meant that the Jewish nation was entitled to negotiate secure borders in the land west of the river…
— Hat tip: Jerry Gordon | [Return to headlines] |
McCain Made Secret Trip to Syria to Meet U.S. Military, Anti-Assad Rebels
This was McCain’s first visit to Syria since 2013. A CNN report back on May 27th, 2013 cited a statement from McCain’s communications director that he had visited with anti-Assad “rebels” in Syria. The report noted that While in Syria, McCain met with General Salem Idris, the leader of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army.
The support that McCain gave to the Free Syrian Army by means of his visit was problematic, however. A report from Breitbart on July 8, 2014 noted that several factions within the “moderate” rebel army may not have been so moderate after all. It observed:
Reports coming out of eastern Syria Monday revealed that several factions within the Syrian opposition force known as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have pledged services to the Islamic State, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). Sources and eyewitnesses said that the FSA has handed over its weapons to the Islamic State in large numbers.
The Free Syrian Army was said to be a “moderate” and “secular” force, which was used as the rationale by U.S. officials to supply the opposition force with weapons and training.
Sources told Homs, Syria-based Zaman Alwasl newspaper that several factions within the FSA, including Ahl Al Athar, Ibin al-Qa’im, and Aisha have pledged to support the Islamic State.
The report noted that the Obama administration had delivered weapons, supplies, and CIA-sponsored training to the Free Syrian Army.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
US Stepping in to Ease Greece, Turkey Tensions
Washington appears to have activated a channel of communication with Ankara in a bid to reduce the recent spike in tensions with Greece in the Aegean Sea.
According to sources, the US recently asked Ankara to tone down its aggressive stance in the Aegean. It is not known how Ankara has taken the American initiative, but it is clear that Washington fears a possible incident in the Aegean between the two NATO allies, which could destabilize the alliance’s southeast wing.
Meanwhile, the incendiary rhetoric emanating from Ankara, albeit from nongoverment politicians, continued Tuesday with the leader of the ultra-right MHP party Devlet Bahceli speaking of Greek islands that remained “under occupation.”
Bahceli is an ally of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and supports the bid by the Turkish president to expand his executive powers in the referendum that will take place in Turkey on April 16.
Citing what he described as international law, Bahceli called for the “unconditional end to the occupation of the islands,” referring to a string of islands and islets in the eastern Aegean…
— Hat tip: Anestos Canelides | [Return to headlines] |
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman disembarked from a gold-clad plane via an escalator as he touched down in Indonesia with 1,000 aides and an array of expensive personal touches.
Cheering crowds welcomed the 81-year-old on Wednesday as he began the first visit by a Saudi monarch to Indonesia for almost 50 years, seeking stronger economic ties with the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country.
Among his demands for the nine-day trip has been a VIP toilet built for him at a mosque in Jakarta and 506 tons of luggage including two escalators and a pair of Mercedes-Benz limousines.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Man Arrested for Planning to Help ISIS Develop Missiles
SYDNEY — Australian counterterrorism police arrested a man on Tuesday who officials say was planning to advise the Islamic State group on how to develop missiles.
Australian Federal Police arrested the 42-year-old electrician during a raid at his home in the rural New South Wales town of Young following an 18-month investigation, Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin told reporters in the nation’s capital, Canberra.
Haisem Zahab, an Australian-born citizen, is accused of researching and designing a laser warning device that could alert the Islamic State group to incoming guided weapons used by coalition forces in Syria and Iraq, Colvin said. He is also accused of researching, designing and modeling systems to assist the extremist group’s efforts to develop their own long-range guided missiles, Colvin said.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Young Terror Raid: Police Dig Up Home of is Missile Plot Suspect Haisem Zahab
POLICE today sent up a drone above the Young property where electrician Haisem Zahab was yesterday arrested accused of designing a missile for terror group IS, as part of a search of the homestead.
The main focus of the police search has remained inside the home throughout the day with police spending some time condoning off an area off the backyard located next to some small sheds.
This comes as officers were spotted digging up sections of Zahab’s home as they continued their search of the Cherry Vale Place property where the electrician, 42, was allegedly accessing substantial amounts of information on line about what materials he could buy to build the missile and a laser warning device as well as instructions on how to construct it…
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuela is Down to Its Last $10 Billion
Venezuela only has $10.5 billion in foreign reserves left, according to its most recent central bank data.
For rest of the year, Venezuela owes roughly $7.2 billion in outstanding debt payments.
In 2011, Venezuela had roughly $30 billion in reserves. In 2015, it had $20 billion. The trend can’t persist much longer, but it’s hard to know exactly when Venezuela will run completely out of cash.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
20 Million Africans Could Come to Europe in the Next Few Years
Europe could be inundated with as many as 20 million African migrants over the coming years, the president of the European Parliament has warned.
Calling for an African Marshall Plan — a reference to the aid package handed to Europe by the U.S. following World War Two — Antonio Tajani has said Europe must also fund the building of refuges in Libya or face an ongoing migrant wave.
“Either we act now or 20 million Africans are going to come to Europe in the coming years,” Tajani told Die Welt.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
73 Per Cent of Bulgarians Want to End Muslim Immigration
A large majority of Bulgarians would support a total ban on citizens of Muslim-majority nations entering their country.
A total of 73 per cent said they would support the policy, with just 14 per cent opposed the idea.
The survey by Gallup International for Nova TV also found that 77 per cent of Bulgarians view immigration as a threat to the country — a dramatic increase from 47 in 2015, before the migrant crisis fully hit Europe.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Democrats Boo Trump Proposal to Give a Voice to Victims of Immigrant Crime
“We must support the victims of crime,” Trump said
During President Trump’s address to congress on Tuesday, the Democrats booed his proposal to give a voice to victims of immigrant crime.
“We must support the victims of crime,” Trump said. “I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims.”
“The office is called VOICE,” he said. “Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests.”
The Democrats were heard booing loudly in response.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Fake News: “Ten Attacks Per Day on Refugees” Lie Exposed
The controlled media’s claim that there were “ten attacks per day” on “refugees” in Germany during 2016 is utterly false, as a study of the original data reveals that two-thirds of the “offenses” have nothing to do with physical attacks on “refugees,” and that the figures even include at least 156 criminal acts committed by “refugees” themselves.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Illegal Alien Speaks Out About Being Illegal, Gets Arrested
An illegal immigrant decided to speak publicly at a news conference about her immigration status Wednesday. She was later detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.
Daniela Vargas, 22, was detained in Jackson, Miss. shortly after speaking at the press conference, The Clarion-Ledger reports. Vargas, an Argentine national who arrived in the U.S. at age 7, was previously protected under President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Her DACA status, however, recently expired.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Katie Hopkins Reports From Hellacious Sweden, ‘Where Females Fear to Tread’
Journalist answers Swedes’ pleas to expose Islamic invasion nightmare
I didn’t come to Sweden for the riots. Or because of Trump. In fact, I was supposed to be here in December — before airline strikes stood in my way.
I came because I was asked. Repeatedly.
Swedish women reaching out by email, by letter, to quietly show me what has become of their country.
Dads writing that they were worried for their daughters, tweeting that Sweden is not the place people imagine it to be, that young girls are scared to go out at night.
A news feed filled with reports of the rape and assault of Sweden’s young women, some inexplicably streamed live on Facebook by the gang as they attacked.
When Trump turned the world’s attention to Sweden by clumsily referring to the effects of mass-migration on what used to be seen as the most liberal country on earth, the country was ready and waiting to blow.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Mexico Won’t Take Back “Foreign” Invaders
The Mexican government has refused to take back invaders who are not Mexican citizens-even if they entered the U.S. from Mexico.
[comment: Under Mexican law, even if a child is born to Mexican parents while in the US, that child is a Mexcian citizen. US is not allowed, in US law to classify the child as an Amercian citizen when anothe country has claim on the citizenship of that child.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Migrant Takes Pregnant Woman Hostage in Hamburg Refugee Centre
A REFUGEE wielding a knife has gone on the rampage in a migrant centre in Germany and taken his pregnant girlfriend hostage.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Muslim Asylum Seeker Jailed for Life for Killing ‘Infidel’ Landlady in Germany
A MUSLIM asylum seeker has been sentenced to life behind bars after he smashed his landlady over the head with a phone before strangling her to death with its cable.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Swedish ‘Ikea Killer’ Asylum Seeker Wants to Serve Sentence in Eritrea
An Eritrean migrant who murdered a 55-year-old woman and her son in an Ikea because his asylum application had been rejected is requesting to serve his sentence in Eritrea after being threatened and beaten in multiple Swedish prisons.
The lawyer for 37-year-old Eritrean failed asylum seeker Abraham Ukbagabir requested that his client should be transferred to his native Eritrea after he had received threats and had been beaten multiple times by other inmates the Swedish prison system, Afton Bladetreports.
On August 10th 2015, Ukbagabir went to an Ikea in the central Swedish city of Västerås. Once in the shop, he proceeded to go to the kitchenware department and grab a knife, then without warning stabbed a 55-year-old woman and her 28-year-old son to death.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
A mother-of-two opened up her home to a grown man posing as an Afghan ‘12-year-old refugee’ who later attacked her family.
The woman said she lives in fear after the man, who said his name was Abdul, threatened to kill her family after he was arrested for assaulting her relatives.
During an emotional interview on ITV’s Loose Women, the mother, who was renamed Julie for anonymity reasons, has now called on the Government to carry out proper age checks on refugees coming to the UK…
— Hat tip: Nick | [Return to headlines] |
UN to Help Cameroon Deport Nigerian “Asylum Seekers”
The West African country of Cameroon last week deported 517 Nigerians-including 313 who falsely claimed to be asylum seekers-and the United Nations plans to help send back at least 85,000 more during March.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
While U.S. Targets Illegal Immigrants, Spain “Jails 65 Illegal Bankers”
Is everyone focused on the right enemy?
At the heart of every truly wicked and dark corner of the system’s activities is the central bank, and a scheme for domination.
It’s probably why everyone always advises ‘follow the money.’
While the Trump Administration is cracking down on immigration, and scoring big populist points for being tough on foreign criminals and undocumented families, he holds in his administration a who’s who of Wall Street’s banking elite, the very leaders of the mega-banks that caused the 2008 economic crisis, and who continue to drag the economy dangerously close to repeat disaster as the atmosphere of predatory financial dealings continues…
A lot of Americans would cheer on putting some of those guys on trial, those most responsible for rigging the economy and looting from the American people.
Instead, they remain at the helm of the ship.
Perhaps instead, they should take a lesson from Spain — and Iceland before it — – by charging elite bankers for their roles in illegal banking.
via Business Live:
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Disney Channel Cartoon Features Network’s First Same-Sex Kiss
Crowd of cartoon characters appear to deliver same-sex kisses to gay and lesbian partners
A Disney Channel cartoon series aired the network’s first same-sex kiss in a recent episode.
A season two episode of Star vs. the Forces of Evil entitled, “Just Friends,” aired on the Disney XD cable network, features characters breaking into a musical about romance.
At one point (1:27) people surrounding the main characters begin kissing, with many in the crowd also appearing to deliver same-sex kisses to their gay and lesbian partners.
HeatSt.com points out this is not Disney’s first foray into homosexual activity in its shows:
Disney has also reportedly been entertaining the prospect of an LGBT Disney princess, with a campaign last year urging the cartoon giant to turn the princess Elsa from the film Frozen into “a lesbian princess.”
The Disney XD cable channel admittedly “offers a mix of live-action and animated programming for kids 6 — 11 years.”
[Comment: Time to toss out the TV. Or at least cancel the Disney subscription.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Target Stocks Down $15 Billion Since Promoting Transgender Agenda
Value down 30% while WalMart gains 3% in same period
The stock value of transgender-champion Target Corp. crashed by 13.5 percent this week after the company’s sales again fell below investors’ expectations.
Target’s stock value is now down by 30 percent since it sparked a consumer boycott by embracing the transgender political agenda. That 30 percent drop has slashed investors’ wealth by roughly $15 billion.
On Tuesday, the stock fell to $58.78, down from its April 19 high of $83.98. In contrast, WalMart is up 3 percent since April, and Kohl’s is down less than one percent.
Company officials indirectly acknowledged the consumer boycott. “Our fourth-quarter results reflect the impact of rapidly changing consumer behavior, which drove very strong digital growth but unexpected softness in our stores,” Target CEO Brian Cornell said in a company statement. The company also admitted that it would likely continue to experience losses through the year.
[Comment: How did these buffoons rise to runa business?]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
How did these buffoons rise to run a business?
I suspect it is the case of “gays bringing in more gays” and so on… We have something similar running the state sponsored financial black hole called “the czech railroad”. Everyone at the top is gay, and they give each other millions in wages off of state money. They protect each other too…
In case of Target and such, it looks like their ivory towers flashed false reflections from the outside, and they went for disasterous “Let’s force LGBTQXYZ… on the population”
But they didn’t realise that the sense of “disgust” with gay behavior is real! I mean, nobody here want’s to beat or kill gays, but Homosexuals should realise their behaviour is not the norm, and that it does look disgusting to a straight person, and that it is clearly the way a straight brain works, and no amount of forced propaganda can change that.
And I say, good on them. If they think they can “make pressure” or “influence” their customers, then they are not following the basic rule of business: “My customer is my master!”
You pretty much nailed it in your second and third paragraphs.
Heck, if you watch the MSM, ad-dollar driven media you wouldn’t be out of line believing that 90% of the US are interracial couples and 50% are homosexual.
Target, Macys, Starbucks, Damon, Streep etc all off my shopping list…forever.
DeCaprio, too!
I enjoyed “unexpected softness”. Only to be expected at my age.
It doesn’t matter what agency they have guarding Geert Wilders if they keep letting Muslims on his team. Please wise up before something unforgivable happens to Mr. Wilders!
Also, one can only hope LePen’s election would mean the end of the EU. It could have been a great tool for the people of Europe, but instead it’s been used to oppress and endanger their very existence. If it’s not going to be used properly, it needs to go. And did you hear that they stripped her of her immunity from prosecution and if she doesn’t win, they’re going to jail her for tweeting pictures of Daesh executions? Acknowledging reality is a criminal offense now.
If Le Pen wins, the forces now aligned against her, will, just like they have done with Trump’s win, pull out all the stops to bring her down based on whatever it takes and the actions of which will probably lead to all out massive civil unrest or civil war.
But, regardless of who wins this year in France, the Globalists are preparing to usher in an eventual civil war in Germany, France and the U.S. or all out world war, to bring us all down.
I’m sure they realize what they are up against, I just hope that they have an adequate response to it.