Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/28/2017

During a Mardi Gras parade in the town of Gulf Shores, Alabama, a car suddenly accelerated into the members of a school band that were marching in front of it, injuring at least eleven people. The reasons for the sudden acceleration are not clear, but local officials believe the incident was nothing more than a “horrific accident”.

In other news, in response to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s remarks that his administration had “done nothing”, President Donald Trump averred that Ms. Pelosi was “incompetent”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, Jerry Gordon, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» March 2017: The End of a 100 Year Global Debt Super Cycle is Way Overdue
» Andrew Breitbart, Controversial as Ever Five Years After His Death
» Anti-Trump Mob Viciously Attacks Man Outside Bar in Ohio
» Congress Investigates Fraudulent Science Used by NOAA to Push UN Global Warming Treaty
» DeVos Appointment: Mother of All Mistakes
» Former ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activist: Leaders Wanted to Burn Mn Gov’s Mansion, Capitol
» High School Punishes Student for Supporting Donald Trump
» Judge Orders California to Release Papers Discussing Risk of Cellphone Use
» Keith Ellison Believes Black Americans Exempt From U.S. Laws
» Like a Snowflake Only Dumber: American Bar Association President Linda Klein Doesn’t Get it
» McCain and Soros
» Oscars Star ‘Gary From Chicago’ Is Attempted Rapist Fresh Out of Jail
» POTUS: Obama is Behind Leaks, Unrest
» Senior CIA Agent and Deputy Director of the Directorate of Intelligence Worked Closely With Owners and Journalists With Many of the Largest Media Outlets
» The Latest: 11 Injured During Mardi Gras Parade in Alabama
» The Rampant Incivility of the Left
» The SPLC is Again Faking a “Hate” Crisis
» Trump on Pelosi: “I Think She’s Incompetent, Actually”
» Unreported: 1,500 Pedophile Arrests Have Been Made Nationally Since Trump Took Office
» What This Woman Was Shown About the Future of the United States Will Shake You to Your Core
» Women’s March Organizer is a Convicted Terrorist
Europe and the EU
» French Election Turns Ugly as Globalists Escalate Attacks on Le Pen
» Panic in Sicily as Mount Etna Volcano Erupts
» Sticker Shock! Cost of UN Climate Pact: $100 Trillion
Israel and the Palestinians
» Has a New Era in US Israel Relations Begun With a White House Joint Press Conference?
» The Israeli Approach to Women in Combat
» Door Knocks in the Dark: The Canadian Town on Front Line of Trump Migrant Crackdown
» ITIN: The Massive Tax Loophole Allowing Illegal Aliens to Defraud American Citizens
» Islam Set to Overtake Christianity as Most Popular Religion

March 2017: The End of a 100 Year Global Debt Super Cycle is Way Overdue

For more than 100 years global debt levels have been rising, and now we are potentially facing the greatest debt crisis in all of human history. Never before have we seen such a level of debt saturation all over the planet, and pretty much everyone understands that this is going to end very, very badly at some point. The only real question is when it will happen. Many believe that the current global debt super cycle began when the Federal Reserve was established in 1913. Central banks are designed to create debt, and since 1913 the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 6800 times larger. But of course it is not just the United States that is in this sort of predicament. At this point more than 99 percent of the population of the entire planet lives in a nation that has a debt-creating central bank, and as a result the whole world is drowning in debt.

When people tell me that things are going to “ get better” in 2017 and beyond, I find it difficult not to roll my eyes. The truth is that the only way we can even continue to maintain our current ridiculously high debt-fueled standard of living is to grow debt at a much faster pace than the economy is growing. We may be able to do that for a brief period of time, but giant financial bubbles like this always end and we will not be any exception.

Barack Obama and his team understood what was happening, and they were able to keep us out of a horrifying economic depression by stealing more than nine trillion dollars from future generations of Americans and pumping that money into the U.S. economy. As a result, the federal government is now 20 trillion dollars in debt, and that means that the eventual crash is going to be far, far worse than it would have been if we would have lived within our means all this time.

Corporations and households have been going into absolutely enormous amounts of debt as well. Corporate debt has approximately doubled since the last financial crisis, and U.S. consumers are now more than 12 trillion dollars in debt.

When you add all forms of debt together, America’ s debt to GDP ratio is now about 352 percent. I think that the following illustration does a pretty good job of showing how absolutely insane that is…

[Comment: Most of this “debt” is for interest loans to private central banksters. A nation should never relinquish issuing of interest free currency authority to a private central bank that charges interest. This is the greatest scam ever perpetrated. There is a reason these people are trillionaires from looting the wealth of western nations.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Andrew Breitbart, Controversial as Ever Five Years After His Death

Wednesday, March 1 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of conservative icon Andrew Breitbart. We think it is important to remember his legacy, as his name is heard often these days, and his influence looms large. For those not familiar with him, Andrew was a larger than life character who figured in the establishment of several prominent media institutions that play significant roles in today’s journalistic landscape. He was first associated with the Drudge Report, famous for scooping Newsweek on its Monica Lewinsky story; The Huffington Post, the very popular leftwing blog; and Breitbart News, from which came the left’s chief bogeyman, and Donald Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon.

Five years after his untimely death, we at Accuracy in Media want to remind people who Breitbart was, and why he is so influential in an age of so much fake news by the mainstream media. AIM presented Andrew with the Reed Irvine Award for Excellence in Journalism in 2010, and he gave an historic speech before a packed room that called out the media for its dishonesty.

“I want to convert these people, not to conservatism,” Breitbart said of the media during his acceptance speech. “[Reporters will] eventually get there if they get to see the facts. I want to hold these people accountable to the standards that they offer at the J school, that is objective journalism.”

Breitbart was greatly concerned about bias in the media. During a 2011 interview on Accuracy in Media’s Take AIM, he spoke extensively about the “Democrat Media Complex.” The extent of cooperation between the media and Democrats was more recently revealed through leaked emails during the 2016 presidential election.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Anti-Trump Mob Viciously Attacks Man Outside Bar in Ohio

In yet another example of anti-Trump violence, a man was beaten outside a bar in Kettering, Ohio, leaving him with a fractured eye socket.

Lee Arron Jackson says he was leaving Elsa’s Sports Grill with his friend and girlfriend when the mob of 12 individuals became rowdy and began loudly “complaining about President Donald Trump,” according to WHIO.

Jackson’s friend told the group to “simmer down” and was followed outside by three men from the mob.

“It was just casually. No bad tone. He was just joking with them in a sense. Just trying to pass through,” said Jackson, adding that his friend was then punched in the back of the neck.

Jackson tried to intervene, but was quickly attacked by the mob, some of whom began filming the assault on their cell phones.

“We got swarmed,” Jackson said. “I had six strangers beating me up … I remember feeling something break in my face … I remember asking them why they were doing this.”

“Four or five of the guys got me strapped across my girlfriend’s car hood and so they had me held down on the car hood while the biggest one just punched me in the face repeatedly,” he added.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Congress Investigates Fraudulent Science Used by NOAA to Push UN Global Warming Treaty

Rep. Lamar Smith is leading an effort to force the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to release cooked data President Obama and his media allies used to garner support for the immensely onerous and outrageously expensive UN Paris Agreement on climate change.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

DeVos Appointment: Mother of All Mistakes

When Betsy DeVos’ name came up as candidate for Secretary of Education, a howl of protests rose from both sides of the aisle. Being Trump, the President would not budge and managed to get her into that position. Already the ramifications are, well, HUGE!

The very first action of Ms. Devos, as Secretary of Education, was to buck Trump who had overturned Obama’s law to grant rights for men to have access to girl’s bathrooms, showers and locker rooms everywhere, including schools.

This insane Obama maneuver was properly cancelled by executive order of our new president. Yet, according to numerous news reports, Ms. DeVos began her term by opposing the reversal of the knuckle-headed Obama transgender school mandate.

Ms. DeVos told President Trump that she was uncomfortable because of the potential harm that rescinding the protections could cause transgender students. Harm to the deviants? What about the majority of the kids?

The New York Times reported: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who strongly opposes expanding gay, lesbian and transgender ‘rights’, fought Ms. DeVos on the issue and pressed her to relent because he could not go forward without her consent. The order must come from the Justice and Education Departments.”

Tony Perkins wrote: “They went on to say that for nine months, parents, local districts, and states have been storming the courthouse doors to fight back on the decree, which insisted that every public school force students into the humiliating situation of sharing showers, restrooms, and locker rooms, with members of the opposite sex.”

These kids do not need co-ed showers, locker rooms and toilets. They need counseling. Mental illness should be treated, not celebrated.

Ms. DeVos stated: “The Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights remains committed to investigate all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are the most vulnerable in our schools.” And who might that be? It is certainly not the degenerates.

Mrs. DeVos has bought the leftist belief that “objective, immutable biological sex has no intrinsic meaning, including in regard to modesty and privacy.” A federal district court in Texas, however, held that the term ‘sex’ unambiguously refers to — now get this — BIOLOGICAL SEX! Case closed!

LifeSiteNews reported earlier that Ms. DeVos and her husband Dick DeVos have a long history of siding with homosexual and transgender advocates, and against pro-family and tea party Republicans in her native Michigan. So how on earth could President Trump even consider turning her loose on all of our school children? President Trump needs to rescind her appointment without delay.

Now let’s take a look at Betsy’s husband, Richard DeVos a flim flam business man who headed the ultimate pyramid financial scheme, AMWAY.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Former ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activist: Leaders Wanted to Burn Mn Gov’s Mansion, Capitol

A former Black Lives Matter activist is making stunning accusations against fellow agitators in an unprompted YouTube video.

Trey Turner, who says he protested police killings in St. Paul, Minnesota, created a video to expose what he learned while he was active with the group.

He said while much of the protesting was a party, the rhetoric grew threatening and sinister.

“I had a debate with one of the lead organizers of the Black Lives Matter movement in St. Paul,” Turner said. “His name was Brian Allen and during this debate with him, I was called a racist, and I was called an Uncle Tom because I said that blacks need to address the killing of each other just like they need to address the killings by police.”

[Comment: BLM funded by?…you guessed it…Soros.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

High School Punishes Student for Supporting Donald Trump

An 11th grade student at a high school in Georgia says he was punished for expressing support for Donald Trump.

Patrick Ragozzine received an administrative warning after he defended Trump over claims made by other students that the president was racist.

The school is located in Canton, Georgia, which is about 45 minutes from the city of Atlanta.

“I overheard some students bashing Donald Trump, making false claims that he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobic person,” writes Ragozzine, adding that his teacher did not intervene until Ragozzine began defending the president.

“The teacher defended the other students and began lecturing me on Trump’s “hateful” rhetoric and how the other students have the right to hold those feelings,” he added.

School officials later summoned Ragozzine to a meeting and told him that he couldn’t discuss politics in the classroom. Ragozzine says he was told that the area has a large Latino population and that “it’s wrong to be discussing a wall”.

[Comment: All conservatives should pull their kids out of public school and begin homeschooling.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Judge Orders California to Release Papers Discussing Risk of Cellphone Use

California could have to hand over some documents on cellphone use it tried to keep under wraps.

On Friday, a Superior Court judge ordered the state to release papers discussing the possible risks of long-term cellphone use.

The documents were written by the state’s Environmental Health Investigations branch and are believed to contain cellphone radiation warnings and recommendations for public use.

But the state refused to hand them over when requested by a director at University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Keith Ellison Believes Black Americans Exempt From U.S. Laws

Muslim congressman said blacks under no ‘obligation to obey government’

Democratic congressman and DNC chair front-runner Keith Ellison once said that “black people don’t live in a democracy” and “don’t have an obligation” to obey the government.

Ellison made the comments at a 1992 protest after white police officers were acquitted in the beating of Rodney King. At least 63 people died in the racially charged riots following the verdict.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Like a Snowflake Only Dumber: American Bar Association President Linda Klein Doesn’t Get it

American Bar Association President Linda A. Klein recently lashed out at President Trump because Trump dared to criticize a Seattle judge who blocked his immigration order.

“Make no mistake,” Klein fumed, “personal attacks on judges are attacks on our Constitution.”

Oh are they now? Judges are magically transparent standard bearers of constitutional DNA? Judges cease being political creatures the moment they don the robe, and therefore, they must be kowtowed to in prostrate-position silence? It is vital that our judiciary remains independent and free from political pressure — independent from party politics, independent from Congress and independent from the president of the United States himself.”

One would think Ms. Klein had never met a real judge. But that can’t be true, can it?

Klein’s outrage isn’t run-of-the-mill stupidity. It is the sort of stupidity that can only be nurtured in all-powerful, self-congratulatory, carnival mirror hothouses such as academia, newsrooms, and the American Bar Association.

This is Master Black Belt Six Sigma-level stupid.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

McCain and Soros

John McCain accepted millions from the Left to silence Conservatives. McCain followed orders from his multi-million-dollar-donor, George Soros, to help Liberal Democrats construct the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill that exempts News Media, but regulates Conservative, pro-life and Tea Party political speech. How has McCain-Feingold silenced Conservatives? In 2011 and 2012 our Internal Revenue Service (IRS) delayed many of our conservative groups’ campaigns for the 2012 presidential election for months and years. In fact, as you read this, some Conservative groups are still not allowed 501(c) (4) fund-raising status due to alleged McCain-Feingold-prohibited-speech. (1) (2) (4) (5)

George Soros? Look him up (3) & (5). McCain’s own Alexandria, Virginia, REFORM INSTITUTE was formed to (among other things) hide funding from Soros’ Left Wing OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE. Soros planned, incited and financially backed McCain-Feingold after expressing anger at many Republican election wins. He may have succeeded; IRS audits may have won the 2012 election for Obama, using McCain-Feingold to target Conservative groups with harassment, threats, unconstitutional, intimidating questions and long delays. Then the IRS obstructed justice for years — blamed “rogue agents” and destroyed evidence of systematic IRS voter-targeting in Chief Lois Lerner’s computer. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

In May 2013, a Treasury Inspector General audit discovered how, before the 2012 election, IRS Agents targeted groups with Patriot and Tea Party in their names to enforce McCain-Feingold. Lois Lerner admitted the IRS “inappropriately targeted” conservatives. In February of 2014 Dave Camp, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, confirmed 100% of 501(c)(4) groups selected for IRS audit prior to the 2012 election were conservative! (1) (2) (4)

Republicans must realize our own Government (the IRS) opposes Republican Conservatives and ignores Democrats. IRS Chief, Koskinen donated $100,000 to Democrats. The 150,000 IRS Agent Union donated to Democrats and endorsed Obama. IRS ex-Chief Lerner used many anti-GOP insults in emails and called Tea Party members “crazies”. Our Senate Finance Committee described the illegal acts of IRS thugs targeting Republican Tea Party groups with cover-words like “partisanship”, “incompetence” and “gross mismanagement”. But the weasel-words hide ugly crimes against Democracy. McCain, Feingold, Levin and Soros have corrupted our elections by urging militant and partisan Government Agents to silence Conservative voters by using Federal police-powers dictated by McCain-Feingold. And as late as 2013, Senator McCain and Senator Levin still complained the IRS was “not reining in political advocacy groups”. (1) (2) (4) (5)

Bill Heuisler (Republican, Marine, Cop, Investigator & author of 3 books on Amazon). I am amazed how easily our rights to vote and Freedom of Speech have been stolen through the treachery of John McCain and his friend, George Soros.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Oscars Star ‘Gary From Chicago’ Is Attempted Rapist Fresh Out of Jail

The man who stole the show at the Oscars as ‘Gary from Chicago’ was convicted of attempted rape and served more than 22 years in prison, reveals.

Gary Alan Coe and his fiancee Vickie Vines were part of the group of tourists Jimmy Kimmel invited inside the Dolby Theater during the ceremony Sunday night, gaining instant celebrity.

The pair made an impression as they calmly snapped photos of the celebrities sitting just inches from them, revealed they were engaged and even got fake-married by Denzel Washington.

Gary, a native of the South Shore of Chicago, was only able to attend the ceremony because he had been released three days beforehand, he told ABC7.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

POTUS: Obama is Behind Leaks, Unrest

“I think he is behind it, because his people are certainly behind it.”

President Trump hit out at his predecessor Tuesday, suggesting that Obama is encouraging unrest and could even be behind the leaks that continue to come out of White House meetings.

In an interview with Fox & Friends, Trump was asked if he thinks Obama was at all responsible for protests that continue to be held targeting Republicans, and whether it constitutes “a violation of the so-called unsaid presidents’ code.”

“You never know what’s exactly happening behind the scenes. You know, you’re probably right or possibly right, but you never know.” Trump said, adding “I think he is behind it, because his people are certainly behind it. I also think it is politics, that’s the way it is.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Senior CIA Agent and Deputy Director of the Directorate of Intelligence Worked Closely With Owners and Journalists With Many of the Largest Media Outlets

Newly-declassified documents show that a senior CIA agent and Deputy Director of the Directorate of Intelligence worked closely with the owners and journalists of many of the largest media outlets:…

An expert on propaganda testified under oath during trial that the CIA now employs THOUSANDS of reporters and OWNS its own media organizations. Whether or not his estimate is accurate, it is clear that many prominent reporters still report to the CIA.

A 4-part BBC documentary called the “Century of the Self” shows that an American — Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays — created the modern field of manipulation of public perceptions, and the U.S. government has extensively used his techniques.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Latest: 11 Injured During Mardi Gras Parade in Alabama

Police in the Alabama beach town of Gulf Shores say a car participating in the city’s Fat Tuesday parade accidentally plowed into a band, leaving three young people in critical condition and eight others with less-severe injuries.

City spokesman Grant Brown tells The Associated Press that the band had just entered the parade route Tuesday morning when a car behind the group lurched forward into the group.

Brown says the vehicle struck multiple people, injuring 11 in all. Details on the most severe injuries weren’t immediately available.

Brown says there is no indication the crash was anything other than what he calls a “horrific accident.” Brown says he’s not sure whether the band was from a school in Gulf Shores or elsewhere.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

The Rampant Incivility of the Left

Those who are mindlessly opposed to Trump and the conservative movement only demean themselves by making odious comparisons, either directly or by insinuation, to those in the pantheon of the most vile and evil men to ever walk the face of the earth. The various factions of the Left that traffic in this demagoguery succeed only in being complete incoherent fools — not in convincing others of their viewpoints.

It is an admission that the Left knows it cannot compete in the larger arena of ideas. They know the only means they have to accumulate power and win elections is by:

1) Destroying the opposition through vile personal attacks,

2) Organizing and pre-planning demonstrations to appear spontaneous,

3) Orchestrating occasional violence at marches to ensure media coverage,

4) Utilizing their allies in the mainstream media to propagate false and misleading stories, and

5) Accelerating the spread of outright socialist anti-American propaganda through their fellow travelers in the education and entertainment establishment.

These are, in fact, some of the same strategies utilized by the despots of recent history in their seizure of power. If there is any group in the United States today that could be truthfully compared to the Fascists, it is the current iteration of the American Left.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The SPLC is Again Faking a “Hate” Crisis

It’s been called the “King of Fearmongers,” though it’s better known as the SPLC. Yet it’s again earning the quoted appellation, shamelessly faking an “Islamophobia” crisis — and using the ruse to fleece gullible donors.

[Comment: The sky is falling, the sky is falling…did you hear? the sky is falling…give us more money so we can stop the sky from falling.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump on Pelosi: “I Think She’s Incompetent, Actually”

Tuesday in an interview that aired on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” President Donald Trump reacted to comments from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi over the weekend saying his administration has “done nothing.”

Trump called Pelosi “incompetent” and pointed to the current state of the Democratic Party as evidence.

“Well, I’ve been watching Nancy’s statements, and I think she’s incompetent, actually,” Trump said. “You know if you look at what’s going on with the Democrats and the party, it’s getting smaller and smaller. You know, in a certain way I hate to see it because I like a two-party system. And we’re soon going to have a one-party system. I actually think a two-party system is healthy and good. But she’s done a terrible job.”

“I don’t think she’s a good spokesman,” he added. “She’s certainly wrong. There are those who say I’ve done more than anybody in a hundred days.”

[Comment: Still remember her saying something like “you have to sign it before you can find out whats in it” in reference to passing obamacare.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Unreported: 1,500 Pedophile Arrests Have Been Made Nationally Since Trump Took Office

Trump addressed how human trafficking is a “dire problem” domestically and internationally in meeting last week

President Donald Trump is making good on his pledge to use the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators.

Since Trump was sworn in, authorities have arrested more than 1,500 pedophiles in the United States.

“This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question — why?” Liz Crokin wrote for on Feb. 25.

The numbers are “staggering” when compared to the less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests made in 2014 according to the FBI.

In a press conference from the White House on Feb. 23, Trump addressed how human trafficking is a “dire problem” domestically and internationally. “Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time as you know — it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks,” he said.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

What This Woman Was Shown About the Future of the United States Will Shake You to Your Core

[WARNING: Disturbing Content.]

Judgment is coming to America very soon. Recently, Julie Whedbee was shown what life will be like for believers in the United States during the Tribulation. She has been having dreams and visions for over 20 years, and she is someone that I have come to hold in high regard. What was revealed to her about the future of the United States is quite chilling to say the least. She was shown a time when Christians have to live in hiding in a post-apocalyptic America where millions of people have already been killed. The following is a short excerpt from what she wrote about this experience…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Women’s March Organizer is a Convicted Terrorist

One of the organizers for the next women’s anti-Trump march is an illegal immigrant who was convicted of terrorism. According to the Daily Mail, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, 69, is a former member of the Marxist-Leninist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) who was convicted of killing two men in a bombing at an Israeli supermarket and is facing deportation for lying about her involvement in it in her citizenship application. Odeh and her fellow organizers are calling on women to take part in an anti-capitalist, feminist march next month to oppose President Trump and his “aggressively misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and racist policies.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

French Election Turns Ugly as Globalists Escalate Attacks on Le Pen

Desperate socialists pulling out all stops to crush populist uprising

Journalists accused of bias. Judges said to be taking orders from the president. The country in a state of “near civil war.”

This isn’t America’s bitter presidential election campaign last year, but France’s in 2017.

The latest comments from conservative Francois Fillon, who has accused the Socialist government of failing to protect candidates, underline the increasingly ugly tone of France’s campaign.

Clashes in the western city of Nantes at the weekend during a demonstration against far-right leader Marine Le Pen and attacks on buses transporting her supporters were “unacceptable,” he said on Monday.

On Sunday evening, he accused the government of “failing to create the conditions for the peaceful exercise of democracy,” accusing it of allowing “a climate of near civil war to develop in the country.”

Seven police officers were injured on Saturday in Nantes including one with serious burns when anarchists and vandals began throwing rocks and firebombs during an anti-Le Pen protest.

[Comment: Globalists in western nations are using paid communist agitators and other useful idiots to intimidate the populist uprising. Look for Soros fingerprints…the situtation in France and other western nations is his MO.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Panic in Sicily as Mount Etna Volcano Erupts

Europe’s largest volcano has come alive

Europe’s biggest and most powerful volcano has begun erupting, sparking fear on the holiday isle of Sicily.

Italy’s Mount Etna has started spewing lava in what is its second eruption of the year.

Giant fountains of lava could be seen sprouting from the volcano, located on the isle of Sicily, as far away as Catania, around 30 kilometres away, and the resort town of Taormina.

The Meteorological Observatory in Nunziata said: “You can clearly see the lava fountains, although currently modest, as it escapes from the crater in the southeast.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sticker Shock! Cost of UN Climate Pact: $100 Trillion

Danish environmentalist/statistician Bjørn Lomborg says the UN Paris Climate Agreement would cost an astronomical $100 trillion — while only producing a 0.3 degree temperature reduction by 2100.

[Comment: It is amassive looting and wealth redistribution scheme under the guise of “saving the earth”.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Has a New Era in US Israel Relations Begun With a White House Joint Press Conference?

A Discussion With Shoshana Bryen of the Jewish Policy Center

At last, a US President casts doubt on the folly of a two state solution to resolve the impasse between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Trump’s remarks at the first joint press conference with Israeli PM Netanyahu on January 15, 2017 in response to a question about crafting a peace left the door open to other possibilities as the basis for a settlement, if one can be achieved between the two neighbors.

Trump said:…

           — Hat tip: Jerry Gordon [Return to headlines]

The Israeli Approach to Women in Combat

Historically, the IDF has had to divert immense resources just to keep the state’s borders secure from hostile raiders. Involving first line units in this task wears them down and detracts from combat training. As a result the IDF has used reservists, territorial troops, and home guards for this task whenever possible, but there are never quite enough troops.

In 2000, the IDF sought to partially alleviate this problem with the formation of the Caracal battalion, the IDF’s first all-female infantry unit. The creation of the battalion killed several birds with one proverbial stone. It provided additional troops for the border security mission, took pressure off the IDF to integrate women more fully into the ground forces, and provided a long-term practical testing ground for the viability of female infantry. The results are now in. Limited line of communication and security missions yes; full scale combat no.

That is not to say that the Caracal battalion has been a failure. Far from it. In 2009 it was reformed as a mixed gender unit, and since that time three other mixed gender infantry/security battalions have been added. On at least two occasions female troops have successfully engaged in border skirmishes.

Recently, the IDF decided to fully rationalize the process of training and staffing these units based on lessons learned over the years, and one of those lessons is that for all their spirit and willingness to serve, female troops are not capable of functioning as regular combat infantry.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Door Knocks in the Dark: The Canadian Town on Front Line of Trump Migrant Crackdown

Jaime French was jarred out of bed in Emerson, Manitoba early one morning this month by pounding at her front door, just yards from the U.S. border. A face peered in through the window, flanked in the darkness by others.

Outside were 16 asylum seekers, arriving at one of the first houses they saw after crossing a lightly monitored border between Canada and the United States.

“They banged pretty hard, then ‘ring ring ring’ the doorbell,” said French, a mother of two young girls. “It was scary. That really woke me up.”

The town has become the front line of an emerging political crisis that is testing Canada’s will to welcome asylum seekers.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

ITIN: The Massive Tax Loophole Allowing Illegal Aliens to Defraud American Citizens

One year in Atlanta, GA, in excess of $46 million in ITIN refunds were sent to a single address by the IRS for 24,000 illegal aliens who reportedly listed that same address on their tax returns.

In 1996, the IRS began issuing a new type of tax identification number, the Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). ITINs are assigned to U.S. taxpayers, predominately illegal aliens and their dependents, who are not eligible to obtain a Social Security number. The primary purpose of ITIN’s was to capture the previously untapped source of new federal tax revenue from undocumented workers.

According to the National Immigration Law Center, the most recent information (August 2012) indicated that there had been 21 million ITINs assigned to taxpayers and their dependents by the IRS. ITINs assigned to illegal alien dependents from Mexico do NOT have to prove that they have ever set foot in the U.S., let alone that they are in the U.S. at the time of application. Over 9 years and up to 2010, the IRS paid over $14.2 billion of American tax dollars in refunds to illegal aliens, for alleged dependents from whom no identification or residency documents were obtained, and from whom they received $0 in tax revenue.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Islam Set to Overtake Christianity as Most Popular Religion

With 1.6 billion, Muslims made up 23 percent of the world’s population

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and will overtake Christianity as the most popular before the end of this century, according to an analysis of religious surveys published Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.

With 1.6 billion, Muslims made up 23 percent of the world’s population, according to a 2010 Pew estimate. That figure was still some way short of the 2.2 billion Christians which comprised 31 percent of the population.

However, by 2050 there could be near parity between the numbers of adherents of the two religions for the first time in history. The reasons for this rapid growth are thought to be the greater number of children Muslims have compared to other religious groups and the comparatively young age of Muslims.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

19 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/28/2017

  1. Women do not suit combat roles. That should be foremost in the Secretary of Defense’s mind and he should act accordingly. Stop the bending over for feminists and affirmative actioners who only do what they do because they are encouraged to do it!

    • I completely agree. The fact is, women are physiologically not equal in strength or endurance to males, and on the whole are a net liability in direct combat.

      Comprehensive Statement for the Record of Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on Women in Direct Ground Combat

      The distribution of body types across women guarantees there are at least some women who more-or-less meet the stated physical requirements for combat. But, their presence requires the use of resources to adapt to the presence of women, putting missions at risk for a very marginal benefit.

      The benefit to the country as a whole is to have the most effective military possible, not to promote a virtual equality which doesn’t exist in reality. Everyone loses with an ineffective military, far outweighing any possible benefits from “equal” opportunity.

  2. I wonder what would happen if the Donald canceled the national debt? When one considers that many, many people have made themselves super rich from fiat money that is absolutely worthless unless you plow it back into tangible assets, such as real estate or precious metals, and that weekly pay check’s only value is what the Banking system at the time permits, because there is no tangible value in printed numbers on a sheet of paper. So what would happen if one day the World Banking system received the biggest shock of all time if individual countries decided to cancel their national debts and all at the same time?

    • I was discussing the same with a coworker a while back. My assertion is that when the global economy tanks, Trump’s reaction will be to default/declare bankruptcy/cancelling of all financial obligations. My reasoning was that in his business and financial life, he has taken that route several times in order to restructure his empire.

      I would caution those with financial instruments for investments that history indicates the new sherriff in town will not necessarily honor the claims of the rentier class when the choice is between those with families facing eviction from their homes, and those who have profited from the financialization of anything and everything since the deindustrialization of America began in earnest.

      • Moon, I think this plays heavily on Trump’s mind, and I guess one of the indications of the world’s elite suddenly realizing with Trumps’ victory that they may be on the road to becoming insolvent, is the level of invective with menacing they are sending Trump’s way.

        I believe there is a reset button in all financial markets when the big players realize that they have overshot their greed and those they have been fleecing for well over 100 years are no longer going to put up with it and the criminal greedy may stand to lose everything.

        Re-negotiation of that national debt could be one aspect whereby the nation offers to pay, say, one cent on every two dollars, which is better than zero. In lawyer speak it is called, ‘throwing them a bone’ to which they have no legal redress, except to declare the nation as insolvent – to which they then get nothing.

        Debt cancellation would require the waiting- in- place replacement monetary system to take the economy away from a centralized Banking system and provide some guarantee to those who have been reliant in some form on the old system in order to survive financially.

        I also believe that Trump has a strong sense of justice in him to counter the wrongs of this world and you may be right about the little folk being protected – almost as good as breaking into your Bank, locating and then burning those mortgage papers eh!

    • Trump needs to fix money. Without fixing money, we get more of the same. Fix money, and there is no debt to the bankers for creating money from thin air.

      Repudiating the fake national debts is part and parcel of it. Bloody leeches…

      • vera, by ‘fixing’ the money I am assuming that you mean to re-value the money so that what is presented as payment for services rendered is worth the actual amount as represented?

        Please correct me if I am wrong.

        Paper money is intrinsically worthless as it is cheap to print and has about as much redeeming value as stocks and bonds or certificates etc, when the markets crash. And crash again they will if we remain imprisoned under this current world slave making financial system.

        Do you remember a time when what you earned was given to you in cash?

        When that system was in place didn’t you find it much easier to budget? And the only way you could spend outside your means was to take a loan out from an accommodating Bank?

        If we have to continue to use paper money then it should at least have a redeemable value to it printed on it – try and find that ‘redeemable value’ on today’s notes.

        I agree with you – most of them involved in our enslavement are leeches.

    • You have to be very careful with financial dealings.

      Canceling the national debt will also mean those people with investments in government bonds will lose their investments. This includes pension funds, retired people, and simply people who put their trust in the government.

      Also, there could be a problem with deflation, or money being worth more. Deflation is devastating to people with debt, such as people with mortgages. The payments would stay the same, but their salaries, with deflation, would go down. Deflation, in fact,was one of the reasons for the impoverishment of the small farmer in the Roman empire, and the enslavement of the entire class due to the draconian penalties for defaulting on debts.

      • Ronald. I believe the Federal Reserve as with all Central Banks have to go the way of the dinosaurs – for all our futures sake. And that includes the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements who are tied in with the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the European and British Monarchies and of course our old familiar friends, the Rothschild’s and their lackeys, etc, etc.

        By defaulting on the American national debt Trump would in all probability seriously undermine the above or may even bring the whole house of financial cards crashing down on top of those who deserve it the most.

        You put up some weighty points that could be expected to occur to those who are most reliant on the current system, but they would only be reliant on the current system if the current financial system remained in place.

        What if another financial system with more accountability and based on the nation’s wealth was brought into force while still guaranteeing payments of some kind and value?

        Wasn’t the American Dollar originally based on the Nation’s wealth and wasn’t it once expected that all Banks be solvent in their business dealings by maintaining reserves equal to that lent out?

        Why can’t we go back to that system? What is really stopping us from doing that?

  3. The last war with Islam lasted from the 7th to the 17th century. We were Christians, then.

  4. The post-apocalyptic vision of Julie Whedbee sounds like current life under ISIS in the Middle East – not the USA!

  5. I’m surprised the Oscars “Best Movie” mix up hasn’t been blamed on the Russians. Making Warren Beatty look like an old fool….Putin’s invisible hand is everywhere.

    • You mean he isn’t an old fool? And I just thought he was acting…

    • No lie, I have seen people ranting and wailing that it was a conspiracy by white people to “put black people in their place” by reminding them who’s really on top, even though a black movie actually won. They were serious! No, it couldn’t possibly be because the guy in charge of making sure the correct envelope was too busy tweeting to pay attention and sent the wrong one out. Everything is an anti-black conspiracy.

  6. I wonder how you get on the Soros payroll. I could use some extra cash. I could show up to the marches to take a view selfies as “proof” I did my job and then just go home!

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