In Chicago, four young black people were charged with a hate crime and battery for kidnapping a young mentally-challenged white man and torturing him whilst taunting him with racial epithets. Facebook refused to answer questions about why it had allowed the torture video to be live-streamed for thirty minutes before it was pulled.
In other news, German security officials met seven times to discuss Anis Amri during the year before he committed his murderous truck jihad in Berlin. In possibly unrelated news, officials revealed that Mr. Amri had acquired identity papers under no fewer than fourteen separate aliases, two for each time security officials met to discuss him.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Dean, JD, LP, MC, Nick, Reader from Chicago, Seneca III, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Gets New Push Under Trump
President-elect Donald Trump has heaped scorn on the central bank since the beginning of his presidential campaign
Controversial legislation to subject the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy powers to outside scrutiny is getting new life in Washington.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have re-introduced legislation to “Audit the Fed,” after a similar effort stalled in the last Congress.
But such a proposal, which has been vocally opposed by Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, may face its best odds ever of becoming law. Both chambers are controlled by Republicans long critical of the Fed’s policies, and President-elect Donald Trump has heaped scorn on the central bank since the beginning of his presidential campaign.
Paul specifically mentioned Trump in a statement about the bill Wednesday, making clear the measure’s proponents believe they have an ally in their cause coming to the White House.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
ELSTAT: More Than 500,000 Greeks Left Greece Over Past 5 Years
With the financial crisis in Greece continuing to result in more austerities and less money in Greek professionals’ pockets, many people have decided to move abroad.
According to ELSTAT, the Hellenic Statistical Authority, over the past five years more than 500,000 Greeks have left Greece to start a new life abroad.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Another Obama Era First! Racially Motivated Kidnapping and Torture Broadcast Live on Social Media
Remember all the black people who were kidnapped and tortured for voting for Obama twice?
Neither do I.
[Comment: This is part of bankster appointed Obama function…to create a civil war between black and whites to balkanize the US for the benefit of banksters and the coming NWO.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Bernie Sanders Claims He Has ‘Plan to Stop Trump’
‘We have to tell Mr. Trump and his friends that we are not going to put up with this’
Bernie Sanders told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow during a one-on-one Tuesday night that he has a plan “to stop Trump.”
Sanders told Maddow, “The way we are going to stop Trump is not just inside the beltway, you need an outside the beltway strategy. And that’s in a sense what by job is as part of the Democratic leadership.”
“On January 15th for the first time in the history of the Democratic Party, Democrats are going to be organizing rallies across the country in opposition to the Republican budget which calls for throwing 30 million people off of healthcare, throwing their insurance away, part-privatizing medicare, making massive cuts in Medicaid and at the same time giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy.”
Sanders went on to tell Maddow how he wants to “mobilize people” not just in Washington, but in their own state.
“We’re asking U.S. Senators, members of the House, labor unions, environmental groups, senior groups [and] ordinary people, to come together and tell the republican party that their priorities are absolutely backwards [which] we will not accept.”
Sanders said that “thousands” of people per year will die based on what the Republican leadership wants to do. “This is vulgar, this is vicious, and this is unacceptable. We have got to fight back.”
“We have to tell Mr. Trump and his friends that we are not going to put up with this.”
Bernie Sanders wants all Americans to pay tax for others to go to college
At an event to support the New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new ‘tuition-free’ plan Tuesday, the new Democratic Outreach Chair also made remarks illustrating just how backward-thinking his semi-communist liberal mind really is.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
California Makes it Illegal for Parents to Make Medical Decisions
A new Orwellian bill is being proposed in California that will make it illegal for parents to make medical decisions for their own children.
The new SB-18 bill will allow the State to seize children away from their parents and their homes if parents make medical decisions that the State deems not to be in the child’s best interests.
Dr. Richard Pan, the man behind the current mandatory vaccination law (SB-277) is behind this new bill which will takes away yet more power from parents.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Chicago PD Won’t Confirm if Purported Anti-White Torture Incident is Hate Crime
The man was gagged, cut, and kicked by the suspects as they shouted slurs and him trapped in a corner
[WARNING: Disturbing Content. ]
The suspects, two African-American women and two African-American men who are now all in police custody, shouted anti-white and anti-President-Elect Donald Trump phrases at the man.
The victim, who was reportedly taken from his neighboring suburb and brought into Chicago by the suspects has his beating live-streamed on Facebook by one of the suspects, police confirmed. The man was gagged, cut, and kicked by the suspects as they shouted slurs and him trapped in a corner.
When asked whether the incident would be investigated and prosecuted as a hate crime, police officials were hesitant to call the incident an act of hate against the man because he was white, has special needs and potentially a Trump supporter.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Chicano Marxists Prepare for Battle With Trump Administration
As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente. M.E.CH.A
Immediately following the November election, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D) to replace State Attorney General Kamala Harris, who won election to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by the retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Many wonder why Xavier Becerra was chosen by Brown. But all anyone has to do is peek into the radical California Legislature, and fanatical Gov. Jerry Brown, to see the trend of militant Marxist, Socialist, Jesuit, Liberation Theology, Latino activism on the increase.
The goal by these extremists in California is to push the state, and eventually the country to such a crisis, a reorganization is the only cure. That is what Communists do. Modern day “Progressives” as they like to be called, like Brown and Becerra, refer to themselves as Multiculturalists and Progressives. But as history very clearly demonstrates, using Marxism as the cure to anything in society is a very dark fairytale.
The term “progressive” is simply another way of saying “socialist” or “Marxist;” But it’s as important to recognize how liberation theology factors into the radical Latino lawmakers:In Latin America, the big enemy is not Marxism, it is capitalism. And the main enemy of liberation theology, according to its founder, the Rev. Gustavo Gutierrez of Peru, and many of its adherents, is the United States, wrote Michael Novak, the author of the 1984 ‘‘Freedom With Justice: Catholic Social Thought and Liberal Institutions.” Novak describes liberation theology as “gaining its excitement from flirting with Marxist thought and speech.”…
The two most significant Marxist groups in the United States, the Communist Party USA and Democratic Socialists of America, are both committed to increasing the Latino vote in order to give Democrats a permanent electoral majority.
[Comment: Liberation theology…marxist ideology for Catholics.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
CNN Apologizes to Assange After Commentator Calls Him ‘Pedophile’
CNN issued an apology after one of its paid commentators called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange “a pedophile” during a live broadcast Wednesday morning.
Phil Mudd, a counterterrorism analyst for the network, slipped out the incorrect accusation while discussing Assange’s controversial anti-secrecy site on the network’s “New Day” show.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
CNN Panelist Blames Trump for Racist Torture of Mentally Disabled Man
Chicago police say attack was “stupid,” unlikely to be a hate crime
According to CNN panelist Symone Sanders, the vicious attack on a mentally disabled man in Chicago during which his attackers yelled “ Donald Trump” and “ white people,” can be blamed on one man; Donald Trump. Four people are now in custody after a shocking video emerged of an 18-year-old man being tied up, tortured, cut, beaten and forced to drink toilet water while his assailants screamed racial slurs and live streamed the entire thing on Facebook.
The victim was held by his kidnappers for 24-48 hours before being released, at which point he was spotted by police stumbling around in a west Chicago suburb and immediately taken to hospital.
The chilling footage has sparked a fresh conversation about how the mainstream media’s race baiting and its support for ‘Black Lives Matter’, a group that has inspired violence and whose ideological inspiration is a cop killing terrorist, is legitimizing violent anti-white racism.
However, according to CNN contributor Symone Sanders, the main culprit behind the attacks is Donald Trump.
[Comment: She’s the former press secretary for Bernie Sanders.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Cook County State’s Attorney Charges Four With Hate Crimes Related to Attack Posted on Facebook
CHICAGO—Authorities charged four African-Americans with kidnapping and hate crimes in connection with an attack on a disabled white teenager that was streamed live on Facebook while people on the video shouted antiwhite obscenities and taunted President-elect Donald Trump.
The office of the State’s Attorney for Cook County said Thursday that it approved charges—including kidnapping, hate crimes, aggravated unlawful restraint and battery and burglary—against Jordan Hill, Tesfaye Cooper and Brittany Covington, all 18 years old, and Tanishia Covington, 24. The Covingtons are sisters. Lawyers for the four couldn’t be immediately reached for comment.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
‘Don’t Listen to Julian Assange on Anything’: Lindsey Graham Attacks WikiLeaks
S.C. senator tells Americans to dismiss claims by renowned whistleblower.
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham says the incoming Trump administration should ignore Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s assertion that the Russian government did not interfere in the US election.
Appearing on CNN Wednesday, Graham attempted to discredit Assange’s reputation and stated Trump should pay more attention to US intelligence agencies.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Facebook Refuses to Explain Why Live Video of Attack Wasn’t Removed Sooner
Facebook on Thursday refused to respond to mounting questions over its apparent failure to take down a live broadcast of the brutal attack of a young man with disabilities in Chicago.
Wednesday’s Facebook Live video showing a man bound, gagged and cut with a knife amid shouts of “
Donald Trump” undermines the company’s efforts to market the tool.
For the last few months, Facebook has been running a multimedia advertising campaign encouraging users to try its video live-streaming product.
On billboards, television and online the company uses cutesy animations urging users to share warm and fuzzy moments like “hanging out with friends” or “when you see someone walking an animal that’s not a dog”.
At no point does the company suggest using the tool to document torture, police brutality or spree killing — but that is precisely what the tool has, in part, gained a reputation for over the last nine months.
This was brought to the fore most viscerally with this week’s attack in Chicago. The 30-minute assault was watched by 16,000 people, leaving many asking why Facebook didn’t take the content down as it did in the case of the police standoff with Korryn Gaines. Facebook did eventually take down the recorded video, but not before it had been copied and widely shared on YouTube.
Facebook refused to comment on how many people — if any — reported the content, although there appear to have been many comments under the live stream made by horrified viewers who may have also used the report tool. Nor would Facebook tell the Guardian when it first became aware of the video and how long it took to decide to take the footage down from the site…
— Hat tip: LP | [Return to headlines] |
FEMA “Preparing for Dollar Collapse”: Martial Law and Complete Social Disintegration in 2017
Editor’s Note: This one comes from PrepperFortress, pointing out the behind-the-scenes maneuvers that are building up the next wave of crisis potential with flashpoints in the next administration.
Before that transition happens, Homeland Security and FEMA are meeting behind the scenes to prepare emergency response during events that may well include economic collapse, civil unrest, rioting, violence protests and demonstrations, clashes with police, natural disasters, man-made weather events, world war or attack on U.S. soil, cyber attack on the grid or communications and terrorism in many forms.
The response by the system under any future president — unless certain powers are revoked, and the law is reformed — will be martial law. Paramilitary unites affiliated with numerous agencies are preparing right now to take down citizens, prevent uprisings and restore power to the continuity of government by any means necessary — right or wrong, provocation or real events.
That is incredibly dangerous as the future of this nation tends towards economic ruin, deep social divisions and instability on every front. The facts won’t matter after the takeover is underway, and patriots are already marked as potential domestic terrorists, and will be picked-up preemptively.
Alert Dollar Collapse — Obama Gives Green Light To UN To Invade America — Martial Law, WW3 And Fema Camp
by Amy S.
Alert Dollar Collapse — Alert Obama Gives Green Light To UN To Invade America Martial Law WW3 Fema Dollar Collapse Footage
This Video is about that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for fiscal year 2017. Such Notice is to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (CCTA Program). The CCTA Program will provide close to $36 million to state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions to improve their ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to “complex coordinated terrorist attacks” — in collaboration with the whole community.
This Video is about that Selected state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions will receive fiscal 2016 CCTA Program funding specifically to build and sustain capabilities according to these qualifications: Economic Collapse Video…
[Comment: Communists in US would not hesitate to bring in Communists from other countries to quell the “domestic terrorists”.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
CHICAGO (AP) — Hate crime, battery charges filed against four black suspects accused in beating of white man streamed live on Facebook.
— Hat tip: Dean | [Return to headlines] |
Hate Crime: Kidnapping Charges Filed Against 4 in Facebook Live Torture Case
Four people were charged Thursday in connection with the brutal torture of an 18-year-old man with special needs that was streamed live on Facebook.
Jordan Hill, 18, of Carpentersville; Tesfaye Cooper, 18, of Chicago; Brittany Covington, 18, of Chicago; and Tanishia Covington, 24, of Chicago; were each charged with aggravated kidnapping, hate crime, aggravated unlawful restraint, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and residential burglary, according to the Cook County state’s attorney. Hill was also charged with robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle.
In a press conference Thursday afternoon, Chicago police detectives laid out the timeline of events that led up to a man being tied up, kicked, beaten, yelled at, slashed and forced to drink toilet water — all of which was streamed live on Facebook.
Police said they don’t know the motive behind the apparent torture or the suspects’ decision to film it. At one point, the teens, who are black, told the victim, who is white, to say he loves black people.
Police said they investigated the attack as a hate crime and the state’s attorney agreed it met those standards by approving the charges.
“Let me be very clear, the actions in that video are reprehensible. That alone with racism have absolutely no place in the city of Chicago or anywhere else for that matter,” Chicago Police Supt. Eddie Johnson said.
The victim, who is from northwest suburban Crystal Lake, was reported missing from nearby Streamwood by his parents on Monday. Police said they had not heard from him since Saturday, when they dropped him off at the McDonald’s near Schaumburg and Barrington roads to meet up for a sleepover with Hill. Police said the two were “acquaintances” who met at a school in Aurora…
— Hat tip: LP | [Return to headlines] |
Philadelphia Gang Beats Soldier for Wearing Army Jacket
Walking with his mom and girlfriend when a group of young men made “derogatory” comments about his jacket.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal — Breitbart
On Wednesday, President Obama added another prestigious medal to his Nobel Prize collection when he had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service.
Secretary Carter awarded his boss with the medal on January 4 during the Armed Forces Full Honor Farewell Review for the President held at Conmy Hall, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia.
Carter insisted that the medal was a token of appreciation for Obama’s service as commander in chief, the Associated Press reported.
After spending the last few weeks throwing roadblocks in the path of President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team, Obama nonetheless claimed in his remarks to the members of the military in attendance that “We’ve got to make sure that during this transition period that there is a seamless passing of the baton, that there’s continuity.”
Along with the AP, CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller also marked the ceremony with a Tweet to his followers.
Many commenters on Knoller’s Twitter feed were incredulous at the award. Some likened the award to a much maligned “participation medal” and others were skeptical of Obama’s underling giving his own boss a medal.
— Hat tip: Vlad Tepes | [Return to headlines] |
Report: Trump Set to Overhaul ‘Politicized’ Intelligence Agencies
“They all need to be slimmed down”
As the issue of the hacking of DNC emails rumbles on, following the CIA’s assertion that Russia attempted to affect the US election outcome, President-elect Donald Trump plans to ‘slim down’ US intelligence agencies in a restructuring effort, according to a report.
The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that Trump is seeking to overhaul at least two major intelligence agencies, one being the CIA, and the other being the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).
“The view from the Trump team is the intelligence world [is] becoming completely politicized,” an inside source commented. “They all need to be slimmed down. The focus will be on restructuring agencies and how they interact.”
Sources close to Trump say that the new president believes that the ODNI, which was another fallout of the 9/11 attacks, has become overtly politicized, and needs to be restructured.
The agency was established to build better communication between the different intelligence agencies and encourage more information sharing. However, Trump and his advisors believe it has become too ‘bloated’ and wieldy, according to the report.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Shock Video: White Man Kidnapped, Gagged, Beaten by Racist Black Anti-Trump Gang
Forced to say “f**k Donald Trump,” “f**k white people”
[WARNING: Disturbing Content.]
A shocking video shows a white man bound, gagged and bloody as a gang of racist black thugs force him to say “f**k Donald Trump” and “f**k white people”.
The video was uploaded to Facebook live yesterday by a user named Brittany Herring, the African-American woman who appears in the clip.
The 30 minute video shows a young man tied up in a corner with blood coming from his head. The man’s mouth is gagged as thugs humiliate and abuse him.
The victim is repeatedly kicked and hit while forced to denounce white people and Donald Trump…
Will the media even cover this footage or will news networks like CNN bury the story as they continue to hype hoax hate crimes faked by anti-Trump leftists?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Staying Off Grid When “Nearly Everything is Chipped, Almost Everything is Tracked”
If you weren’t paranoid before, it may be time to start paying attention.
“They” are spying on everything you do, and are collecting information about every purchase, appliance, vehicle or place you make, do or interact with. For the first time in history, we have arrived at a time when nearly everything is chipped, and almost everything is tracked.
It really is true, and it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
They are spying on everyone, collecting all the available data and tracking you, your family and everyone you know. All the time.
And worst of all, it does matter, it will be used against you — for revenue collection, social control, fines, fees and evidence if necessary — even if you haven’t done anything wrong. Is it any wonder why many states have made living off the grid illegal, and have attempted to get everyone on the grid?
If you don’t conform to the habits of most Americans — and harvest alternative stores of power, fuel, food, water and supplies, then your energy use and digital footprint (or lack thereof) will cast you as a suspicious anomaly, worth of investigation, seizure of goods, subject to violations and codes, and NOT off the radar.
Meanwhile, your interaction with other people will intercept data about you and your activities even if you don’t carry a smart phone or wearables.
The extremes are already here. The murder case where police have sought data from an Alexa smart device is just the beginning of what is to come:…
More and more of these smart chips are being integrated into absolutely every imaginable device.
Unless you are investing in vintage equipment, you will be buying into this system, even with basic appliances
An alarming report in 2013 highlighted concerns over some Chinese-made irons and tea kettles that included wireless spy chips… for purposes unknown, since these devices are not “smart” gadgets with computer interfaces and high-dollar functionality.
To this date, Qualcomm has shipped over a billion of Internet of Things (IoT) chipsets, the San Diego-based semiconductor manufacturer revealed on Tuesday. While speaking at the CES Unveiled press event yesterday, the company’s Senior Vice President of Product Management Raj Talluri said that the firm is already serving all segments of the IoT industry, from smart TVs and thermostats to connected speakers, wearables, and home assistants. Talluri specifically pointed out that smartphones and tablets aren’t included in the one billion figure.
Qualcomm’s impressive shipment numbers are mostly driven by the company’s presence in the wearable industry… numerous consumer electronics manufacturers are already implementing the cutting edge Snapdragon 835 chipset into their products…
As this chart demonstrates, the Internet of Things (IoT) will literally incorporate devices throughout consumer & home, retail, security and surveillance, IT and networking, transportation and industry, healthcare, energy
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The FBI Never Asked for Access to Hacked DNC Computer Servers
WASHINGTON — The FBI did not examine the servers of the Democratic National Committee before issuing a report attributing the sweeping cyberintrusion to Russia-backed hackers, BuzzFeed News has learned.
Six months after the FBI first said it was investigating the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s computer network, the bureau has still not requested access to the hacked servers, a DNC spokesman said. No US government entity has run an independent forensic analysis on the system, one US intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Curse: Anti-Trump Macy’s Closing Stores, Cutting 10k Jobs, Stock Collapsing
Ever since Macy’s severed ties with Donald Trump and attacked him as a racist, their company has been imploding.
Trump said all like-minded patriots should boycott the company on July 1st, 2015.
[Comment: Macy’s forgot rule number 1 in business. Don’t take political sides because you lose half your customer base.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
U.S. Senate Defies Obama… Brilliant Move Has Him Raging!
The new Congress was sworn in on Tuesday, and the first thing it did was prepare to repeal Obamacare.
Senate Budget Committee Chair Michael Enzi (R-WY) introduced a budget resolution Tuesday that includes “reconciliation instructions” that enable Congress to repeal Obamacare with a simple Senate majority. Passing a budget resolution that includes those instructions will mean that the legislation can pass through the budget reconciliation process, in which bills cannot be filibustered. That means Republicans will only need 50 of their 52 members in the Senate, and a bare majority in the House, to pass legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act. According to the Wall Street Journal, the budget resolution could be passed by both houses as early as next week.
That report comes from the far-left website Vox, where they warn that:
Donald Trump has not yet taken office. But make no mistake: Congress is already starting to enact his, and the Republican Party’s, agenda, and Democrats don’t have the votes to stop it.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Vandals in France torched 945 parked cars on New Year’s Eve in an arson rampage that has become a sinister annual “tradition”
Vandals in France torched 945 parked cars on New Year’s Eve in an arson rampage that has become a sinister annual “tradition” amid a row over whether the government sought to play down the figures.
According to the French interior ministry, the total of 945, which included cars that were either “totally /destroyed” or “more lightly affected”, amounted to a 17 per cent rise compared to last year.
Despite this, New Year’s Eve “went off without any major incident”, the interior ministry insisted in a statement, adding that there were only “a few troubles with public order”.
In fact, police arrested 454 people over the night, 301 of whom were taken into custody.
[Comment: Before the explosion of muslims in France this NEVER happened on New Year’s Eve.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Anonymous Hacks ‘Illuminati’ Placing Warning on Mysterious Bilderberg Group Website
Set up in 1954, the Bilderberg Group holds a global top-secret meeting for world political and business leaders, and the Anonymous warning called on it to ensure it works for the benefit of humanity not personal agendas in 2017.
The message said: “Dear Bilderberg members, from now, each one of you has one year to truly work in favour of humans and not your private interests.
“Each TopIc you discuss or work you achieve through Your uber private meetings should from now benefit world populations and not X or Y group of people otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you.”
Bilderberg has been described as the world’s most secretive gathering of global leaders and elites, with prime ministers and presidents, bankers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 topping the guest list for 2016 in Dresden, Germany.
Anti-capitalist group Anonymous, which once waged a cyber war on Islamic State, along with the HackBack movement are believed to be responsible for the hack which left the message on the group’s website for a number of days, arguing there was no global equality and human rights were an illusion.
— Hat tip: Seneca III | [Return to headlines] |
Berlin Truck Killer Amri ‘Had 14 Identities’ In Germany
Anis Amri, who drove a lorry into a crowded Berlin Christmas market and murdered 12 people, was illegally registered under 14 aliases, according to German officials.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
End of Merkel: German Leader’s Power and Influence Crumbles as EU Leaders Opt for Putin
EU’s top brass decided to impose just six months worth of sanctions against Mr Putin
ANGELA Merkel is losing her grip on power as European leaders openly side with Vladimir Putin and the German population turns against her open door migration policy.
The three term Chancellor was desperate to impose year-long sanctions against Russia amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but her supposed European allies have shunned her in favour of the Russian strongman.
The EU’s top brass instead decided to impose just six months worth of sanctions against Mr Putin, who openly land-grabbed Crimea from Ukraine — a country desperate to join the European Union (EU).
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
German Officials Met Seven Times to Discuss Berlin Attacker Before Assault
DÜSSELDORF, Germany—Top federal and regional security officials met seven times to discuss the potential danger posed by Tunisian migrant Anis Amri in the year before he attacked a Berlin Christmas market, the latest revelation in a string of mishaps that failed to prevent the attack.
The new details, disclosed by security officials at a regional parliamentary hearing Thursday, suggest that German security and intelligence authorities miscalculated the immediate threat that Amri presented. Despite extensive surveillance, efforts to detain him repeatedly faltered because police and prosecutors believed they didn’t have evidence that would stand up in court, the officials said.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Investigators Suspect Berlin Attacker Had Contacts in Switzerland
Swiss prosecutors said on Wednesday they had opened a probe into connections and contacts the suspect in the Berlin Christmas market attack may have had in Switzerland.
“On the basis of information received from foreign authorities about the attack in Berlin on December 19th,… (Switzerland’s) Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has opened criminal proceedings against persons unknown,” it said in a statement.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Muslims Desecrate Slovenian Chapel With “Allahu Akbar” Graffiti
Slovenian bishops lament chapel desecration
The spokesman for the Slovenian Bishops’ Conference has issued a statement lamenting the January 2 desecration of a mountain chapel near Ljubljana-an incident in which the words “Allahu Akhbar” (Allah is great) were sprayed on the outside walls.
The bishops’ spokesman, Tadej Strehovec, described the act as one “directed against the peaceful coexistence between religious communities in Slovenia.” He welcomed a statement from the nation’s official Muslim community calling upon police to apprehend the perpetrator.
The nation of 2 million is 58% Catholic.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
New Year’s Eve Sex Assaults Prompt Police Manhunt in Austria
Police in Austria are hunting for at least six men accused of “unprecedented” sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve in the city of Innsbruck.
The men, described as Asian or north African, surrounded 18 women watching a firework display, kissing and groping them, police said.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen Vows to Put France ‘Back on Track’
MARINE Le Pen has declared she is more than ready for the upcoming spring election, before vowing to put France back on the right track after five years of socialist rule under outgoing president François Hollande.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Rise of Right’s Been Looming in Netherlands Since 1990s, Expert Says
Joost Van Spanje, an associate professor at the University of Amsterdam, said a large minority of the population were increasingly in favour of strict immigration policies.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, the communications and journalism professor argued the electorate started leaning towards the right-wing back in the mid-1990s.
He also warned the Netherlands was slowly turning against a multicultural society as Mr Wilders Party for Freedom continues to grow in support.
Mr Van Spanje said: “At least since the mid-90s a large minority of voters are very much against a multicultural society and very much in favour of immigration restriction.”
Adding that growing discontent was also looming in other European countries, he continued: “So in that sense the potential has been there for some time in the Netherlands and quite possible also in other western European countries.”…
— Hat tip: Nick | [Return to headlines] |
Secret Report Shows Just How Badly Belgium Mishandled Hunt for ISIS Operatives
BRUSSELS—Belgian police had numerous chances to unmask the Islamic State terror cell that later carried out the Paris and Brussels attacks, according to a confidential report prepared for Belgium’s Parliament. They muffed every one.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Schoolboy Put on Anti-Terror Scheme for Saying Muslims Shouldn’t be Allowed to Wear Burka
The boy was ordered to visit a mosque and spend the day with a imam
The white schoolboy was dragged in and ordered to spend time with an imam and visit a mosque after he made comments in school about Muslims “trying to take over the country”, according to local reports.
Channel is part of the counter-terror Prevent scheme, which aims to curb recruitment by Islamic terrorists and is used in the most serious cases of radicalisation, targeting “individuals at risk of being drawn into violent extremism”.
The organisation said the 14-year-old was signed up to volunteer with a “multi-faith project” after he was “vocal in his views around what Muslim people should or shouldn’t be allowed to wear”.
— Hat tip: Seneca III | [Return to headlines] |
Muslim Slaughters Christian for Selling Alcohol in Egypt
A Muslim man crept up behind a Christian man and slit his throat, killing him in Alexandria, Egypt, on the evening of January 3.
Adel Suleiman, 48, the Muslim man who committed the murder, did so because his Christian victim, 45-year-old Joseph Lam’i, owned a shop that sold alcohol, which the murderer deemed “contrary to the shar’ia [Islamic law] and the religion [Islam],” according to an Arabic language investigative report.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Court Took 8 Months to Decide, The Soldier Had One Second to Do So
On the Kafkaesque trial of Elor Azariya.
By Jack Englehard
Two points struck me and baffled me about this guilty verdict against IDF Sgt. Elor Azaria for finishing off a terrorist.
The judge took two hours to read the verdict. Make a note of that. Two hours in a courtroom. The soldier? He had one second to decide whether or not to take action against a terrorist. Make a note of that too. One second, and not in a courtroom, but on the mean streets, where the rules are different.
On the mean streets moral dilemmas rush up awfully fast. Hesitation can be deadly.
Forgive me for some armchair quarterbacking, but the three-judge military tribunal in Tel Aviv did exactly the same thing.
They had all the time in the world to decide whether the terrorist was still active. The soldier had to decide instantly.
It’s cozy in a courtroom where cooler heads have the luxury to prevail. Down there on combat alleys it’s live or die.
Deciding right from wrong must be made in a snap. Every cop knows this and so does every soldier.
That’s why cops in high-crime Chicago keep clear as much as possible from black neighborhoods. Everything they do is wrong — and photographed.
Just like B’Tselem, which, by some coincidence, is always on the scene to find fault, as in this case.[…]
[The suspicion is that they knew beforehand it was going to happen….Traitors!]
— Hat tip: MC | [Return to headlines] |
Istanbul Attack Suspect’s Hideout May Have Been Found, Turkey Says
The possible hiding place of a gunman who killed 39 people in an attack at an Istanbul nightclub has been identified, according to Turkey’s deputy prime minister.
Veysi Kaynak said the gunman was probably a member of the Uighur community — a primarily Muslim Turkic-speaking group who live in Eastern and Central Asia with the majority in the Xinjiang region of China.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
A Suspected Terrorist and Drug Trafficker Just Became Venezuela’s Vice President
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, the successor to the late socialist President Hugo Chavez, announced on Wednesday that former minister Tareck El Aissami would become vice president of the country.
That means that, in a country of complete and utter chaos — where people are starving, healthcare is nonexistent, electricity is scarce, and vigilante justice is becoming a norm — a suspected terrorist is one heartbeat away from the highest office in the land.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Ecuador Sends Report on Assange Questioning to Sweden
Ecuadorian authorities have sent to Sweden the results of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s questioning on rape allegations at their embassy in London, the public prosecutor’s office said on Thursday.
The 400 to 500-page document, mainly in Spanish, must first be translated “then the prosecutors will decide on the continuation of the preliminary investigation,” the prosecutor’s statement said.
[Comment: This gives me the opportunity for me to make further comments on Assange. Assange promise leaks in 2017 that will “blow you away.” My hunch is that these leaks will make figures in the European Union, and others who are globalist, like Merkel, look bad. Thus the drive to blame the leaks of the Pedestal emails on Russian hacking. Wikileaks in 2017 might be a boon to the populist/nationalist parties.]
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Panic in Mexico: Trump Taking Our Jobs!
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Ford Motor Co.’s cancellation of plans to build a $1.6 billion auto manufacturing plant in San Luis Potosi has sounded alarms across Mexico.
Even as the country is being rocked by rowdy nationwide protests against a Jan. 1 gasoline price hike, the Ford news led the front pages of Mexico’s most influential newspapers Wednesday, and they tied the development directly to President-elect Donald Trump.
“Trump leaves Mexico without 3,600 jobs,” read the headline on El Universal. “Ford’s braking jolts the peso,” said Reforma, referring to the Mexican currency’s nearly 1 percent slump following the news.
“The jobs created in Mexico have contributed to maintaining manufacturing jobs in the United States which otherwise would have disappeared in the face of Asian competition,” the Mexico Economy Department said.
[Comment: “The jobs created in Mexico have contributed to maintaining manufacturing jobs in the United States”…huh? how does that work?]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Austrian Defense Minister Eyes ‘Protective Zones’ To Rid EU of Illegal Migrants
Austria has proposed tough new anti-migrant measures, with its Defense Minister calling for a pan-European cap on migration, external application centers for refugees and “protective zones” to hold and deport illegals from the EU.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Exposed: Migrant Camps Are ‘Hotbed for Terrorism’ Says Whistleblower in Chilling Report
MIGRANT camps have been described as “hotbeds for terrorism” by a journalist who posed as an asylum-seeker and lived in 35 different makeshift homes.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Italy Aims to Combat Radicalization in Jails, Deport More Illegal Migrants
Italy’s government said on Thursday it would try harder to combat Islamist radicalization in its prisons and on the internet and it defended plans to build more detention centers for migrants who have no right to stay in the country.
New Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni has come under increased pressure to tackle illegal migration and radicalization in jails after a failed Tunisian asylum seeker who spent time in an Italian prison drove a hijacked truck into a Berlin Christmas market on Dec. 19, killing 12 people.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
New Sheriff Who Defeated Arpaio (With Help of Soros) Calls Illegal Aliens ‘Guests”
Newly sworn-in Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Paul Penzone, in a January 4 interview with Phoenix TV station ABC 15, referred to illegal aliens as “guests.”
Penzone (shown), who assumed office on January 1 after defeating six-term Sheriff Joe Arpaio in November, said during the interview:
We will need to work with the guests who are here in our nation and are pursuing citizenship and separate that from those who are committing crimes and make sure that we a caring community that is serious about public safety.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden: Migrant Gang Turns Malmo Into ‘War Zone’ During Nye Celebrations
A VIOLENT gang of migrants turned a Swedish city’s New Year’s Eve celebrations into a “war zone” and chanted “jihad” as they sent fireworks into the crowds.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Fox Comedy Features 6yo ‘Trans’ Boy Wearing Bondage Gag
Other scenes show the boy dressing like a girl and commenting how the dress he’s wearing “kind of breezes on my vagina.”
A sickening new “comedy” show on FOX features a 6-year-old boy wearing a bondage gag.
The boy, who is apparently transgendered, is seen wearing the gag after burning his tongue licking a hot grill at a Benihana style restaurant in exchange for $1,000 from his older teenage brother.
The FOX show is named “The Mick” and it aired on January 1st, 2017. It was created by Dave Chernin and John Chernin, both sons of top Hollywood executive Peter Chernin.
Other scenes show the boy dressing like a girl and commenting how the dress he’s wearing “kind of breezes on my vagina.”
Another scene shows the boy celebrate after a man’s eye is impaled in front of him by a woman’s high-heeled shoe.
As blood is shooting on the boy’s face and clothes, he exclaims, “cool!”
Another forced scene highlighted by Newsbusters shows one of the characters awkwardly praising Planned Parenthood, plugging how they provide “health care to over three million women in this country.”
While Sam Hyde’s show was canceled from Adult Swim for jokes vaguely referencing the alt-right, utter filth like this is aired during prime time on FOX.
[Comment: TV is total trash today. Much better to get TV shows from the 80s on dvd, great shows like like Magnum PI, Rockford Files, etc.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Phil Mudd – a “pedophile” who shills for the CIA and whoever controls that den of criminals, and who do not like Wikileaks. Wow! . . . just wow.
At least CNN whispered an apology for slinging the Mudd.
Lindsey Graham . . . now there is someone with the credibility of . . . of . . . of . . . mmmmm . . . let me think for a while . . . John McCain?
Magnum PI? Starring gay icon Tom Sellick? No accounting for taste. I liked “Rockford”, though.
Tom Selleck a ‘gay icon?’ Far as I know the worst Selleck has ever done is appear on “The View” with Whoopi Goldberg.
Apparently he is; the mustache is, I understand, a contributory factor. Think of the video of Village People performing “YMCA”, or other gay stereotypes.
“In Chicago, four young black people were charged with a hate crime…”
Trump seems to work allready – “The Trump Effect”
There are no criminal statutes that list ‘hate’ as a crime. In a court of criminal law ‘hate’ can only ever be viewed as a motivating factor, never as a ‘proof’ of a crime committed through the actions of individual or multiple actors. It is the media and their PC compliance that compels them to report ‘hate’ as crime when hate is nothing more than a thought process and can never be equated with human action in the commission of a crime.
And if blame should be apportioned for this racist and heinous act then one should be looking at those who have used the political process for their political advantage and that would be the Democrats and their useful idiots.
The term ‘Trump effect’ is simply in the mind of the beholder/s
There are no criminal statutes that list ‘hate’ as a crime.
Unfortunately, there are.
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person’s protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, political views and disability. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
That wiki has quite a bit of information on this concept.
It seems redundant, but the Left got this stuff passed so they could persecute their political foes.
You and I both know, that what you refer to is made up law to suit a political agenda and as such, is bound to fail in a court of criminal law. In all criminal law cases, hate can only ever be a motivating factor regardless of what the multiculturalists can come up with, and any criminal defence lawyer worth his/her salt will always enforce the argument that ‘hate’ is not an actionable crime in itself, there can be no onus on hate unless the doer admits to it, and it is the actions of the doer, the criminal, and not his/her thoughts, that is the proof of any offence committed.
I hope that Trump’s Attorney General is the first to repeal such a heinous and nonsense law that makes a mockery of real justice.
And it would be obvious to the legally adept that this kind of political pandering to minorities via criminal codes goes more to expose the wishful thinking of the idealist fool, than in enforcing lawfully set precedence from a knowledgeable judge in a court room.
They’ll be burning us at the stake if we don’t stop them.
Song dedicated to the memory of those slaughter by ISIS & their terror masters. Joshua Aaron & Chief Joseph RiverWind: