Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/23/2016

The European Union has evacuated its immigrant services staff from the Greek islands, due to increasing unrest in the migrant camps. Migrants are now unable to cross to the mainland, and have taken to rioting and burning down the camps in protest.

In other news, Norbert Hofer, the FPÖ candidate in next month’s Austrian presidential election, says that he may push for a referendum on continued EU membership if Brussels decides to increase centralization in the wake of Brexit.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

» Activists Plan Black Friday Protest on North Michigan Avenue
» Army Intel Officer: Patriots Must Prepare Now
» George Soros Donates $10m to Help Tackle Hate Crime Following Donald Trump’s Win
» Infowars is the Most Influential Media Outlet in America
» Lame Duck EPA Chief : “Trump Can’t Halt U.S. Shift to Clean Energy”… While the Swamp Draining Gets Underway
» Lord Monckton Warns Trump Not to Make Reagan’s Mistake
» Proof Mainstream Media Publishes Fake News
» ‘Scr*w You’: Americans Finding Courage to Fight Media’s False ‘Racism’ Narrative
» Trump Nearly Triples Number of Muslim Voters Compared to Romney
» Canada’s Media & Political Class Love Racist Keep Whitey Down Message of Anti-Trump 9/11 Truther Van Jones
Europe and the EU
» 60 Minutes: George Soros is Proud of Using Nazis
» Austria Far-Right Hopeful Hofer May Back EU Vote
» Brexit and Trump Win Shows French Election is ‘Le Pen’s to Lose’
» Climate Change Scientist Who Said Arctic Would be Free of Ice by Last Month Eats Humble Pie
» Climate Change No Longer Scary in Europe
» German Santa Sacked After Sharing Anti-Child Marriage Post Online
» Italy: Not Pro-Russia or Pro-U.S. Says Di Maio
» Italy: EU Flag Back for Renzi Live Stream
» John Bolton: European Union Military Would be ‘Dagger Pointed at the Heart of NATO’
» Lack of Pollution, Decline in Carbon Emissions, Has ‘Negative Implications’
» ‘New Right’ Views Gain Popularity in German Society
» Norway: Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted
» Poland: 8.5 Billion Exports to Italy, 5 Companies Awarded
» Renzi Scapegoating EU Says Weber
» U.K. Parliament Approves Unprecedented New Hacking and Surveillance Powers
» Montenegro Opens Cemetery for WWII German Soldiers
South Asia
» Islamisation of India Through Islamic Banking
» Austrian Population Growth Solely Due to New Migrants
» Border Staff Flee Greek Island After Migrants Riot
» Bulgaria: Migrants Unable to Leave Camp Due to Spread Infectious Illness
» Colleges Look to Create Sanctuary Campuses for Illegal Immigrant Students
» France: Migrants Evicted From Camp Set up in Church
» Italy Report: ‘More Immigrants = More Crime’
» UK: Emergency Call Centre Staff Horrified as Migrant ‘Raped Teenager as She Dials for Help’
» Lord Monckton: The Leftist System is Political Satanism

Activists Plan Black Friday Protest on North Michigan Avenue

Activists plan to again disrupt shopping along Chicago’s Magnificent Mile on Black Friday.

The demonstration, spearheaded by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, is seeking more police accountability and protesting how police shootings that sparked last year’s protests have been handled.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Army Intel Officer: Patriots Must Prepare Now

Top survivalist warns Americans to stay on high alert

James Wesley Rawles talks with Alex Jones about how patriots must prepare for the worst in case the globalists cause complete collapse.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

George Soros Donates $10m to Help Tackle Hate Crime Following Donald Trump’s Win

Mr Soros will begin by donating an initial $5 million in grants of up to $150,000 to community-based and civil-society organizations through his Open Society Foundation.

Due in part to the “incendiary rhetoric” of the president-elect, “dark forces have been awakened” since the election, Mr Soros told the New York Times.

[Comment: Nazi collaborator.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Infowars is the Most Influential Media Outlet in America

The rise of alt-media is being praised worldwide

Across the globe Infowars is being recognized for the role Alex Jones and the Infowars crew played in overcoming the corrupt political system and mainstream media, some going so far as to say that Infowars is the most influential media outlet in the United States.

[Comment: “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Lame Duck EPA Chief : “Trump Can’t Halt U.S. Shift to Clean Energy”… While the Swamp Draining Gets Underway

Despite the investment of over $1 trillion of private capital and billions in corporate welfare since 2008, wind and solar have actually grown at a slower pace than natural gas and are projected to have a slower growth rate through 2040. Renewables, including hydroelectric, have barely gotten back to where they were in 1930.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Lord Monckton Warns Trump Not to Make Reagan’s Mistake

Trump has to learn from the past in order to succeed

Alex Jones talks with geopolitical and climate expert Lord Christopher Monckton about what Donald Trump needs to do during his presidency.

[Comment: Lord Monckton is 100% correct.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Proof Mainstream Media Publishes Fake News

Fake news is real — it comes from the mainstream media

The discredited media has embarked on a so-called “fake news” campaign against the rising alternative media despite publishing blatantly fake news themselves.

This headline from NBC is the latest example:


The headline comes from an interview Priebus had with Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

In reality, GOP Chairman Priebus said “Look I’m not going to rule out anything, but we’re not going to have a registry based on religion.”

The premise of the NBC headline is completely fake. NBC tried to portray Priebus as saying he was for a Muslim registry when in reality he specifically said “we’re not going to have a registry based on religion.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Scr*w You’: Americans Finding Courage to Fight Media’s False ‘Racism’ Narrative

What Trump bludgeoned was the Left’s “norm” of labeling anyone who doesn’t agree with its agenda as “racist.” That norm won’t be acceptable anymore, Jonathan.

Trump and his followers punched through the Left’s manipulation and control of racial politics that have been holding American principles — such as free speech — captive. This wasn’t a “whitelash,” as Van Jones called it, but a backlash against the false bigoted stereotyping employed by Jones and Chait.

Of course, “whites” weren’t the only ones on board with the breaking of the Left’s norms. African Americans have seen how the Left has used the label of racism as a means to incite white guilt in order to manipulate, and they have spoken out against it. For two excellent examples, read Shelby Steele’s White Guilt and Burgess Owens’ Liberalism, or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.

For decades, any pushback against the authoritarian, anti-American agenda of the Left has been labeled “racist” in one way or another. The tactic was meant to silence opposition (something I explained in “The Sordid History of Liberals Calling Republicans Racists”), and it worked — until good people got tired of it and fought back.

The overwhelming majority of Republicans were sick and tired of being labeled racist due to a rejected fringe of actual racist hangers-on. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party accepted a much larger segment of actual racists and terror supporters within its tent — see the New Black Panthers, CAIR, La Raza, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump Nearly Triples Number of Muslim Voters Compared to Romney

“Muslim were more energized and engaged this election than ever before, turning out in record numbers”

A poll released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations Tuesday reveals president-elect Donald Trump received nearly three times as many Muslim votes as Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.

According to CAIR, “the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization,” an exit poll of more than 2,000 registered Muslim voters found that 13 percent chose Trump as opposed to 4.4 percent for Romney.

“Muslim were more energized and engaged this election than ever before, turning out in record numbers,” CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department Robert McCaw said.

CAIR’s exit poll also “indicated a high Muslim turnout” with 90 percent stating that they voted in the 2016 election.

The majority of Muslim voters polled by CAIR, 74 percent, voted for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

One such Muslim supporter of Trump, Asra Q. Nomanu, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed that she feared a “Clinton America” given the nominee’s ties to “theocratic Muslim dictatorships.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Canada’s Media & Political Class Love Racist Keep Whitey Down Message of Anti-Trump 9/11 Truther Van Jones

Because when white folk vote in their best interest it’s racism.

A Star excerpt is below, but the same fawning embrace of Van Jone’s racist message is found across the A to B continuum of Canadian media. See — The Star, the CBC, Macleans etc etc etc etc

[Comment: Communists of a feather flock together.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

60 Minutes: George Soros is Proud of Using Nazis

This is the guy promoting racial division and outright destabilization in America

In a 60 Minutes interview George Soros admitted that he had no remorse for helping the Nazis steal from Jews during WWII.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Austria Far-Right Hopeful Hofer May Back EU Vote

Austria’s far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer has said he would push for a referendum on EU membership, if the EU became more centralised after Brexit.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Brexit and Trump Win Shows French Election is ‘Le Pen’s to Lose’

The elimination of former President Nicolas Sarkozy and Le Pen’s surge in the polls means that the National Front leader’s momentum will propel her into the Élysée Palace as the next French president, according to professor Jack Rasmus.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Climate Change Scientist Who Said Arctic Would be Free of Ice by Last Month Eats Humble Pie

A prominent climate change scientist has been forced to backtrack on his prediction that the Arctic would be free of sea ice by September this year — after data showed there is more now than four years ago.

Professor Peter Wadhams, from the University of Cambridge, predicted in 2012 that the Arctic would be ice-free by September this year.

However, figures show there was 1.6 million square miles of sea ice last month — which is actually 20 per cent more than the figure recorded in 2012.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Climate Change No Longer Scary in Europe

Bjorn Lomborg’s ongoing publicity campaign for his new film makes it obvious that the fight against the delusion of dangerous man-made global warming remains an uphill struggle.

For decades the climate debate has been obfuscated by cherry-picking, spin-doctoring and scare-mongering by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other climate alarmists, including the environmental movement and mainstream media. Their massive effort to overstate the threat of man-made warming has left its imprint on public opinion.

But the tide seems to be turning. The Climate Conference fiasco in Copenhagen, Climategate scandal and stabilization of worldwide temperatures since 1995 have given rise to growing doubts about the putative threat of “dangerous global warming” or “global climate disruption.” Indeed, even Phil Jones, director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit and one of the main players in Climategate, now acknowledges that there has been no measurable warming since 1995, despite steadily rising atmospheric carbon dioxide.

People are paying attention, and opinion polls in many countries show a dramatic fall in the ranking of climate change among people’s major concerns.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Santa Sacked After Sharing Anti-Child Marriage Post Online

A Christmas market Santa Claus was sacked in Germany after sharing a post from the hipster-right Identitarian movement which called for action against the increasing number of child marriages in the country.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: Not Pro-Russia or Pro-U.S. Says Di Maio

But scrapping Russia sanctions would benefit Italy exports

(ANSA) — Rome, November 21 — Deputy House Speaker Luigi Di Maio from the populist, euroskept 5-Star Movement (M5S) told an ANSA forum Monday his movement is distant from both Russia and the United States, but scrapping sanctions against Russia would benefit Italian exports and agriculture. “However, right now we don’t need to be either pro-Russia or pro-America,” Di Maio said. “All we need is to be pro-Italy, and to have good relationships with the majority of foreign countries”.

The MP added the European Union has failed to protect the common market from foreign competition.

“The EU’s biggest failure was it created a single market in order to protect it, and instead of protecting it, it opened to markets that did not and absolutely could not compete with us — such as the Chinese market, which does not have the same standards and regulations as ours,” Di Maio said.

“(The EU) allowed Moroccans and Tunisians to produce the same product…without respecting the same standards of quality as our products do,” he said, citing what he said was another example of the EU’s failed trade policies.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Italy: EU Flag Back for Renzi Live Stream

PM had been criticised for removing it

(ANSA) — Rome, November 21 — The EU flag made a reappearance for Premier Matteo Renzi’s live Facebook stream from his office Monday, after he had been criticised for removing it on the last such event.

“The flag lives and fights with us,” quipped Renzi on #Matteorisponde (#Matteoanswers). “We are very convinced of the beauty of the European ideal, but things aren’t going right. We can’t take on all the problems while Europe puts up walls,” he said.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

John Bolton: European Union Military Would be ‘Dagger Pointed at the Heart of NATO’

During a Wednesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily, former U.N. Ambassador and AEI Senior Fellow John Bolton told SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam that plans for a standing European Union army represented a direct threat to the NATO alliance.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Lack of Pollution, Decline in Carbon Emissions, Has ‘Negative Implications’

That this positive development can also have negative implications became apparent when scientists started studying the causes of a brown colouration of water in reservoirs increasingly observable in Germany, northern Europe and North America. This brown colouration is especially problematic for drinking water treatment. In reviewing various hypotheses, they noted that the brown colouration of the water was strongly correlated with the decreasing concentrations of nitrate in the riparian soils surrounding the tributary streams of the reservoirs. This is due to the fact that the presence of nitrate in the riparian wetlands where most of the stream flow is generated ensures that carbon, phosphate and various metals remain bound to oxidised iron. Lower nitrate levels allow a chemical reduction of iron compounds and thus the mobilisation of previously adsorbed substances. Thus, compounds previously bound to soil particles become mobile and are released into the streams with the rainwater. In the case of carbon this means that the concentration of dissolved organic carbon increases and is visible as the brownish colour of the water. In just under 40 percent of the 110 tributaries of drinking water reservoirs that were studied, the scientists found significantly increased DOC concentrations with an average of 0.12 mg more DOC per litre per year. The most significant increase was found in natural, forested, where nitrate concentrations in the water were less than 6 mg per litre.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

‘New Right’ Views Gain Popularity in German Society

Negative attitudes towards minorities among Germans have subsided, with more than half supporting Merkel’s “open door” refugee policy. However, generally Germans have shown a stronger inclination towards “new right” ideas. More than a quarter say they do not stand for freedom of speech, a study shows.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Norway: Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted

[WARNING: Disturbing Content.]

This week, yet another pedophile ring was exposed, this time in Norway

Disturbing though it may be, people in positions of power have been increasingly linked to pedophilia in recent years. From the ongoing Catholic priest sex abuse scandals to similar criminality among British lawmakers, it appears power and authority attract troubled individuals, at least to some degree.

This week, yet another pedophile ring was exposed, this time in Norway. Reportsindicate politicians were among the members of the 51-person ring. Police investigating the potential crimes dubbed their inquiry “Operation Dark Room.”

As The Local, an English-language Norwegian outlet reported:

“Police seized 150 terabytes of data material in the form of photos, movies and chat transcripts between members of various paedophile networks.”

According to Hilde Reikras, the head of Operation Dark Room, “The material shows the abuse of children of all ages, including infants.”

[Comment: Puppets of the globalists achieve their positions by having blackmailable evil secrets that can be held over their head by the globalists. Western nations politica and civil class is infested with this evil. Lord Monckto is right about political satanism running through leftist political class.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Poland: 8.5 Billion Exports to Italy, 5 Companies Awarded

Delivered ‘Centaur’ awards, an honor to Riccardo Monti

(ANSA) — TRIESTE — More and more Polish products arrive in Italy. In 2015 recorded a turnover of 8.5 billion Euros, up to 5% than in the previous year, when their value reached 7.2 billion.

The five best Polish companies operating in the construction industry sectors, electromechanical, raw materials and food products, were awarded by the Polish Embassy in Rome with the ‘Centaur’, an Oscar to the best exporters in Italy in 2015. They are Eko-Okna, second largest producer of windows in Poland and in top five in Europe, PZL Swidnik, the biggest Polish manufacturer of helicopters, KGHM Polska Miedz, one of the largest copper and silver producers in the world, Morpol, world leader in smoked salmon production, and Comarch, a global provider of IT solutions for business.

Riccardo Monti, former President of ICE and now Italferr spa president, was honored with the Good Merit of Warsaw’s foreign minister.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Renzi Scapegoating EU Says Weber

Schaeuble the bad guy says Pittella

(ANSA) — Strasbourg, November 22 — Italian Premier Matteo Renzi is using the European Union as a scapegoat to pin the blame for unpopular policies on, European People’s Party (EPP) caucus leader Manfred Weber said Tuesday.

Weber contrasted Renzi’s alleged approach with that of Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy, who “has never accused Brussels over the necessary steps he has had to take”. Weber’s accusation sparked a prompt reply from Gianni Pittella of Renzi’s Democratic Party, caucus leader for the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) caucus, said “the only bad guy in Europe is Schaeuble”.

Pittella said that “with his obtuse obsession for austerity, Schaeuble is creating a people’s revolt against this Europe.

“Dear Weber, unless Schaeuble is stopped, he will take the EU to the brink of the abyss”.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

U.K. Parliament Approves Unprecedented New Hacking and Surveillance Powers

“There is no other democracy in the world, possibly no other country in the world, doing this”

A FEW YEARS AGO, it would have been unthinkable for the British government to admit that it was hacking into people’s computers and collecting private data on a massive scale. But now, these controversial tactics are about to be explicitly sanctioned in an unprecedented new surveillance law.

Last week, the U.K.’s Parliament approved the Investigatory Powers Bill, dubbed the “Snoopers’ Charter” by critics. The law, which is expected to come into force before the end of the year, was introduced in November 2015 after the fallout from revelations by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden about extensive British mass surveillance. The Investigatory Powers Bill essentially retroactively legalizes the electronic spying programs exposed in the Snowden documents — and also expands some of the government’s surveillance powers.

Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the new law is that it will give the British government the authority to serve internet service providers with a “data retention notice,” forcing them to record and store for up to 12 months logs showing websites visited by all of their customers. Law enforcement agencies will then be able to obtain access to this data without any court order or warrant. In addition, the new powers will hand police and tax investigators the ability to, with the approval of a government minister, hack into targeted phones and computers. The law will also permit intelligence agencies to sift through “bulk personal datasets” that contain millions of records about people’s phone calls, travel habits, internet activity, and financial transactions; and it will make it legal for British spies to carry out “foreign-focused” large-scale hacks of computers or phones in order to identify potential “targets of interest.”

“Every citizen will have their internet activity — the apps they use, the communications they send, and to who — logged for 12 months,” says Eric King, a privacy expert and former director of Don’t Spy On Us, a coalition of leading British human rights groups that campaigns against mass surveillance. “There is no other democracy in the world, possibly no other country in the world, doing this.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Montenegro Opens Cemetery for WWII German Soldiers

Memorial service for 64 German soldiers already buried

(ANSA-AP) — GOLUBOVCI, Montenegro — Officials on Saturday inaugurated a cemetery for German soldiers killed in Montenegro during World War II, hailing it as an act of reconciliation important for the future.

A ceremony outside Montenegro’s capital, Podgorica, included a memorial service for 64 German soldiers already buried at the cemetery. Hundreds more are expected to be laid to rest in the coming months.

“We are standing by the freshly dug graves of 64 German soldiers who died in a war … that ended more than 70 years ago,” said Daniela Schily, from Germany’s War Graves Commission. “It … illustrates the past never simply goes away.”

About 2,000 German soldiers are believed to have been killed between 1941 and 1945 in Montenegro in clashes with Yugoslav communist partisans. About 500 have been unearthed so far, including 400 from a site excavated by construction workers in 2007 in a Podgorica suburb.

The remaining soldiers are still considered missing. Their names are among those engraved on a crescent-shaped wall surrounding a massive cross at the cemetery in Golubovci.

Wilhelm Sundermeier, 76, cried as he found the name of his father on the wall.

“I still hope his remains will be found,” he said.

The idea of a German cemetery has been met with resistance from anti-fascist groups. About a dozen former Montenegrin partisans protested Saturday, carrying banners and chanting anti-fascist slogans.

Schily said her commission was aware of the “horrendous crimes” committed against civilians in Montenegro during the German Nazi occupation. The German delegation laid a wreath earlier Saturday for more than 500 men, women and children killed by the Nazis in 1943 in Doli, northern Montenegro.

Montenegrin government official Snezana Radovic said the opening of the cemetery was meant to deliver an anti-war message and serve as a reminder.

“It also bears the message of reconciliation between people and strengthening of ties between the Montenegrin and German nations,” she said.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Islamisation of India Through Islamic Banking

Islamic Bank to destroy the value of Indian economy and strength of the Hindu hold on Indian economy.

Upendra Bharti | HENB | New Delhi | Nov 22, 2016:: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed opening of “Islamic window”+ in conventional banks for “gradual” introduction of Sharia-compliant or interest-free banking in the country.

Both the Centre and RBI are exploring the possibility of introduction of Islamic banking for long to ensure financial inclusion of those sections of the society that remain excluded due to religious reasons.

As per report, this Islamic banking is to make India debut in PM Modi’s home state Gujarat.

The Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is in the final stages of setting up shop in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state, a move that will usher Islamic finance for homegrown startups and fund Indian exports to many African and central Asian Muslim nations.

The developments follow an agreement between India’s state-owned Exim Bank and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), a private-sector arm of the IDB group, as part of deals signed during Modi’s trip to Saudi Arabia in April.

The IDB, a multilateral lender with an authorised capital of $100 billion, counts 56 Muslim nations as its members. Most of these countries belong to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation…

           — Hat tip: Upananda Brahmachari [Return to headlines]

Austrian Population Growth Solely Due to New Migrants

The population of Austria is scheduled to grow by over one per cent because of the mass migration of asylum seekers — the highest rate of growth seen in the country since the 1990s.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Border Staff Flee Greek Island After Migrants Riot

European border officials are being pulled out of Greek islands over concerns for their safety, following a spate of riots and violence by migrants.

Since March, migrants arriving on the Greek islands have been prevented from moving on to the mainland as the European Union (EU) hopes to return at least some of them to Turkey.

But due to growing frustrated at the delay, the migrants have taken to burning down their accommodation and rioting, the Daily Mail has reported.

As a result, Belgium has taken the decision to withdraw its staff from the islands, fearing for their safety.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Bulgaria: Migrants Unable to Leave Camp Due to Spread Infectious Illness

3,000 migrants living in a camp in Bulgaria are on lockdown after reports that serious infectious diseases have been recorded among the group.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Colleges Look to Create Sanctuary Campuses for Illegal Immigrant Students

“Across the country, many are calling for their universities to become sanctuary campuses”

Presidents from at least two colleges have pledged to make their campuses safe-havens for illegal immigrant students.

“We steadfastly support all members of our community regardless of their immigration status,” President John Kroger at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, said last week in an announcement that his college will be a sanctuary campus.

Students and professors at other schools around the nation, from Yale University and Harvard University to Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, have pushed for their college to become a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrant students.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

France: Migrants Evicted From Camp Set up in Church

More than 50 migrants, including a number of children, were moved from the makeshift camp in Saint-Médard de Doulon at 8am on Tuesday for “sanitary and security reasons,” local officials said.

The failed asylum seekers and migrants moved into the government-owned church in August 2014 after being thrown out of their first makeshift settlement, a building which also belonged to the local government.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy Report: ‘More Immigrants = More Crime’

In its front page report titled “More Immigrants = More Crime,” the newspaper cited results from a recent study conducted by the Confcommercio group on the statistical connection between crime and immigration.

The report found that in a determined area, if the number of immigrants increases by 1 percent, the crime rate in the same area goes up by 0.4 percent.

Moreover, the study revealed that among Italian citizens there are 4.3 convicted criminals per 1000, while among legal immigrants the rate is nearly double, at 8.5 criminals per 1000. More alarming still, among illegal immigrants the crime rate soars to more than 50 percent (148 criminals out of every 247 persons).

One of the more troubling discoveries of the study was that for the first time, the crime rate in the north of Italy, which has the highest concentration of immigrants and asylum seekers, is surpassing that of the south.

Including loss of revenue, costs for personal injury, insurance and expenses for defense systems, crime has cost Italian businesses 26.5 billion euros in 2016, according to the study. In particular, illegal itinerant vendors account for 8.1 billion, dining in restaurants without paying 5.6 billion, counterfeiting 3.5 billion and shoplifting 3.6 billion, the study noted.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

UK: Emergency Call Centre Staff Horrified as Migrant ‘Raped Teenager as She Dials for Help’

AN ILLEGAL immigrant raped a girl in a terrifying ordeal as she tried to call police, a court has heard.

The teenager revealed the harrowing tale in which she claims she was followed by a 35-year-old migrant as she let the pub in the Belgian city of Sint Niklaas last summer.

The migrant, identified only as AF, is accused of dragging the girl behind a parked car, stripping her and raping her.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Lord Monckton: The Leftist System is Political Satanism

The ideology of the left is reminiscent of a cult

Alex Jones talks with Lord Christopher Monckton about the leftists and how the elite use their power to begin corrupting the country.

[Comment: In one sentence Lord Mockton nailed it — “The leftist system is political satanism.”]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

4 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/23/2016

  1. Re: Sanctuary Campuses for Illegals

    Just another data point in the long list that proves the Left is irrevocably insane and our universities are simply liberal indoctrination centers.

  2. “A prominent climate change scientist has been forced to backtrack on his prediction that the Arctic would be free of sea ice by September this year — after data showed there is more now than four years ago.”

    The climate change prophets (sometimes referred to as scientists) are getting increasingly hysterical now that Trump is the new President. Yesterday I saw a video clip of a climate prophet being interviewed on New Zealand television. The interviewer, Paul Henry asked him how much time has humanity got left. The reply was “there will be no humans living within TEN years”. Henry was startled and said ” Ten years! What the hell are you doing here, touring the world with your wife, you should be home with your kids!” The prophet, who was American or Canadian judging by the accent then stated to say “We decided not to have children as we knew…” . Henry then spots the man’s wife in the studio background taking photographs and calls to her “And why are you taking photos! You’ll never have time to look at them!”
    Hilarious stuff. You could not have scripted a funnier skit. Try and find it on Yahoo News.

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