When I thought of giving Miz Hillary a new middle name, I googled it to see who else was using it. There were a few instances of it among the Deplorables, but there was also this: hillaryhusseinclinton.com
When I thought of giving Miz Hillary a new middle name, I googled it to see who else was using it. There were a few instances of it among the Deplorables, but there was also this: hillaryhusseinclinton.com
This is so chilling I can hardly believe it. Trump Pence 2016!
I penned Hillucifer some time ago. She could be Larry or Curly.
Our upside down world.
Six misogynist dudes wearing dresses and fashion head-gear, and one misanthrope dudette wearing strides.
And Hillary supporters will still deny that she is sold out to a real rape culture.