Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/21/2016

A Chinese tourist in Germany who lost his wallet ended up spending two weeks in a refugee camp. The poor man tried to report the loss to police, but spoke only Mandarin, so he ended up signing an asylum application form. After two weeks in a refugee camp, someone had the bright idea of asking an employee at a local Chinese restaurant to interpret, and the mistake was resolved and rectified.

In other news, according to the latest polls, the wealthiest Americans are abandoning the Republican Party to vote for Hillary Clinton. Voters from households making over $100,000 favor Mrs. Clinton over Donald Trump by 46% to 42%.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Dean, JD, LP, MM, Reader from Chicago, The Observer, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» ‘Dangerous’ Treadline of Banks Getting Too Big to Manage, Sen. Vitter Says
» UN Fears Third Leg of the Global Financial Crisis, With Epic Debt Defaults
» “We Out Like the Taliban” — Charlotte Protestors Fought Off by Walmart Staff, Cops
» 194 Clinton Donors Received State Dept Advisory Board Posts
» 215 Million Gallons of Radioactive Water Threaten Drinking Water in Florida
» 25 Grievances Against Hillary Clinton
» A Mysterious Polio-Like Illness That Paralyzes People May be Surging This Year
» Creepy Clown Sightings Sweep the Nation as the Threats of Violence Become Even More Chilling
» Exclusive: Leaked Video Shows Obama Railing Against White People During Kenya Trip
» John Boehner Cashes Out, Joins Corporate Lobbying Firm That Represents China
» No Pardon for Washington Post
» One Shot in Second Night of Charlotte Police Shooting Protests
» Poll: Wealthy Voters Abandon Republican Party for Hillary Clinton
» Video: Obama Urges Americans to Give Up Liberty for Security
» Video: White House Incessantly Repeats Talking Point ‘ISIS is Waging War of Narratives’
» Weekend Box Office: ‘Bridget Jones Baby’ Bombs in US With $8m; ‘Sully’ Stay No. 1 With $22m
» Why FBI Suspects Keep Attacking Americans
» Will Americans Wait Until the Roof Caves in?
» You Won’t Believe All the Personal Data Facebook Has Collected on You
Europe and the EU
» Duterte on EU Condemnation: I Will Tell Them, FU
» Norway Fears Swedish Collapse and Crime Spreading Across the Border
» Polish MP Demand ‘Pest’ Soros is Stripped of Country; S Highest Honor
» Scientists Admit Fake Climate Change Predictions
» Swedes Officially Surrender to Muslim Takeover
» The Three Ugly Sisters of Transatlantic Trade: TTIP, CETA and TiSA
» What is the Five Star Movement? Meet the Anti-Europ ‘Italy’s UKIP’
» Woman Found Dead and Burning Alongside Swedish Road
Middle East
» Thirteen Detained in Turkey Cemetery Assassination Plot: Security Sources
South Asia
» Afghanistan 2.0. Will Uzbekistan Survive the Death of President Islam Karimov?
» Is India About to Make a Catastrophic Mistake With GM Mustard?
Far East
» China’s Atomic Clock in Space Will Stay Accurate for a Billion Years
Australia — Pacific
» NZ Party Leader Asks, Why No ‘Minister for Men’?
» ‘You Have No Right to be Here!’ the Moment Muslim Woman in a Hijab Starts Screaming at a Man for Wearing a Pauline Hanson Shirt on a University Campus
Latin America
» Luis Fleischman: OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro Stands as Democracy’s Most Courageous Defender in the Region
» Venezuela to Gather Signatures for Recall in Late October
» As Immigrants Flood Italy, More and More Italians Emigrate Out
» Austria Arrests Refugee for Using Welfare to Start Drug Ring
» Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ‘Migrant Background’
» How Invaders Help the Invasion: Part I
» How Invaders Help the Invasion: Part II
» Hungary Claims Parts of London a ‘No-Go Zone’ Because of Terrorists Posing as Migrants
» Illegal Immigrant Attends Georgetown University on Financial Aid, Pays Only $11.50 This Semester
» Obama Flooding More U.S. Cities With Muslim Migrants
» Somalis Considering Fleeing Back Home: ‘Safer There Than in Sweden’
» Soros is “Investing” $500 Million in Europe’s Refugees and Migrants: He Explains Why
» The Germans Are Out of Control, Send Chinese Tourist to Refugee Camp
Culture Wars
» Skittles, I Hardly Knew Ye

‘Dangerous’ Treadline of Banks Getting Too Big to Manage, Sen. Vitter Says

The Wells Fargo scandal and CEO John Stumpf’s response to it shows that large banking institutions may have become too big to manage, Sen. David Vitter, R-Louisiana, said Tuesday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UN Fears Third Leg of the Global Financial Crisis, With Epic Debt Defaults

The third leg of the world’s intractable depression is yet to come. If trade economists at the United Nations are right, the next traumatic episode may entail the greatest debt jubilee in history.

It may also prove to be the definitive crisis of globalized capitalism, the demise of the liberal free-market orthodoxies promoted for almost forty years by the Bretton Woods institutions, the OECD, and the Davos fraternity.

“Alarm bells have been ringing over the explosion of corporate debt levels in emerging economies, which now exceed $25 trillion. Damaging deflationary spirals cannot be ruled out,” said the annual report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

We know already that the poisonous side-effect of zero rates and quantitative easing in the US, Europe, and Japan was to flood developing nations with cheap credit, upsetting their internal chemistry and drawing them into a snare. What is less understood is just how destructive this has been.

Much of the money was wasted, skewed towards “highly cyclical and rent-based sectors of limited strategic importance for catching up,” it said…

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

“We Out Like the Taliban” — Charlotte Protestors Fought Off by Walmart Staff, Cops

During the riots in Charlotte last night, that followed the shooting of an armed black man by a black cop, protesters stormed the local Walmart (purportedly to make the point that they will not stand for cop-killings anymore), but were met with an unlikely opposition. Walmart staff blocked the entrance to the store with pallets and defended the warehouse until police arrived.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

194 Clinton Donors Received State Dept Advisory Board Posts

These donors gave money to either Clinton’s political campaigns, the Clinton Foundation, or both

The State Department appointed 194 of Hillary Clinton’s donors to advisory boards at the agency while she was secretary of state.

These donors gave money to either Clinton’s political campaigns, the Clinton Foundation, or both, or they were affiliated with organizations that did donate, theWashington Examiner reported Tuesday.

The 194 donors represented approximately 40 percent of the total 511 such advisory appointments during Clinton’s tenure. Although this is a common practice among both parties, the report is likely to fuel pay-to-play accusations that foundation donors received special access to the State Department while Clinton was secretary.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

215 Million Gallons of Radioactive Water Threaten Drinking Water in Florida

Officials waited 3 weeks to inform the public

Mulberry, Florida is now home to a giant sinkhole that has caused 215 million gallons of radioactive water to leak into the state’s supply of drinking water.

The contamination occurred when a sinkhole appeared at a phosphate fertilizer plant near Tampa, which damaged the stack where waste water was stored. This filtered into the state’s aquifer system, which supplies water to residents, making the water contain phosphogypsum. Phosphogypsum is classified as slightly radioactive and is a byproduct of the creation of fertilizer. This is due to the naturally-occurring uranium and radium in the phosphate ore.

The contaminated water also flows into springs used for activities like snorkeling and swimming.

Mosaic, the fertilizer company responsible for the contamination, has kept this sinkhole leak concealed for the better part of 3 weeks, leaving many residents wary when they state that there is no risk to the public. Mosaic claims that the water moves far too slowly to be a threat, however, many people aren’t buying the rhetoric.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

25 Grievances Against Hillary Clinton

I am positively gobsmacked over the fact that folks who are planning to vote for Hillary Clinton cannot see her level of hypocrisy. Even worse her history of pathologically lying is blatantly apparent, even in mainstream media; a miracle indeed that they’re being truthful about it. Nevertheless, for those who are still walking the fence on to whom they should vote for, allow me to show you the type of President you would be voting for should you decide on Clinton.

1a) The country is getting poorer as are the median income households.

1b) Hillary Clinton states she left the White House in debt because, among other things, she had two mortgages to pay for monthly. Yet, through her and her husband’s charitable foundation she is now worth more than $150,000,000.

2a) Hillary claims Trump is in love with Putin.

2b) Wasn’t it Hillary who lovingly embraced Russia by creating her so-called “reset button”?

3a) She claims Donald Trump cannot be trusted with national secrets. 3b) Yet, Hillary put 110 “Classified Documents” on her server according to F.B.I. Director James Comey.

4a) According to Hillary, Trump doesn’t have the temperament to be our next President.

4b) Hillary’s volcanic temper is legendary according to first-hand accounts, especially those who had work/worked for her or her husband when he was President.

5a) Hillary claims Trump is constantly lying about the facts.

5b) Hillary is a serial liar! She is “constantly” being caught in a spider web of lies which she had spun. Can we say Benghazi? Or how about her emails? Even so, how about her testimony before Congress?

6a) Hillary claims that Trump is hiding things.

6b) The F.B.I. recovered more than 32,000 emails Hillary attempted to hide from the public, including classified material and national secrets. She even had a number of her Blackberries and IPads destroyed with hammers to hide the evidence.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

A Mysterious Polio-Like Illness That Paralyzes People May be Surging This Year

Before dinner on July 29, 3-year-old Carter Roberts of Chesterfield, Va., seemed perfectly healthy. That evening, he vomited. When he woke up the next morning with a slight fever of 99 degrees, his mother, Robin Roberts, figured that he was coming down with a cold. The next morning, she found him collapsed on his bedroom floor.

“Mommy,” she recalls him saying. “Help me, help me.”

Carter could barely stand when she picked him up, and his neck was arched backward. “What was most alarming,” she said, “is he had no control over his right arm whatsoever.”

In the hospital, Carter lost control of his right arm, then over his legs and other muscles within a few days. He now can only wiggle a toe and move the left side of his face. He has been diagnosed with a mysterious, polio-like illness called acute flaccid myelitis, a condition that seems to be surging this year…

           — Hat tip: MM [Return to headlines]

Creepy Clown Sightings Sweep the Nation as the Threats of Violence Become Even More Chilling

All over America sick and twisted people are dressing up like creepy clowns in order to frighten the living daylights out of others. This trend started back in August, and since then social media has helped it spread like wildfire. So far there have been creepy clown sightings in 11 different states, and Mississippi and Kentucky have been added to the list since my last article. A lot of young kids seem to think that this is a great idea for a “ prank” , but authorities are taking the creepy clown phenomenon very, very seriously because in recent days the threats of violence have become much more chilling. Individuals posing as “ creepy clowns” on social media are openly naming specific schools that they plan to target and are threatening to commit horrific acts of violence. That may sound like an interesting plot for a Hollywood horror movie, but in real life these kinds of threats have very serious consequences.

On Monday, several schools in Alabama were placed on lockdown due to threats from a group known as “Flomo Klown” …

A number of Alabama schools were on lockdown on Monday after a series of Facebook posts from users posing as clowns threatened local children with violence.

Posts on the group ‘Flomo Klown’ warned that clowns may show up at two schools in the Birmingham area and one student alerted local police.

Fortunately, authorities were able to identify the people that were making those threats. The police discovered that two juveniles and one adult were involved, and so far one arrest has been made in the case.

But that isn’ t the only example of “creepy clowns” threatening to commit violence at schools. A short-lived Facebook account under the name of “ Bingerman Clownferd” issued a profanity-laced warning to five specific schools in the Montgomery, Alabama area on September 17th. The following comes from a local Montgomery news report…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Exclusive: Leaked Video Shows Obama Railing Against White People During Kenya Trip

“I’m deeply saddened that whites are superior”

Never before seen video set to be released soon shows President Barack Obama railing against white people during a 1990 trip to Kenya.

The footage, filmed and narrated by Obama’s sister Auma, shows the president on his first trip to Kenya as a young man in his 20s. Michelle Obama also accompanied her husband on the trip.

WeSearchr’s Chuck Johnson exclusively revealed to Infowars Obama’s comments in the video, which include him denouncing white privilege.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

John Boehner Cashes Out, Joins Corporate Lobbying Firm That Represents China

Boehner is reportedly declining to register as a lobbyist for his new job

JOHN BOEHNER, THE RETIRED speaker of the House, is monetizing his decades of political relationships and cashing out to serve some of the most powerful special interests in the world.

Boehner is joining Squire Patton Boggs, a lobbying firm that peddles its considerable influence on behalf of a number of foreign nations, including most notably the People’s Republic of China. Serving Beijing is somewhat appropriate: Boehner has long been a supporter of unfettered trade, helping to lead the effort to grant Most Favored Nation status to China. Squire Patton Boggs also represents a long list of corporate clients, including AT&T,, Goldman Sachs & Co., Royal Dutch Shell, and the Managed Funds Association, a trade group for the largest hedge funds in the country.

Boehner is signing onto Squire Patton Boggs “as a strategic advisor to clients in the U.S. and abroad, and will focus on global business development.”

The news comes just a week after the announcement that Boehner will be joining the board of Reynolds American, the tobacco company responsible for brands such as Camel and Newport cigarettes. The tobacco board seat will likely earn Boehner over $400,000 a year in stock and cash. The Squire Patton Boggs salary has not been disclosed, but lawmakers of Boehner’s stature have easily obtained salaries at similar gigs in the seven-figure range.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

No Pardon for Washington Post

Major publication throws Snowden under the bus

As Oliver Stone’s film “Snowden” premiered this weekend, the surveillance state fought back from a surprising source — the Washington Post.

The Post had been part of the expose’ of crimes of the surveillance state.

But now they have turned on Snowden, whose documents the Post used to get a Pulitzer Prize, saying he should not be pardoned, but punished.

In doing so, the Post is putting their own head in the noose as well.

More importantly, the Post is lying about the significance of Snowden’s revelations and downplaying the danger of corporate/government spying represented by PRISM and the danger of metadata Geospatial Intelligence to “Master the Human Domain.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

One Shot in Second Night of Charlotte Police Shooting Protests

One person was shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m. Although initial reports said the person had died, officials now say the victim remains on life support in critical condition.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.

“Your life is in danger, you need to move!” police in riot gear yelled.

At 9:45 p.m., police fired rubber bullets at the crowd…

           — Hat tip: LP [Return to headlines]

Poll: Wealthy Voters Abandon Republican Party for Hillary Clinton

A Bloomberg poll shows that Americans living in households making $100,000 or more have abandoned the Republican party, led by Donald Trump, in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Clinton beats Trump by 46 percent to 42 percent, according to the poll. Twelve percent indicated that they were not sure.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Video: Obama Urges Americans to Give Up Liberty for Security

President lauds globalism in final UN speech

President Obama used his final appearance at the UN Security Council to give a speech lauding globalism, saying that Americans should give up some freedom and submit to international governance.

Obama, making his eighth appearance at the UN, openly stated that in order to be more secure Americans need to give up some of their liberties:

Obama outlined his belief that security for nations ultimately lies in global government institutions like the UN.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Video: White House Incessantly Repeats Talking Point ‘ISIS is Waging War of Narratives’

While Americans are being bombed and stabbed

The Obama White House has refused to call the bombings in New York and the stabbing rampage in Minnesota ‘Islamic terrorism’, instead incessantly repeating the same talking point that ISIS is fighting a ‘war of narratives’.

The Washington Free Beacon cut together a range of clips of Press Secretary Josh Earnest from Monday repeating the same line that the US is engaged in a “narrative battle” with the terror group to debunk the idea that it represents any form of Islam.

Other clips featured in the montage show President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and the several other members of the administration repeating the same talking points.

Many Americans will watch the video montage and feel like they are watching the results of a PR meeting being played out in front of them.

While these Obama administration officials are essentially saying they want to battle ISIS with words, ideas, and “counter-narratives,” Americans at home and further afield are under real physical threat. For the majority, story-time with the Obama administration simply won’t hold water.

Earnest stated that the administration is loathed to use action or language that will advance the ISIS ‘narrative’ that the West is at war with Islam, saying that the ‘narrative’ is one of ISIS’ “most powerful weapons.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Weekend Box Office: ‘Bridget Jones Baby’ Bombs in US With $8m; ‘Sully’ Stay No. 1 With $22m

Conversely, ‘Bridget Jones’ wins the overseas race after opening to record numbers in the U.K.; back in the U.S, ‘Blair Witch’ also disappoints, while ‘Snowden’ marks the lowest opening for an Oliver Stone film rolling out in more than 2,000 theaters.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Why FBI Suspects Keep Attacking Americans

Why does the Obama administration keep failing to thwart Muslim terrorist attacks in the U.S. after receiving apparently good intelligence warning of those attacks?

It turns out that Americans keep turning in budding Muslim terrorists to the Obama administration and the administration keeps on doing nothing. For example, the alleged mastermind of the weekend pressure-cooker bombing in New York City was turned in by his own father but the Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to do much of anything about him.

These intelligence failures have become a recurrent theme in the Obama era, with deadly results. Excluding the events of the last few days, there have been 89 Muslim terrorist plots and attacks in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001 and 25 of those have taken place since the beginning of 2015, according to David Inserra of the Heritage Foundation.

Counterterrorism expert Sebastian Gorka, vice president at the Institute of World Politics, blamed political correctness for the FBI’s inability to do something about Rahami before he acted.

The FBI has indeed been handcuffed in terrorist investigations by President Obama whose administration has worked with terrorist front groups like the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The law enforcement agency has also become increasingly politicized in the Obama era.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Will Americans Wait Until the Roof Caves in?

After the timid, almost non-existent response to our last article “An Open Letter to Patriots, Freedom Fighters and the Militia”, we ‘re not sure. Sadly, only those who appreciate where we are as a country and as a people get it. The rest will eventually end up like the Germans and the Soviets in the 20th Century if we let it happen. The one response we did receive was from someone who knows first hand what happens to the people in a government that is born in, or morphs into socialism, communism, or fascism. In his own words he expressed the experiences he and his immediate relatives endured in one Soviet Block nation.

“Again you have written a great, great piece. It is to the point, factual and extremely emotional for the people that understand. I know what it is to live under a totalitarian communist government, thankfully not from direct experience but rather from my wife and her parents. My wife was born in one of those Soviet Block nations and her mother is Russian. Her mother was high up in the communist party during the USSR. I have had long conversations with them regarding life at that time. The only ones who had anything were the high government officials. You had to wait in line for an apartment sometimes for 5 to 10 years-and only then you would have to live where the government wanted and in an apartment of the size the government dictated.”

“I have lived in the vestiges of the USSR and I can tell you that there are so many little things that Americans take for granted, things that severely lower your standard of living that most people do not comprehend unless they were taken away. Simple things like having the government control the heat or water supply to your apartment. It doesn’t matter if you are cold or thirsty, when the government decides to turn it off it is you who suffers. I have had to walk up and down 9 floors to get food and have watched mothers carrying their children up and down 9 stories and elderly grandmothers walking up with heavy packages. My wife owns one apartment where the elevator has been broken down for 3 years.”

“I cannot believe that Americans really want that kind of life. The only thing I can surmise is that they do not understand the consequences, or they do not believe it can happen in America. They are wrong of course.”

“Your ‘open letter’ is so right on and I cannot express it strongly enough. Unfortunately I think that America will need to experience some dramatic and visible consequences before they understand the potential danger.”

Will Americans wait until the roof caves in and become like the people of 20th-Century Germany, or present-day Russia, or China and many other third-world nations living under socialism, fascism, or a dictatorship?

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

You Won’t Believe All the Personal Data Facebook Has Collected on You

The amount of Facebook data collected about us is staggering, and it’s not for no reason. They essentially lease out our online profiles to companies looking to sell us goods and services.

In fact, examining those Facebook ad targeting options sheds a lot of light on just how much personal information they’re collecting — everything from relationship status to location, life events, political leanings, interests, digital activities, and personal connections.

The car you drive.

The charitable donations you make.

The websites you visit.

Facebook’s partnerships with offline data tracking companies means they have a crazy amount of information about your online activities, but also about the money you spend and the things you do in the real world, too.

My company, WordStream,, compiled all of the current Facebook ad targeting options in one epic infographic to demonstrate the breadth and depth of the personal information advertisers can use to target consumers via social media. Check it out:…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Duterte on EU Condemnation: I Will Tell Them, FU

Duterte said EU’s action was a result of guilty feelings over their atrocities committed in the past.

“I read the condemnation of the EU (European Union) against me. I will tell them, ‘F*** you.’ You’re doing it in atonement for your sins,” President Rodrigo Duterte told Davao City local government officials on Tuesday as quoted in’s report.

The statement from the President came after EU Parliament passed a five-page resolution last week urging the Philippines “to put an end to the current wave of extrajudicial executions and killings” of individual involved in illegal drugs.

President Duterte said EU’s action was a result of guilty feelings over their atrocities committed in the past. The report from added that the President also called EU hypocrites, adding that a check of encyclopedias would show what European countries like France and Great Britain had done.

“And then EU now has the gall to condemn me. I repeat it, ‘ you,’“he said.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Norway Fears Swedish Collapse and Crime Spreading Across the Border

Also the Norwegian Minister of Justice, Anders Anundsen (pictured), reacts to what is happening in Sweden.

– This is a very serious picture, which fortunately is a very different picture than what we have in Norway. But some of the reason why we want to conduct the police reform is to prevent such a development that we have seen in Sweden. And therefore we also have a lot to learn from the Swedish reform — in the sense that there are some pitfalls that we should not step into, says the Minister.

Bolstad of Norwegian Police Union, fears that crime in Sweden will spill over the border to Norway.

– The crisis in the Swedish police is very bad news for Norway. It could result in more trafficking, arms smuggling, smuggling of drugs. That we simply get this into Norway in a greater degree. It is particularly unfortunate.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Polish MP Demand ‘Pest’ Soros is Stripped of Country; S Highest Honor

The recent deterioration of George Soros’s public image has been astonishing. Following coverage of his subversive operations across the world — including his efforts to destabilise Poland — now even the establishment media have picked up on his destructive activities, with Bloomberg recently covering his plan to marginalise Israel.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Scientists Admit Fake Climate Change Predictions

Breaking news: Major climate science error exposed!

by Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

At the recent high-level climate change conference in London, a fundamental error in climate science was revealed for the first time.

The much-vaunted “climate consensus” turns out to have been wrong all along.

At the London conference, 80 Professors, 60 Doctors of Science and 40 other experts, including Piers Corbyn, brother of Britain’s opposition leader, who has a first-class degree in Astrophysics, were shocked to learn that the error, first introduced a generation ago when climate scientists borrowed feedback math from electronic network analysis without really understanding it, is the reason for their exaggerated predictions of how much global warming Man may cause.

Without that error, no one would ever have tried to pretend that global warming is a global crisis.

Once the error is corrected — which will happen when the paper describing it in mathematical detail is published in a leading scientific journal — the climate scare will be officially over.

Last year I published a paper in the learned journal Energy & Environment drawing attention to a problem deep in the math used by climate modelers to fabricate their profitable predictions of doom.

At that time I was hunting for the error that had caused the problem, but had not found it. The editor of the journal, Sonja Boehmer-Christensen, allowed me to write the paper simply to ask for the scientific community’s help in finding the error that had led to the problem.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Swedes Officially Surrender to Muslim Takeover

Sweden has capitulated to the hostile Islamic takeover, is it now only a matter of time before the rest of Europe follows suit?

[Comment: Swedish citizens were betrayed by the politicians they placed their faith upon. Citizens don’t realize most all politicians are following bankster orders for destabilizing nations and erecting a tyrannical NWO in baby steps.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Three Ugly Sisters of Transatlantic Trade: TTIP, CETA and TiSA

One knows to be on one’s guard immediately one hears that the USA and the European Union are negotiating some ‘big deal’ on transatlantic trade. Sure, big deal — in trading terms — typically means big power, big money and big mess. But when one also hears that it’s all being done in secret, then one has to add ‘big scam’ too.

The designers of the trade agreements claim that they will bring greater GDP and more jobs at both ends; a view which has been widely challenged by those likely to be on the receiving end.

So let’s spell it out: TTIP stands for Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. It’s Big Brother brokering new trade deals between the USA and the European Union. CETA stands for Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. It is pretty much the same deal, but is being brokered by Canada and the European Union. And lastly there’s TISA, for Trade in Services Agreement, also involving the USA and EU, with some other countries in on the act. Here, it is ‘services’ that are under the spotlight.

Common to all of these is the fact that ‘we the people’ are being kept entirely out of the picture. All negotiations are being hidden from public scrutiny, with special ‘secret courts’ being established in off-shore venues, where national governments can be sued if they are accused of protecting the right to prohibit certain imports or maintain trade tariffs.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

What is the Five Star Movement? Meet the Anti-Europ ‘Italy’s UKIP’

Pro-EU Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has promised to resign if he loses a historic referendum on major constitutional reform next month.

If he steps down, many believe that would trigger a general election and Italy’s anti-establishment Five Star Movement could make a grab for power.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Woman Found Dead and Burning Alongside Swedish Road

SWEDEN: A 43-year-old Iraqi man was arrested this morning on suspicion of murder after a woman was found dead and burning last night alongside a road outside Helsingborg.

Police were alerted at half past eight in the evening.

– It was a passerby who saw something it burning along the road and called the police, says police spokesman Eva-Lotta Hermansson Truedsson, to Fria Tider.

– Then another person called and said it was a body that was burning, she adds.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Thirteen Detained in Turkey Cemetery Assassination Plot: Security Sources

Turkish authorities detained 13 people including municipal officials on Wednesday on suspicion of trying to assassinate a senior politician by planting explosives at a cemetery where his relatives are buried, security sources said.

[Comment: I generally don’t subscribe to the notion of a ‘false flag’, but here I have a some doubt, because the Turkish regime has been cracking down on its opponents.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Afghanistan 2.0. Will Uzbekistan Survive the Death of President Islam Karimov?

The history of Uzbekistan after the break-up of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s is replete with ethnic division, civil strife and Islamic militancy. It is widely acknowledged that only the successful, yet often repressive leadership of one man, Islam Karimov, has been able to keep the nation together. Islam Karimov ruled the nation for over 26 years, and his death on September 2nd, 2016 now casts doubt on any potential successor’s ability to keep the nation from fragmenting along ethnic, religious and geographic lines.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Is India About to Make a Catastrophic Mistake With GM Mustard?

Global oilseed, agribusiness and biotech corporations are engaged in a long-term attack on India’s local cooking oil producers. In just 20 years, they have reduced India from self-sufficiency in cooking oil to importing half its needs. Now the government’s attempts to impose GM mustard seed threaten to wipe out a crop at the root of Indian food and farming traditions.

In 2013, India’s former Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar accused US companies of derailing the nation’s oilseeds production programme. Similar claims had been made in 1998 concerning the so-called mustard oil tragedy when Rajasthan Oil Industries Association claimed that a “conspiracy” was being hatched and that the “invisible hands of the multinationals” were involved.

Both figures seem to have a point. India was almost self-sufficient in edible oils by the mid-1990s, but by 2014 it was the world’s biggest importer of cooking oils. Under pressure from the World Bank, India began to reduce import tariffs on edible oils and imports then began to increase.

The country now meets more than half its cooking oil requirements through imports, with palm oil shipped from Indonesia and Malaysia and soybean oil from Brazil and Argentina (see here), with devastating impacts on the environment. At the same time, there is a push to get GM mustard (and other crops) commercialised and grown in Indian fields.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

China’s Atomic Clock in Space Will Stay Accurate for a Billion Years

“It is the world’s first cold atomic clock to operate in space… it will have military and civilian applications”

China’s new space laboratory has an atomic clock which, Chinese engineers say, is more accurate than the best timepiece operated by America’s National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The device, called Cacs, or Cold Atomic Clock in Space, was launched this weak along with other instruments of the Tiangong-2, China’s second orbital lab. According to the South China Morning Post, it will slow down by only one second in a billion years. In comparison, the NIST-F2 atomic clock, which serves as the United States’ primary time and frequency standard, loses a second every 300 million years.

“It is the world’s first cold atomic clock to operate in space… it will have military and civilian applications,” said Professor Xu Zhen from the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, who was involved in the Cacs project.

In a cold atomic clock, the atoms are cooled down with a laser to decrease the effect of atom movement on the measurements. Cacs goes even further and eliminates the pull of Earth’s gravity by being based in orbit.

Chinese engineers had to miniaturize their device so that it could be sent into space. It can fit in a car trunk, while the NIST-F2, along with all its support equipment, is about the size of a room.

Cacs was launched before the European Space Agency could place their atomic clock, the Pharao, in orbit, which is scheduled to be launched next year. The US abandoned a similar project due to budgetary cuts.

Unlike Pharao, which uses the traditional design with cesium atoms, the Chinese clock uses rubidium atoms. Developers say the element offers better performance in terms of accuracy and reliability.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

NZ Party Leader Asks, Why No ‘Minister for Men’?

We’ve got a Minister for Women, so why not a Minister for Men? That’s what ACT Party leader David Seymour wants to know — or better still, he wants all of what he calls “demographic ministers” to be scrapped. “I think it’s wrong to have ministers exist purely for a particular type of person. I actually think that all ministers should be working for all New Zealanders,” he says. It comes off the back of huge criticism of the Minister for Women, Louise Upston, for not directly addressing the Chiefs stripper scandal. “Men are doing worse than women in just about every imaginable social statistic,” Mr Seymour says. “If you believe it’s worth having a minister for a particular type of social issue, then it’s far more important in 2016 that it’s a Minister for Gender rather than merely women.”…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘You Have No Right to be Here!’ the Moment Muslim Woman in a Hijab Starts Screaming at a Man for Wearing a Pauline Hanson Shirt on a University Campus

This is the shocking moment an enraged Muslim woman started screaming at a man as he tried to enter a university wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt.

The mobile phone footage, shot at Curtin University in Perth, shows the woman furiously shouting at the man, branding him a ‘fascist’ and accusing him of ‘demonising Muslims’.

The video shows the woman’s scathing attack on the man, but it is not clear if he provoked her before the footage began.

She then looks down and sees that the former student is wearing a shirt voicing his support for Pauline Hanson.

The controversial One Nation leader has sparked outrage in recent weeks by calling for an end to all Muslim immigration and claiming that ‘Australia is in danger of being swamped by Muslims’.

‘Why are you wearing a Pauline Hanson shirt? Why are you wearing a Hanson shirt?’ the woman repeatedly asks…

           — Hat tip: The Observer [Return to headlines]

Luis Fleischman: OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro Stands as Democracy’s Most Courageous Defender in the Region

The Organization of American States (OAS) recently commemorated the 15th anniversary of the organization’s democratic charter.

In the decade and a half since its founding, the charter and its spirit have been desecrated and mocked. The flourishing of elected dictatorships of the left, since the late 1990’s, was met with indifference and moral shallowness as political opponents were imprisoned, judiciaries were bulldozed by despots, journalists were persecuted, and society as a whole was intimidated by the authorities.

For almost two decades the OAS has been nothing but a club of presidents all ignoring violations of democracy and human rights in the name of regional integration.

Such integration was supposed to create a powerful economic and political Latin American block. Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and other countries that openly violated human rights were very much part of this project and as regional allies they could not be alienated. Therefore, the idea promoted by countries such as Brazil and other democracies was to say that the principle of sovereignty and respect for each countries’ internal affairs had priority over the application of the OAS charter. Thus, Inter-American protection of democracy was seen as an outrageous intervention that violated national rights, instead of being seen as a tool to protect universal values of freedom and human dignity. This view was also supported by the former OAS Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza.

It is obvious that the Inter-American democratic charter by virtue of being a set of international laws, and not national laws, implies that there is an element of interference in internal affairs. However, the idea was to universalize the concept of democracy and protect the people who could be victimized by the abuse of power.

[Return to headlines]

Venezuela to Gather Signatures for Recall in Late October

CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan election officials have set the guidelines for the next phase in a campaign to hold a recall referendum against socialist President Nicolas Maduro, and the rules are unfavorable to the opposition.

Officials said Wednesday that Maduro’s opponents will need to gather signatures from 20 percent of Venezuelan voters over three days, Oct. 26-28. The opposition previously gathered signatures from 1 percent of the electorate, which allowed them to go to the second phase of signature collection.

[Comment: These officials are a bunch of hacks.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

As Immigrants Flood Italy, More and More Italians Emigrate Out

Italy has been inundated with migrants over the past several years, notably from sub-Saharan Africa, a trend that is showing no signs of abating. What is less obvious but equally striking is the reverse trend in Italians choosing to leave their country in search of greener pastures.

This week the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) released its 2016 International Migration Outlook report, which shows Italy among the countries with the most marked increase in emigration in recent years.

Italy’s migration outflow grew from 125,730 persons in 2013 to 136,330 in 2014, the report states. And in just four years—from 2010 to 2014—emigration of Italian citizens more than doubled. The main destination countries of the emigrants were the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and France.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Austria Arrests Refugee for Using Welfare to Start Drug Ring

An Afghan asylum seeker in Austria has been arrested for using his social benefits to make repeated trips back to his home country to set up a drug network.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ‘Migrant Background’

Following the release of figures which reveal almost four in ten children under five have foreign roots, Michael Paulwitz says the demographic change will be the death of Germany’s welfare state.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

How Invaders Help the Invasion: Part I

Three Sikhs-legal immigrants to the U.K.-have been put on trial in Britain for smuggling dozens of fellow nonwhites into that country by letting them use their legally-issued British passports. A court heard that border officials are unable to spot the difference between the nonwhites using the passports because they all look so similar-and because Sikhs are allowed to wear turbans in their passport photographs, unlike everybody else.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

How Invaders Help the Invasion: Part II

An Iranian-who entered Britain illegally but who was then granted leave to remain as an “asylum seeker”-has been jailed for helping other illegal immigrants invade the U.K.

Mostafa Rabeih Lalehka, 32, was jailed for three years and one month for helping to smuggle four Iranian women and two children into the U.K. as part of a much larger invasion racket.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Hungary Claims Parts of London a ‘No-Go Zone’ Because of Terrorists Posing as Migrants

The Hungarian government has defended issuing leaflets that label a dozen areas in Britain, including London, Southampton and Peterborough, “no-go zones” because they are overrun by migrants.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Illegal Immigrant Attends Georgetown University on Financial Aid, Pays Only $11.50 This Semester

Receiving financial aid to cover the more than $30,000 tuition

An illegal immigrant from Mexico is attending Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. for only $11.50 this semester, as he’s receiving financial aid to cover the more than $30,000 tuition.

Mizraim Belman Guerrero, who immigrated from Mexico to Austin, Texas with his family at age four, is attending Georgetown University as an undocumented immigrant, as reported by

“He qualifies for financial aid like any other student at Georgetown, and this semester he’s paying just $11.50 of the close to $33,000 tuition bill,” reports Circa’s Fernando Hurtado. “Financial aid isn’t the only resource Georgetown offers undocumented students. Earlier this year, it launched an undocumented students resource page for prospective students looking to get into the university.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Obama Flooding More U.S. Cities With Muslim Migrants

The death of American culture?

Even in the face of coordinated jihadist terrorist attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota, the Obama administration is continuing to settle throughout the United States Muslim migrants from Middle Eastern and African war zones.

Wayne Madsen Reports has learned from knowledgeable sources that the Obama administration recently announced plans to settle some 150 Muslim migrants in Missoula, Montana.

More may be on their way.

Cities like Missoula are often unprepared to take in migrants and they are given little to no forewarning by the federal government prior to the transfer of refugees from federal custody into state and municipal hands.

[Comment: Notice Feds are targeting small towns of “bitter gun clingers” as Obama once called small twon conservative America.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Somalis Considering Fleeing Back Home: ‘Safer There Than in Sweden’

Mohamed Dame is on the run in Sweden, after having been threatened by criminal gangs in Gothenburg. Now he’s considering fleeing back to his more peaceful homeland.

“We are at war, there are weapons and drugs everywhere.”

– It’s like a war zone, he says about the Swedish suburbs, to the Norwegian broadcaster NRK.

NRK has in several reports described how the Swedish society has completely lost control of the country’s so-called exclusion areas, or no-go zones, which are instead taken over by criminal immigrants in gangs.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Soros is “Investing” $500 Million in Europe’s Refugees and Migrants: He Explains Why

Confirming once again that he is the silent puppet master behind Europe’s refugee crisis, overnight billionaire investor, and stalwart Hillary Clinton supporter, George Soros said in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that he would invest $500 million to meet the needs of migrants and refugees.

Soros’ investment comes in response to the Obama administration’s “Call to Action” initiative, asking U.S. companies to help ease the migrant crisis. Soros, founder of the Open Society Foundations, also said he plans to work closely with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Rescue Committee to guide his investments.

* * *

The announcement will hardly come as a surprise to regular readers.

One month ago, in the aftermath of the DCleaks hack, we reported that “Soros Hack Reveals Plot Behind Europe’s Refugee Crisis.” As a reminder, according to one of the many leaked memos, Europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale. OSF program officer Anna Crowley and program specialist Katin Rosin co-authored the May 12 memo, titled “Migration Governance and Enforcement Portfolio Review.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Germans Are Out of Control, Send Chinese Tourist to Refugee Camp

A Chinese tourist who tried to report a stolen wallet during a visit to Germany was given an asylum application instead, and ended up in a refugee camp.

I know, it sounds funny, but for the poor Chinese tourist is was hardly as fun.

According to the British paper The Guardian, a Chinese tourist who tried to report a stolen wallet during a visit to Germany unwittingly signed an application that got him stranded as a refugee for two weeks in the country’s burgeoning asylum bureaucracy.

The 31-year-old, known as Mr L, spoke only Mandarin. German authorities discovered their mistake after turning in desperation to a local Chinese restaurant to interpret for them, a Red Cross official said on Monday.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Skittles, I Hardly Knew Ye

by Milo

Close observers of cultural politics will remember that feminists used a similar image, of M&Ms, at the height of the bogus “rape culture” panic. Their point was that women should be prejudiced against all men because a few of them are rapists. If I opposed that argument, some may ask, how can I support Donald Trump Jr’s?

The difference, of course, is that only a tiny number of western men are rapists, while countless millions of Muslims want to kill or outlaw gays.

If you think I’m exaggerating, watch these nice refugees in Minnesota, and listen to their comments on gays.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

15 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/21/2016

  1. .
    Paul Romer is one of the world’s most renowned economists and incoming chief economist for the World Bank.

    World Bank advice to Sweden: Construct reserves FOR the subsidy craving immigrants

    Published September 21, 2016
    ECONOMY. Sweden should take advantage of its relatively large land area and enclose an area the size of Hong Kong where you place all contributions immigrants so that they can cope on their own – without the contribution of the country’s working population. That suggests the World Bank’s incoming chief economist Paul Romer in an interview with the Daily News. (DN).

    Romer’s model is Hong Kong when it was a British colony and received millions of refugees from China. The Chinese community, who have an average IQ of 108 points, quickly established itself and created a high level of prosperity.

    Now thinks Paul Romer that you can accomplish the same thing with the Somalis, Roma, Arabs and Afghans with IQs 90 – 65 points who have flooded Sweden.

    – The refugee issue is a huge problem, but there are possible solutions. Sweden, a sparsely populated country, would be able to rent a land area of Hong Kong’s size. There millions of people could be received who must support themselves and not have to cost anything, he says to DN.

    In the free zone, wages can be lower and working harder, while against Sweden “strict border control” will prevail, and the Swedes are freed from its current dependent contributions immigrants.

    – Those who live there shall not be Swedish citizens, but live their lifes completely separate from the rest of the SE society, says Paul Romer to DN.

    • Actually, Romer’s proposal is a step in the right direction. It’s insane, of course, for Sweden to create such a tremendous problem for itself, or to voluntarily cede part of its territory for a hostile and backwards territory. However, Romer has conceded that the immigrant influx is composed of individuals of low IQ, genetically fixed, and unlikely to ever contribute to Swedish society or to assimilate in any meaningful manner.

      Once you concede this fact, it’s not such a long way to the conclusion that you simply don’t import the refugee/immigrant population, but leave them to their own devices.

    • May I ask why this “brilliant” idea is to implemented on the continent. There are many islands off the coast of Africa. Populate them with the Romer “intellectuals”.

      – Romer should stick to economics.

    • What part of Sweden does this Romer guy suggest be used for this Emerald City. How Long does he think it would last until the whole thing was stripped to the bone and or burned down. My favorite part was the self sufficient community thing, what? Doing my best Ricardo Montalbán impression “Welcome to Cannibal Island”

    • I know it is not nice but I kinda wish to the s…t to hit the fan already. At least we would stop losing inch by inch, taking away our freedom in slow motion. For me that is the worst thing to watch.

      • Agreed! I’m in my late 50s, and I’d like to see how this all turns out before I shuffle off. And, if possible, I’d like to lend a hand.

    • I think your time frame is off. Try five years, rather than 30.

      Also, consider that it may take even less time than five years for the immigrant invaders to organize themselves politically. Their organization will be based only on religion and race, and will be enforceable through informal sharia provisions.

      Any diverse country has a finely-balanced political system, giving inordinate influence to a well-organized special interest group. This is how the Muslims were able to force the compliance of the British police concerning the Muslim rape gangs. The political fallout would simply have been too strong for the British authorities, who chose to cover up the abuses for their own benefit.

    • I wish these stats differentiated between muslims and other non-ethnic Germans. There are few problems with Vietnamese, Russians etc.

  2. The gutmenschen are at it again. I wonder if those gullible post-whites would do the same for a non-hijabi, non-invader woman. No, I don’t really wonder.

    Nimo Abdullahi, 39, had been informed she and her family would be kicked out of their home of 12 years after she complained to her landlord about damp and the filthy carpets.
    But in an amazing show of support, residents and campaigners linked arms to prevent bailiffs entering the property today.


  3. Comment by DFD, left on the wrong post:

    Apologies to all for being off topic, sorry for the intrusion….

    To Ronald B:

    High Ronald,

    long time no speak. You asked when I continue with the civil wars. Done. Part 1 has been completely rewritten and extended. It’s now 14 pages (A4, I think it might be 15 pages in foolscap) from an original of 6 or 7. I had a computer crash.

    So, part 1, Germany, is completely new, you are aware of what is in the first 4, 5 or 6 pages, even though they have been rewritten a bit. But since I value your opinion, you raised interesting points that need to be dealt with, I would appreciate if you would re-read these, and of course comment. What’s following these pages is however new, and unknown to you; except may be for a few lines carried over.

    I urge you though, and anybody to whom you may pass the link(s) to read the disclaimer, incorporating the introduction, first. Thank you.

    The files are titled: “Civil war, 0 Disclaimer and Foreword” & “Civil war, 1”, these are in pdf format. I am now preparing part 2, the war in the US, plus other parts of Europe. I don’t know yet if the political ramifications of the civil wars will fit into part 2, or require a part 3. The ramifications, or rather the likely, IMO, political outcome is the most depressive part. I am trying to stream line my notes so that I may be able to roll this into one part.

    There’s also a directory titled “Pictures fun”, you may like these. Where translation was necessary, I put these into the filename itself. Most of these are about Islam. Though, I also like the ones from – you know I have hang for satire and comedy… Got a lot more of these, I may add if somebody is interested. Always nice to share.

    Also, there’s a directory titled “movies”. Would you believe it? There are things that are not available to US viewers… Two of these are from one of my most favored satire groups, that’s LatmaTV in Israel. One deals with an interview of federals, their search for motives and all that, the other is an interview with a soldier. Both in Hebrew, English subtitles. As said, not available to US viewers on the Latma site.

    But let me put it this way, there are two short movies in this directory, titled “Easy & Latma” and “Wild Angels & Latma”. The first one shows a few minutes, I think for 8 or 9 minutes easy riders riding (Fonda & Hopper), the other is about 3 or 4 minutes Peter Fonda on a chopper, opening scenes/titlemusic from “Wild Angels”. What’s coming after these ‘intro clips’ is rather funny – I think. Enjoy. If you can watch these over there that is… You can guess why the preceding clips. Let me know if you could see the movies/clips.

    I’ll post this a few times here and there, until I have your re-established contact with you. The links thereto are:

    For the discussion I used a thread from August 2016 in JW. As you can see from the date, it’s an old thread, so I don’t think we’ll be off topic and disturb anyone’s discussions. Don’t like being rude or intrusive. It’s in


    • To DFD: apparently, Jihad Watch does not take kindly to your co-opting old threads, as they deleted your entity. I’ll look for your postings on the more recent news feeds on GoV.

  4. Italy’s MS5 is not an Italian version of UKIP, it’s another looney left wing party. One of their platforms was to grant Africans fleeing from safe countries asylum, and just recently the MS5 mayor of the city of Livorno kicked out an a Italian mother and her three children out of a house complex to make room for illegal immigrants. It’s been all over the news in Italy.

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