Ezra Levant: The Hushed-Up Truth About the Groping Jihad in Cologne

In the third video using material from his trip to Northern Europe, Ezra Levant pays a visit to Cologne. In this episode you’ll see interviews with secularized Turks, unintegrated Turks, second-generation Turks, and more recent immigrants from various other Muslim ethnic groups. And, most educational of all, you’ll see him talk to a couple of Yezidis — who escaped Iraq to get away from Islamic persecution, only to find themselves looking over their shoulders in fear of it here in Cologne.

None of the Muslims interviewed in these clips were willing to discuss with any candor the fact that the New Year’s Eve Groping Jihad in Cologne was largely perpetrated by Muslims:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

4 thoughts on “Ezra Levant: The Hushed-Up Truth About the Groping Jihad in Cologne

  1. The man-on-the-street interviews were excellent. Thank you for posting links. Very informative.

  2. Actually the Muslims in Germany or Austria I talked with on the web were more frank, aggressive and less moderate.

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