Tanya in Dresden: “Our Culture is European, Not Islamic”

Tanya, the leader of PEGIDA DK, hosted the three leaders of PEGIDA UK at a march and rally at Copenhagen last Saturday. She then hurried off to Dresden for the Monday night walk and rally by the founding group of PEGIDA.

Below is Tanya’s speech for the occasion. She spoke in English, and a simultaneous translation of her words was read out in German. Notice the reaction of the crowd to what she has to say when they hear it in their own language.

Many thanks to KGS for uploading this video:

For links to previous articles about PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) and related movements, see the PEGIDA Archives.

8 thoughts on “Tanya in Dresden: “Our Culture is European, Not Islamic”

  1. “She spoke in English, and a simultaneous translation of her words was read out in German.”
    A small technical correction: This is not simultaneous translation, but consecutive interpretation. For the distinctions, see
    The disadvantage of consecutive interpretation is that it takes twice as long as simultaneous interpretation.

  2. Mark, are you having a laugh?

    After such a rousing and encouraging speech is this the best you can come up?

    • That’s a good question.

      When there *is* a cultural vacuum, something or other will rush in to fill it. The advent of the EU system did much to crush the sense of individual countries and unique cultures, though it didn’t happen to the degree those is Brussels had hoped. Much of the individuality has been crushed, but it’s not entirely dead: it just depends on people having enough strength of character left to push against the smothering pillow of centralized edicts.

      The siren of the socialized welfare state is difficult to resist but it does seem to be happening.

    • Even with outward expressions of culture (such as Christian worship) largely destroyed, the unstated cultural assumptions of people still remain.

      People do not normally explicitly think about or state their underlying cultural assumptions because that is the definition of underlying cultural assumption.

      All of the very explicitly stated assumptions in Islam are now causing Europeans to think about what their underlying assumptions are and explicitly state them. This is coming out in both the “refugee” cultural training classes (which will probably be useless for “refugees” but useful to Europeans in realizing what they take for granted) and the statements of groups like PEGIDA.

      There is much work needed to state the “obvious” yet never stated assumptions that are not shared by Moslem culture.

      Some European assumptions such as “the divine right of kings”, which i would argue still remain, will need to be examined and people will need to decide if they want to change them. They certainly can’t be changed if people don’t realize they have them.

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