9/11, Part II: No Americans Flew Into This Crane

A crane fell in Mecca on 9/11/2015. The number of dead and the amount of destruction pales in comparison to what happened in New York City on that pellucid September morning in 2001.

Of course I’m not implying any connection between the two events. Such a comparison would be tacky. Besides since one dead Muslim is worth a thousand kafir, what we have here is Karmic justice on a platter.

NOTE: This has been another 9/11 Memorial Re-enactment brought to you once again by Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Infidels dancing in the streets of Witchita, Mayberry, Scuitate, etc., are to be ignored. Obviously they are blind to the beauties of Islam and the will of Allah.

20 thoughts on “9/11, Part II: No Americans Flew Into This Crane

  1. It’s also fascinating to learn that “The crane belongs to a German crane company operated by the Bin Laden family’s consortium, who are heading the expansion of the Holy Mosque.”

    [From the UK Daily Mail]

    • No, God. Triune, Trinitarian, Unitarian, Inner Light; whichever Western frame of “God” you understand to be true.

      I truly do believe this was an Act of God. (See my longer comment downthread; it may take a while before it’s posted, as I just submitted it–8:12 p.m. Friday, 11 September 2015.)

  2. Also 11 Sep 1973, when the U.S. brought down the Allende government in Chile. This seems to have been a lesser factor in al-Qaeda’s selection of the date for attacking the WTC, Pentagon, etc.

  3. This seems to be a case of divine justice, or at least a Counter-Jihadi can frame it as such. The *very first* photo in the Daily Mail article linked above is one of a BOLT OF LIGHTNING striking the crane!

    Based on hearing this news item on the radio while driving around earlier today, I had originally envisioned the crane falling due to heavy winds. But once I saw a video at the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/saudi-officials-crane-collapse-at-mecca-grand-mosque-kills-at-least-62/2015/09/11/741a3764-58a5-11e5-8bb1-b488d231bba2_story.html), this conjecture didn’t hold up: the crane didn’t go down sideways, askew, or in any other “twisted by the wind” manner. Although the brief (0:21) video doesn’t show the Thunderbolt, there *is* a very loud, sudden noise, and then human voices start crying aloud in fear/warning (I don’t understand Arabic, so can’t tell what the people are saying).

    That crane went *straight down* into the mosque. It went through the roof/ceiling and also through the floor. It acted exactly like a non-grounded lightning rod. All the other cranes are still totally exposed and, it appears, fully extended as well, to say nothing of non-tethered or otherwise stabilized.

    The bin Laden family has been in construction for decades. (Osama bin Laden was a “black sheep” of the family who was disgusted with the entire business after December 1979, but had no disgust for the family’s money.) With so much experience in construction, I personally am *astounded* that no safety measures were in place to stabilize the cranes during this storm. High winds, heavy rain, and severe thunderstorms had been warned of ahead of time, so there was a window of opportunity to lower the cranes rather than keeping them in an array of, functionally, lightning rods.

    While the Bin Laden Group & family are well connected and probably wealthy enough to pay blood money (yes, there are countries where this is recognized in the law) to the families of everyone killed or injured/maimed in this “accident,” the question of liability may also be raised, despite BLG’s high connections.

    Note that this is the mosque that was held by Islamic insurgents in late 1979: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Mosque_seizure

    As of this moment, with the Hajj scheduled to begin on 21 September, I wonder whether it will proceed as previously scheduled. I think not, for the following reasons:

    1) there isn’t enough secure space in the mosque to accommodate the number of pilgrims who have permits for this year’s Hajj. The number of pilgrims is set by the Kingdom, and last year KSA reduced the number because of previous disasters, e.g., stampedes.

    2) that number of pilgrims is directly related to the space available for them. That space has now been, suddenly and catastrophically, reduced. Both the roof and the floor are compromised.

    3) carrying on with “Hajj as usual” may be more callous than even the Kingdom is willing to be. (Note “may” be.)

    4) the Hajj has, before now, been cancelled:
    –from 930 to 952 CE/AD, when the Qarmatians (an Ismaili group) “kidnapped” the Black Stone from the Kaaba. The Abbasid Caliphate had to ransom it back. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qarmatians
    –the Hajj was disrupted, even if not officially cancelled, btw 1806 and 1813 due to Wahhabi capture of the city from the Ottoman rulers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hejaz_Vilayet
    –other attempts have been made to cancel the Hajj due to worldwide avian flu, swine flu, and other communicable diseases. Sometimes individual countries *have* forbidden their own pilgrims from participating due to disease or disaster.

    We’ll see. It’s hard not to understand how a simple “accident” covers all this terrain, but that may in fact be how the major media frame the story. I have a different viewpoint.

    • Cynthia-

      I would recommend spending more time dealing directly with a Muslim culture if you are, as you say, “astounded,” that proper weather safety measures were not in place on this crane.

      Lack of such precautions are par for the course in my direct experience of Muslim culture. Heck, even simple things like door closers, weather-stripping, thresholds, and proper restroom ventilation are beyond their building design and construction capability.

    • Cynthia,
      Thanks for this information, which leads to the thought that even Allah (peace of Muhammad be upon him) doesn’t want too many Muslims in the world. If every Muslim in the world must make a Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his (and her?) life, but the Hajj site is limited to an area of only so many square meters, this imposes a sardine-packing limit on the world’s Muslim population — a limit which can be calculated by an al-gorithm.

  4. What a waste of all that metal. Moslems can’t manage technology and really should stick to stoning the devil while stampeding themselves to a pulpy death.

  5. Theists explain bad that happen TO THEM in one of 3 ways:

    1) By silence. Just don’t say anything; it’ll go away.
    2) Some rational naturalistic way. High winds?
    3) Some person in charge of the equipment was at fault. I feel sorry for this person on that constrution site.

    • A comment placed on an earlier thread by an Iranian ex-pat, Rita Malik expands on this pattern: here
      guilt oriented culture vs. shame and honour oriented
      a brief snippet of her comment follows:

      Being a guilt oriented culture (as oppose to shame and honour oriented) also you are very quick to take responsibility when you feel (real or imagined) that you did something wrong and quickly start to beat your chests in a public mea culpa and engage in a proverbial self-flagellation.

      All of the above make you incapable of understanding people from my neck of the woods and yours and our tendencies have made a really toxic combination on the world stage.

      Unless of course what went wrong causes us shame and embarrassment, in which case we will do anything possible to deflect blame from ourselves, especially if we have a hunch that it actually was our fault. We will make a lot of noise, give lots of excuses and engage in a lot of blame shifting. We role up in fetal position and pretend that we are actually the prime victims of what went wrong, all the while knowing full well that we have caused the damn thing to go wrong ourselves!

      All of that dysfunctional behaviour is highly exacerbated if there is a willing person (or country or culture) who is gladly taking all the blame for our behaviour on himself and has the peculiar tendency to totally disregard our role in what went wrong.

      Now this toxic mix applies to the politics and wars in the Middle East and in the 3rd world in general

      Why? Because we in the Middle East are a very irresponsible and fatal lot. When things go wrong for us (as they often do) we never fuss over why they went wrong too much. We expect things to go wrong all the time as part of the natural process of things and when they do we don’t try to find the guilty party to sue him. Analysis and self reflection and making sure it will never happen again and stuff like that are highly alien activities to us.”

        • Here’s a direct link to the PBS program which aired May 26th Frontline: Obama at War which appears to be appropriately named given the sequence of narrative (spin) and imagery beginning at the 5:00 minute mark. A clip of Obama making a statement with a visual of Susan Rice next to bobblehead Hillary nodding approvingly in the background followed by NYT Peter Baker stating Obama doesn’t believe it’s his responsibility to force Asad’s choice to step down. Then the Frontline narrator reveals that the WH had reason to believe they didn’t have to do anything – as another NYT reporter, Mark Mazzetti admits, “we’ve seen what happened in Egypt, in Tunisia, in Libya and the feeling was that the popular demonstrations would ultimately bring down the regime.”
          Sure looked/sounded like a CIA coordinated narrative from this end.
          Thanks for the link.

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