Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.
Newsletter #167 — How the Muslim Brotherhood Operates in Tennessee (part 5 of 8)
Private Islamic Schools in Tennessee
The Muslim Brotherhood’s plan also anticipated and set out details for the education of the “children of the American Ikhwani branch.” Ikhwan is the name that the Muslim Brotherhood uses for themselves.
Tennessee has several private Islamic full-day schools that offer an immersion-style Islamic religious education in addition to secular studies. According to the Tennessee Code and State Board of Education’s rules that define non-public schools, these schools are considered “Category IV Church-based schools” and as such, are exempt from all education regulations. This means that the State Board of Education, Department of Education or local boards of education are prohibited from regulating the selection of faculty, textbooks or curriculum of these schools.
Pleasant View School, Memphis (PVS), pre-K — 8th grade
In 2010 PVS announced on its website that Dr. Hamed Ghazali had been hired as “the new consultant for PVS’ Islamic Studies, Quran & Arabic.” Dr. Ghazali serves as Chairman of the Muslim American Society (MAS) Council of Islamic Schools (MASCIS), recognized as Muslim Brotherhood affiliates.
In 2004 MAS’ Secretary-General admitted in court, under oath, that MAS was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAS’ own archived website details its associations with the Muslim Students Association, ISNA and NAIT — all named organizations in the Brotherhood’s Explanatory Memo.
On page 12 of the Explanatory Memo it states:
“We have a seed for a ‘comprehensive Dawa educational’ organization: We have the Dawa’ section in ISNA….the center run by brother Hamed Ghazali…”
A Hamed Ghazali is listed individually in the Muslim Brotherhood telephone directory introduced into evidence during the HLF prosecution.
MAS is one of the organizations the UAE included on its terrorist designation because it is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.
During the joint MAS — ICNA 2012 annual convention, Hamed Ghazali, told the audience in Arabic that “Allah gave us the Jews” as the primary historical and religious example of those who “take the wrong path.” A recent article described him as “taking a moderate approach to Islam.”
Ghazali spoke at the “Zakah Seminar” on December 6, 2014 at the Islamic Center of Tennessee. “Zakah” (sometimes spelled “zakat”) is the charity vehicle that was the subject of the HLF terrorism financing prosecution.
On April 8, 2012, PVS announced that Dr. Mohammed Malley was hired to be the new principal. Dr. Malley was the President of his university’s MSA. He later served with the Brotherhood’s MAS-Austin Chapter.
Dr. Malley was introduced at a PVS fundraiser keynoted by Kifah Mustapha, an active member of the Chicago-area Muslim community. Mustapha was dismissed from serving as the first Muslim chaplain for the Illinois State Police after his ties to the HAMAS-support network were discovered. It was disclosed that he had been a paid employee for the Holy Land Foundation and is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF prosecution.
Annoor Academy, Knoxville, pre-K — 8th grade
The school’s 2013 promo video displays a row of textbooks titled “What Islam Is All About.” This textbook was written by the Muslim convert Yahiya Emerick, who said that he wrote this book in standard English to teach Muslim children living in the U.S. about Islam.
Emerick’s textbook, following the dictates of the Quran, warns students about getting too friendly with non-Muslims, and denigrates Jews and Christians and their religions and beliefs. More than anything, Emerick offers Islam as a civilization alternative reflecting the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the West.
Emerick speaks at the ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) conferences. ICNA is among the 29 organizations listed in the Muslim Brotherhood plan. ICNA has long held its annual conferences in conjunction with the MAS (Muslim American Society).
ICNA’s pursuit of establishing Islam as the “sole basis of global society and governance” was published in its 2010 Member’s Hand Book which also sanctioned deceit while proselytizing their way to this goal.
Mark Durie, a theologian and human rights activist, cites Emerick’s textbook in his blog post about the Muslim Brotherhood agenda for establishing Islam, that is, the Muslim Brotherhood plan. Durie explains that the Brotherhood’s plan is about succeeding in phases. He quotes Emerick’s textbook at p. 378 as “reflect[ing] the Brotherhood’s ideology of phases for establishing Islam.”
Nadeem Siddiqi, Chairman of the Tennessee Islamist political organization the American Center for Outreach, is currently a board member of the Annoor Academy. Siddiqi works closely with the “unofficial” imam in Knoxville, Rafiq Mahdi, who also serves as the Director of Community Development for ICNA Relief USA, the charity arm of ICNA named in the Muslim Brotherhood plan.
Abdulrahman Murphy, a former CAIR intern who spent time training in Saudi Arabia, was on the faculty at the Annoor Academy until sometime in 2014. Murphy also worked with the UT Knoxville MSA and was a speaker at ISNA’s 2013 conference in Dallas. Both the MSA and ISNA are named Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. He is appears to be a very close associate with imam Suhaib Webb who was sent by the Brotherhood’s MAS to study at Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Webb was then hired as the Imam for the Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) in Roxbury, a mosque managed by MAS-Boston. This mosque is the sister campus of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) mosque attended by the Boston marathon bombers.
Murphy and Webb both teach at the Ella Collins Institute at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC). Webb’s associations included the al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki.
Nashville International Academy (NIA), pre-K — 7th grade
The Islamic School of Nashville was established by the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN) in 1995. In 1999, under the guidance of the ICN’s imam Abdulhakim Mohamed who had served at the radical al-Farooq mosque in Brooklyn, New York. The school was renamed the Nashville international Academy and ICN advertised for a principal with the Brotherhood’s ISNA organization.
Even though the school did not meet Tennessee’s statutory criteria to be granted Category IV status, the State Board of Education approved their application in 2007 for this purpose.
In 2012 the warranty deed for NIA showed the owner as D.B. Client Service, LLC. Devon Bank in Chicago created D.B. Client Service to manage special clients. Devon Bank has been involved with sharia-compliant financial products since early 2000. In 2008 it was reported that sharia-compliant products made up more than 75% of the bank’s mortgage portfolio. Devon Bank products receive their sharia-compliant blessing from the Sharia Supervisory Board of America whose Vice-President is Mufti Usmani.
Usmani is a jihadist who has ties to the Taliban and has called for jihad against the West. He is a central leader with the madrassa that produced the Taliban, and he has publicly endorsed suicide bombing.
The Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi says “sharia finance is nothing less than ‘Jihad with money.’ As al-Qaradawi explains, ‘God has ordered us to fight enemies with our lives and with our money.’”
For a look into the utter and scarcely believable cult-like brain-washing of full-immersion in the Brotherhood, I recommend “Inside the Brotherhood” by Hazem Kandil.
It’s about the Egyptian Brotherhood.
Getting this cancer out of our system will make mere chemotherapy seem like eating cake.