The Dark Side of the Interfaith Syndicate, Part 2: The Red-Green Alliance

Below is the latest newsletter of the Tennessee Council for Political Justice. It is the second in a series. Part 1 is here.

Newsletter #153 — The Dark Side of the Interfaith Syndicate: the Red-Green Alliance (part 2 of 4)

The General Church and Board Society (GCBS) is one of The United Methodist Church’s international ministries. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. in the UMC building that is typically referred to as the “God Box” which houses other denominational offices, which just like the UMC, are aligned against Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) also comfortably shares their space.

The Methodist Church has also been entangled with Israel haters through UMCOR and its General Board of Global Ministries’ (GBGM) endorsement of Sabeel’s anti-Israel U.S. conferences and Sabeel Youth activities. Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center is a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem which helps promote anti-Israel advocacy in U.S. churches. Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) and Friends of Sabeel UK affiliates help spread the word.

FOSNA is also included on the Anti-Defamation League’s Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups in America. These are the Methodists’ bed-fellows.

In 2012, as part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, the UMC 2012 General Conference voted to recommend boycotts and sanctions against Israel.

In 2013, in order to spread its anti-Israel agenda, the GCBS and the GBGM published an advocacy packet that provides a link to Sabeel in the Resource section and recommends further study of the Kairos Palestine Document (KPD).

The KPD calls on Christians throughout the world to target Israel with Boycotts, Divestments, and economic Sanctions (BDS). It embodies Sabeel’s Palestinian liberation theology in the form of a bigoted and biased Israel blame-game. It provides a wholesale pass to Palestinian “resistance” in whatever form including “Palestinian attacks targeting Israeli civilians [which] are not terrorism motivated by a desire to destroy Israel, but ‘legal resistance’ motivated by a desire to liberate themselves from oppression.”

The Resource Section of the GBCS website which links to Muslim organizations only includes Muslim Brotherhood groups including the virulently anti-Israel Jew-hating American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Jew-hatred embedded in interfaithing

Even when Islamists get involved in interfaith dialogue, they cannot conceal their hatred of Jews and Israel. Why? Because the words and deeds of CAIR leaders, from its founders to its chapter directors, remind us that the organization’s DNA comes from Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

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The interfaith work of the UMC ministries is the red-green alliance in action, the interfaith syndicate. These progressives, including the Islamists and Arabs in their midst, have shrewdly embedded their objectives in the jargon of social justice and human and minority rights.

The Methodists are willing to bend to Muslim sensitivities while deliberately ignoring the ongoing persecution of Christians in Islamic lands. Have they no shame?

The Islamist partners in the red-green alliance steadfastly challenge man’s right to legislate over Allah and make laws of their own, while the Christian leftists delight in practicing social justice with Hamas, a terrorist organization that rules over its own apartheid state.

So, instead of being concerned about their fellow Christians’ persecution by Muslims in Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, etc, the United Methodist Church has chosen to align itself with organizations like Sabeel and CAIR-Hamas, and an agenda which at its core is intended to destroy the State of Israel.

Interfaith politics may make strange bedfellows, but there is always a choice about who you go to bed with.