The Dark Side of the Interfaith Syndicate: A Closer Look at the “Green Players” (Part 3 of 4)

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice, the third in a series. Previously: Part 1, Part 2.

Newsletter #154 — The Dark Side of the Interfaith Syndicate: a Closer Look at the “Green Players” (part 3 of 4)

Having laid the groundwork for Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR in Tennessee, ACO’s founder and former Policy Director, Remziya Suleyman, has left to work for the Kurdish Regional Government office in D.C.

Paul “Iesa” Galloway, founder and Executive Director of CAIR — Houston (2002-2006), is the new Director for Tennessee’s ACO. Galloway’s resume looks like a page out of the 1991 Muslim Brotherhood Memorandum plan for North America which addresses what needs to be done so that “Islam is enabled within the souls, minds and the lives of the people of the country in which it moves.”

Various TCPJ newsletters have discussed how the Muslim Brotherhood plan is being implemented in Tennessee via seemingly unobjectionable motives, such as “preventing discrimination and bullying”, “countering prejudice”, “correcting misinformation”, “supplementing the school curriculum”, interfaith dialogue and promoting religious freedom.

Take the school curriculum for example. Schools in Tennessee use materials provided by CAIR. In other states there are increasing reports of having students learn the shahada, the Islamic conversion prayer, and affirm that there is no god but allah and that “Allah is the same god that is worshipped in Christianity and Judaism” as part of studying Islam as a world religion. Do they tell the students that this prayer is also on the black ISIS flag of jihad?

Paul “Iesa” Galloway and interfaithing

Islamists use ‘interfaith dialogue, or bridge-building as it is sometimes called, to proselytize and at the very least, work to subvert and dhimmify the other faiths.

One of Galloway’s first endeavors after his conversion was to establish and lead a CAIR chapter for four years. He also spent more time with Mohammed Elibiary working for Elibiary’s Freedom & Justice Foundation and his Lone Star Intelligence firm.

Galloway also joined the Leadership Team with’s co-founder and resident scholar of the Memphis Islamic Center, Yasir Qadhi, a Jew-hater who says Christians are spiritually filthy, is an instructor and Dean of Academic Affairs at AlMaghrib Institute whose students have included the Christmas Day bomber, convicted terrorist Daniel Maldonado and the “underwear bomber.” The 2006 Texas Dawah Convention brought together Qadhi, Elibiary, Islamic Center of Tennessee Imam Abdul Rahman ibn Esa Chao and Galloway.

Galloway took his Muslim Brother mentorship and began applying it to the engine of the interfaith syndicate. For approximately three years Galloway was an Interfaith Relations Program Manager for the Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston. In 2013, this enterprise posted revenues of $17 million.

In 2013 Galloway was hired as the Executive Director of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH) and described his job as “conceiving, developing and executing programs and events that bring diverse groups of people together to increase the strength of our shared beliefs!”

Does this suggest anything about the direction he will take the ACO and the Family of Abraham interfaith syndicate in Nashville? Time will tell.