Broke-Down Palace

Alas! We’re still having issues with our server. The site has remained up without any interruptions, but from yesterday afternoon until just now, Dymphna and I were unable to post or approve comments. As a result, Gates of Vienna remained static for 24 hours.

We’re now in residence again, sweeping the floor and setting the table for our guests. We hope this is the final fix of the final problem, but who knows?

Once again, having missed last night’s news feed, I’ll combine September 4 and 5 in a single feed tonight.

On our hands and our knees we will roll, roll, roll…

One thought on “Broke-Down Palace

  1. Love you Baron and Dymphna, no matter your trials and tribulations, you will always triumph, because you are right. Thanks for all your work. You and all who help you are bright lights to the rest of us. You show us courage and the way ahead and not to give up even if we want to. Courage mes braves.

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