Wondrous Things That Won’t Be @ Schloss Bodissey

As y’all know, as part of our Fundraising Week, I’ve been thinking about adverts on our site.

You’ve seen our book links to Amazon on the sidebar, but you may not know I shop for our vitamins, household goods, and garden equipment on Amazon, too.

It’s also a handy place to leave a Wish List for the Baron to peruse since he can never think of what to get me for birthdays and such. When he asks me “what would you like for Christmas, puddin’ lump?”, I can’t think of a thing I need. Thus I took over his Wish List on Amazon so he could simply go there for ideas. Sometimes I add family gifts also because he’s simply too busy to do/think about anything but whatever is right in front of him.

Thus, last Christmas he looked on the list and voila! two weeks later under the tree on Christmas was my wonderful red teakettle… because I remembered to put it on The List. It’s also a handy place to leave things for our house that I’ll forget if I don’t write them down somewhere without losing the post-it note.

Amazon is like WalMart for semi-invalids like me. I mean, I can move around for limited amounts of time; I do a few house and garden chores, and still love to cook. But shopping? No way. I never did like it anyway; those window-shopping expeditions that energize some women were torture, much to my mother’s annoyance when I was a kid. Even then I found the experience exhausting and much to her disappointment, I never “grew out of” my antipathy regarding “browsing” — something I could do at libraries, though. Yes, I realize that if everyone were like me, the economy would soon wither.

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So today, Amazon sent this new ad out to its Frequent Shoppers list. Or its Prime list. Whatever. Bottom line is that its customers can now preorder their Amazon Fire phone.

We will never ever buy this gadget. For one thing, there are no cellphone towers within shouting distance of Schloss Bodissey. For another, we live in the sloooow lane. But for people who like smart phones and who like Amazon and who have a trust fund, why this is probably the bee’s knees. Or the ant’s abdomen.

For me, the specs on this gadget are fascinating. And small Amazon ads might not interfere with Gates of Vienna very much.

Looking at this is a break from thinking about the deliberately malign “humanitarian” crisis our President created on America’s southern border. The most cynical act of an administration marked by extremes of cynical manipulation. Every time I think it can’t get any worse, our President’s nose grows another inch.

Google image search for the crisis on our southern border

Jummah at a Magnet School in Nashville

I posted last week about Mwafaq Aljabbary, a.k.a. Mwafaq Mohammed, who is running for a state senate seat in Tennessee. Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice with more on Mr. Aljabbary/Mohammed.

Newsletter #124 — What Does Aljabbary/Mohammed’s “Change” Look Like?

Mwafaq Aljabbary, aka Mwafaq Mohammed, is running for Tennessee Senate District 21 in Davidson County (Nashville), the seat previously held by Democrat Douglas Henry for over 40 years.

Aljabbary aka Mohammed says that:

“My ethnicity is Kurd and I am an immigrant. The population demography of Nashville is changing and this trend will continue for years to come. More and more immigrants and minorities are selecting Nashville as their home. We chose to live in America for a reason and that is the Freedom and principals America represents.

It is not impossible to win this race. With your help and support we can have our voice in the government.”

Who do you think Aljabbary aka Mohammed is talking about when he says “we chose to live in America” and “we can have our voice in the government?”

Just as fellow Islamist and American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) member Zak Mohyuddin, running for County Commissioner in Coffee County, also tells voters that American Muslims are part of the changing demographics that he represents.

Jummah (Friday prayer) at MLK Academic Magnet School in Nashville

This is the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at MLK Academic Magnet School. This MSA was organized by the Muslim Youth Network of TN (MYNT) after being trained last summer (and this video) in political activism by CAIR director Dawud Walid and Muslim American Center for Outreach (ACO) Director, Remziya Suleyman. Suleyman is a member of the Kurdish mosque where Aljabbary aka Mohammed served as the president in 2010.

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The Past as Prologue

Summer Fundraiser 2014, Day Four

“The past is prologue”, right? Well, let’s get our prologues to the Baron’s life as Gates of Vienna’s curator and mine as the fretter observer of crossroads out of the way.

Tip jarI have said that this blog is our “mission”, but that was always qualified by the voices of our audience and team. If ever a point came when there wasn’t enough financial feedback then it would become necessary to figure out our next step.

So that is our crossroads at the moment, and that is what y’all will help us decide. Not an easy task. Women generally speak with a more personal voice than do men, and this post will be no different. The Baron is a reserved introvert and says less about himself generally; I am a flaming extrovert who can say more than you want to hear.

Ah, well. At least there is no confusing us.

The Baron’s Prologue

The Curator has spoken again, and with great clarity accompanied by a wonderful image. I don’t know where he digs up those pictures, but invariably they have a certain élan. Perhaps they succeed because he prefers period pieces, sepia-toned anachronisms. Heck, sometimes I think that’s why he married me.

Now it’s my turn again to stand in the box, though I am one of the Baron’s biggest fans and think he’d do this better. However, since I’m the one who chose to focus on the crossroads it’s up to me to figure out a way to tell you my concerns. Besides, he already carries too much of the weight of this enterprise.

Now he writes effortlessly and well. But at the beginning of GoV, the Baron found it necessary to begin using those old verbal muscles — the ones he’d flexed back in his youth via intensive A-Level studies but even in college hadn’t had occasion to utilize as intensely as would come to be his custom after a few years on this website.

At any rate, when he began to write again after such a long hiatus it was as a commenter rather than a blogger. The ferment was The Belmont Club with Wretchard’s genius for creative analysis. Among the people who commented there, several from that period went on to form their own blogs. We certainly weren’t the only ones in that comment section who felt the need to move off on our own. In all decency at some point one had to stop taking up so much bandwidth on Wretchard’s dime and time. That was way back before Pajamas Media, though.

After all these years of writing so frequently — and sometimes intensively — not to mention his labors as a curator of others’ endeavors, the Baron’s writing has become finely honed. That wasn’t always the case. In the beginning of our joint public writing life he was taken aback by how stiff his written verbal skills had become. For a long time he’d been away from any requirement for that part of his brain — though in a foreshadowing of this work here, we once collaborated on a screenplay. It was his idea and it was his perseverance that saw the project to completion. And, yes, he made it fun — though now if I were to re-read it, I’d be in a frenzy of re-writing while he’d be content to observe an occasional good line or some character delineation he found well done. (One of the best parts of that experience was creating a variety of characters; they weren’t all likeable.)

In our life before Gates of Vienna (which continued more or less the same through the first few years online), a strange and most serendipitous thing happened to the Baron: without so much as a pause between them, he moved from his real vocation of many decades as a painter of rural landscapes straight into a full-time job which utilized his secondary strength as a mathematician and programmer. Suddenly after all those years sitting in the midst of fragrant cow patties he found himself in an urban office setting working as a systems analyst/programmer in the midst of other people. Yes, he landed on his feet quite skillfully, especially considering his introversion.

They tell you not to take a job that requires a new wardrobe, but in his case it was necessary. I doubt his co-workers would’ve thought much of his painting gear (though the jeans were so ripped and painted and worn, he could probably sell them today).

What happened was this: a very good friend of many years, a friend who’d generously bought a sizeable number of the Baron’s paintings over the years, called to ask him to take on a computer job at the company where he hinmself had been for some time. The Baron had kept up his computer skills in the off-season (i.e., deep winter when it was too cold to sit outside). That offer turned out to be serendipitous: after the contract was over, he found other work. This led to a whole new life, one with enough money in it that we lived at a new level; suddenly we were consumers. Not big spenders by any means, just not pinched anymore. I doubt you could have told the difference, really. Except for the clothes. The Baron noticed he was treated more respectfully when he had on a coat and tie. He hadn’t noticed a lack of respect in his painting clothes, but he could feel a discernible response to his costume in public, at, say, a restaurant.

That life of contract computer work and commuting evolved into a salaried job among other groups of congenial people. The Baron was able to pay our son’s way through college and we saw no end in sight for a working life. But all that changed when the private company for which he worked was sold and the new brooms wanted to sweep, as new owners often do. Their main change was to move the senior programmers out of offices and into cubicles — to save rent space on square footage, probably. Years earlier, when the Baron saw others working in that environment, he’d wonder how people had evolved the coping skills required to function in a noisy environment and still be able to do deep thinking. For introverted types like him, he figured it would be torture. In short, the new brooms made a path for him to be laid off graciously. He’d had no trouble finding new work in the previous years and he didn’t think this would be any different.

By then, Gates of Vienna was up and running and the future Baron had fledged and gone. During those fat years before the advent of cubicles, I stuffed money into savings. We’d never had the chance to save before and I investigated every trick I could think of to compile self-employment savings during his contract years, and then those company pension funds during his salaried work. Had I not done that, we would have long ago had to quit the project that has become Gates of Vienna. And then again, our years of living on the edge while he painted had been good preparation for this time when the Wheel would turn again, past the fat years and back here to the lean times. We already know well how to live this way.

Dymphna’s Prologue

While the Baron was busy being a programmer, my own life changed in some radically unexpected ways. Not too long after the Baron became a working stiff, I’d had to leave my job because of severe fatigue. It would eventually turn into full-blown fibromyalgia, though that process took years, and after that years of accepting what it was. I didn’t go down without a “mind-over-matter” fight, but as anyone with this disorder can tell you, fighting it off makes it worse.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/18/2014

Despite vigorous protests by local residents in Bendigo — an Australian city north of Melbourne in Victoria — the city council voted 6-2 to permit the construction of a $3 million mosque. The demonstrators were concerned that building the mosque might invite jihad into their city.

In other news, a school in Connecticut has blocked students from viewing websites that support Second Amendment rights, but allows them to visit sites that promote gun control.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, KP, MC, Nick, RR, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Away With Those Infidel Crosses!

The following translation from Unzensuriert.at was originally published at Vlad Tepes in a slightly different form. Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation:

During Muslim burials, crosses must be hidden

Massive clashes between different cultures are a near-daily occurrence in Germany as well as in Austria. However, conflicts between Christians and Muslims cause increasing anger among the citizens, and for quite a while they [Muslims] have unwilling to accept just about anything. Recently there was such a case in the German town of Offenbach near Frankfurt on the Main. After an agreement had been reached between the two cultures, the Muslims demanded still more and more.

Cemetery without Crosses

Dying is no-one’s favorite subject, except in the following case: A Muslim community had asked for a special place in the cemetery in the Hessian town, Seligenstadt on the Main. So far so good. Such a place had been found for them. But now the (Muslim) community demands that all Christian symbols be removed from the entire cemetery grounds during a (Muslim) burial.

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Production Supervisors

Summer Fundraiser 2014, Day Three

The theme for this week’s fundraiser is “Curators at the Crossroads”. Like most joint Dymphna-Baron operations, the topic was a hybrid. Dymphna felt the need to focus on the possibility that we may soon be faced with hard choices about how address the funding crisis at Gates of Vienna. And my idea was to discuss the complex processes at work here — I wanted the people who are being asked to donate to have some idea of what they’re supporting.

Tip jarDymphna and I have arrived at a decision point about what we need to do and how to keep this operation going. But what is actually done here? And, more to the point, who does it?

As I mentioned on Monday, we are now more curators than owners, more managers than authors, more supervisors than entrepreneurs.

The collective endeavor known as “Gates of Vienna” has become a sprawling, eccentric, ad-hoc production facility and clearinghouse for information about the Jihad and the Counterjihad. In order to distribute useful information about what is happening to the West, we are forced to overcome the silence, obstruction, misdirection, and outright mendacity of the mainstream media and our political leaders. To do that we must ferret out material that would otherwise lie buried, organize and collate it, translate and subtitle it as required, and disseminate it in a format that is accessible to a generation that has trouble comprehending any medium more complex than a post-it note.

That’s why video is so important. This is where Vlad Tepes comes in: Vlad has a knack for video, and a two- to five-minute video is the most effective way to catch the attention of members of the Millennial generation. His work is crucial — I often insist that it is more important than anything I do. That’s the reason we assign a tenth of what we receive this week for the upkeep of Vlad.

My primary skills are text and images, while Vlad is adept at audio and video. So we specialize in our collaborations: I write video intros, edit transcripts and supply still images when needed; he cleans up audio, edits video footage, and adds titles and subtitles to the final product.

Although video reaches an audience that is larger by at least an order of magnitude, I still consider text important. There are many old-fashioned people (I admit to being one) who prefer to take in their information that way, and some of them may even be essential for spreading the word in places where textual information still rules.

Images have a propaganda value of their own. A carefully-crafted graphic statement — such as the one at left — can grab attention, excite discussion, and induce viewers to see important issues in new ways. It’s hard to track how much influence they have, because they tend to spread without any link to our blog or any reference to where they came from. One out of every twenty or thirty may have viral tendencies, so I keep churning them out.

But video has the greatest reach of all. A video that goes viral on YouTube may have millions of viewers and change people’s opinions on a topic. Five minutes with Pat Condell or Michael Stürzenberger on video can have a far greater effect than ten thousand words by me — or even Fjordman.

So I give video top priority. Here’s how a typical Vlad-Baron collaboration works:

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Build It and The Dreamers Will Come

This is insane.

Like many of you I’ve been more or less averting my eyes helplessly from what I’ve come to call The Flood — i.e., the overwhelming number of “children” who have been permitted — nay, encouraged, enticed — to cross America’s southern border, where those nice people are waiting for them, herding the little peeps into buses and planes for an exciting journey even further into the interior of the continental forty-eight states. They will be provided for until their parents arrive to take them home to be joyfully reunited here and begin their new lives as Democrat voters. “Immigration laws”? They don’t need no stinkin’ laws, just do it. That’s the gist of the real “Dream Act” which is in reality America’s Waking Nightmare. It’s coming soon to a street near you.

90,000 kids massing in the southwest, originating in Central America with destinations all across the fruited plains? Their concerted arrival is no accident. This is another choreographed assault on the American people, a planned breach of our sovereign borders, our laws, and our human concern for children — just to name three ideas we’d taken for granted before Obama’s reign began.

So who arranged this? It’s not clear yet; I’m still digging, though it sure sets my PTSD clanging like a bell. Which is perhaps part of The Plan?? Our aversion to this story is a normal reaction to a deeply abnormal situation. The immigration mess in the United States may differ in its particulars from the Eurabian aggression against the indigenous peoples of what was once Europe, but both are malignant and destructive forces arrayed against average folks. Both are designed to kill or to conquer their hosts. Both are systematically moving through the indigenous populations via a deliberate overwhelm. These are both too-big-to-survive population plagues.

Even before this latest onslaught, the bumf and noise coming out of Washington was unintelligible; it seemed too big to metabolize, and in some gut sense, dangerously traitorous. I’m paying for my deliberate ignorance because now it will take me a while to develop a working understanding of the ingredients in this toxic brew we’re supposed to swallow. Yes, the situation should be clear by now. After all, one of Obama’s repeated campaign promises was the new transparency he was going to institute in Washington.

Instead, as our government-induced fatigue tells us, this administration has turned out to be one of the most opaque; much of what has transpired on Obama’s watch is a huckster’s sleight of hand, enabled and advertised by the MSM. Despite what turned out to be deliberately cynical campaign rhetoric, the facts were out there, at least at the local level. But on the larger stage, if you believed him about the plastic wrap he’d use for his administration’s processes, well then he has some desert property in Nevada to sell you. Oh wait, that’s already being parceled out to Chinese solar companies…

According to a report in Newsmax, advertisements ran in various Central American newspapers telling parents to send the kids on up here:

Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras are promoting policies by the Obama administration that defer deportation to minors brought to the United States as children by their parents — known as “Dreamers” — and those that are housing illegal children at military bases in the South and West.

“Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be treated differently than adult violators of the law,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is quoted in a story about a new two-year extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy published by Diario El Mundo in El Salvador.

That’s just a single aspect of this administration’s many-faceted criminal endeavor. But let’s not forget one of its major partners in crime, the transnational U.N., which appears to have played a big role in this vast migration. The National Journal says this “is not an immigration story”, it’s a “humanitarian crisis”. The reporter quotes an interview he had with a bureaucrat from the U.N. High Commission for Refugees (is there a “Low Commission”, do you think?) [emphases below are mine — D.]:

Just a few weeks ago, the United States was projecting 60,000 unaccompanied minors would attempt to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border by the end of the year. That projection is now 90,000, and it may be surpassed.


“The normal migration patterns in this region have changed,” Leslie Velez, senior protection officer at the U.N. High Commission for Refugees, explains. These people aren’t coming here for economic opportunity. They are fleeing for their lives.

“For the U.N. refugee agency to register an uptick in asylum applications in places other than the United States is a huge red flag for us.”

Earlier this year, the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees surveyed 404 children from Mexico and Central America who arrived in the United States illegally, and asked a simple question: Why did you leave? The report found “that no less than 58 percent of the 404 children interviewed were forcibly displaced” to a degree that warranted international protection, meaning that if the U.S. refused these children, it could be in breach of U.N. conventions.

Velez was one of the authors of that report, interviewing undocumented immigrant children across the U.S. immigration system for two hours each.


Recently, I spoke with Velez over the phone to learn more about the forces motivating children to make the journey north. Below is an edited transcript of our conversation.

When did it become apparent that something out of the ordinary was happening with migration out of Central America?

Our sister agency, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, started the clock at the increase in violence and insecurity in the Northern Triangle in 2006.

Around 2008, it was probably the first time it really hit the U.N. refugee agency’s radar. When we went back to the numbers, there was an increase in asylum applications starting as early as 2005. It wasn’t too significant until we got to 2008. And in 2008 to 2013 we noted a 712 percent increase that were lodged in countries other than the United States [like Mexico, Panama, Belize, and Costa Rica].

It becomes significant in 2008, huh? The year Obama is elected to govern the U.S.? Coincidence? Sure it was.

The interview continues:

So why are we hearing about this now?

The numbers have been doubling every year since 2011. And for us, that’s dramatic. For the U.S. government — who has been really challenged in order to process this large number — I think their capacity has really been tested in the last few weeks. I think that’s what generated a lot of attention. Because the numbers have rapidly increased.

And your next followup question is probably going to be, “Why?”

Yes it is. Why?

Out of the 404 children surveyed, only nine of mentioned anything about U.S. immigration policy.

From reports that we are hearing from individuals on the ground, both from our U.N. offices that are there, as well as NGOs — in particular Catholic Relief Services in El Salvador — they have been really clear that on the ground a few important things are happening…

The interview goes on, including these questions:

  • Who is making the decision to flee, to go north? Is it the kids themselves, the parents?
  • How much choice do the kids have in this and how do they make this decision?
  • According to reports, as many as 60,000 minors have come to our border this year. When I hear numbers that high, I wonder, is this a systematic form of travel?
  • Are there economies involved in this mass movement of people?
  • Exploitation?
  • In the wake of these trends, some lawmakers have called on increased southern border security for Mexico. What do you make of that?
  • I’ve been reading that these children are coming north on rumors that the United States will let them in, that the Obama administration has lax policies toward minors. Did you find that at all in your survey?

It’s a revealing interview, with some information on the phenomenon as it spreads throughout other countries. Realizing that most of us face a language barrier here, I went over to Fausta’s blog. On Central and South America, she’s a fount of information. Spanish is her native tongue.

And so what’s on Fausta’s mind today?

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/17/2014

In the Belgian city of Antwerp, a school bus full of Jewish kindergarteners was attacked by Muslim “youths”, who surrounded it and threw stones at it. No one was injured. Jewish groups in Antwerp called for a prompt response by the authorities against the perpetrators of the attack.

In other news, twelve people were killed by a car bomb in a Shiite neighborhood of Baghdad.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Jihad and Hijra in Kenya

Islam has bloody borders, as the late Samuel Huntington famously said. Kenya is one of those border areas: although not a Muslim country (an estimated 8%-10% of the population is Muslim), it is subject to sporadic outbreaks of jihad-related violence.

Last year’s Westgate Mall massacre was the jihad attack that brought the situation in Kenya into public awareness. But Muslims were massacring Kenyan infidels before Westgate, and they have continued since then.

Although Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the latest attacks in Kenya, the Kenyan president maintains that local Kenyan mujahideen were responsible. If you get your news from the Beeb, however, you won’t hear even a whisper about JIM.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this BBC news report:

The Washington Post is not so coy. Below are excerpts from a detailed article about the jihad being waged against non-Muslims in coastal Kenya:

Kenya president blames locals for deadly attacks

NAIROBI, Kenya — The killers in the Kenyan village singled out non-Muslims, shooting them point-blank or slitting their throats, just like the previous night in an adjacent hamlet. A Somali extremist group claimed responsibility but Kenya’s president on Tuesday blamed local political networks for the 60 deaths.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, in a national address, said evidence indicates that the motive for the killing spree was to evict a community of people in order to grab the land along the coast near the Somali border. He said al-Shabab, a Somali group linked to al-Qaida, was not behind it.

But analysts expressed doubt. Matt Bryden, the former head of the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia, said al-Shabab has never claimed credit for an attack it didn’t carry out.

“It has all the hallmarks of an al-Shabab attack, said Bryden, now the head of Sahan Research. “Secondly, there’s been no sign of a Kenyan group carrying out an attack on this scale or with these tactics.”

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At The Crossroads

Summer Fundraiser 2014, Day Two

Is you is or is you ain’t my baby?

In which Dymphna free-associates down the page and those who’ve a mind to can follow along, creating their own discursive inner dialogue…

Tip jarNow, I know y’all will find it hard to believe, but this is a fundraising post. This is the second day of our quarterly bleg here at gates of Vienna. It’s one of the octet of days in which we endeavor to raise enough money to see ourselves and this blog through another season on the calendar.

I’m going to wander off the road for a few minutes, but have no fear: I’ll be back here rattling the tin cup in your face before you can say “Jack Robinson.”

Or, in this case, “Nat King Cole”.

For some reason, on waking this morning I literally rolled out of bed with Nat King Cole’s version of this old (1944) standard playing in my head.

Perhaps it was Mark Spahn who first gave me the term for this strange phenomenon: ear worms. However, English appears to have taken it straight from the German term, Ohrwurm. That linked essay gives the words and meanings in other languages and provides a rationale for what is evidently a common experience. In other words, the experts have spoken… but notice how the French and Italian versions display their respective cultures in the terms they choose to employ for tunes stuck in your head.

However, my own experience with unbidden songs playing endlessly on repeat is not mentioned in that piece. And I’ll bet other people have come to understand, as I have, what those sudden songs are about for them. One thing is certain: this is no voluntary exercise. The chanson du jour simply arrives and goes into repetitive mode until I give in and take the time to process what my undermind insists needs attention. Usually it’s something thorny, but not always. When I can do so, reading about a given song’s origins allows even more clarity into the process. Whatever it is I’m deep down fretting about but don’t want to face, the angels of my better self grab my head and make me look. It’s either that or listen to the song tripping its way through my day, or week, or fortnight. So far the resolutions for these experiences have been spot on, at least from my internal standpoint. The good ending is: “Oh, so that’s what it’s about… hmmm.”

Earworms are akin to dreams in that both are unconscious bids for attention and settlement, and both use a template of some sort to clarify the botheration. In this case Nat King Cole’s fine rendition of “Is You Is” loosely parallels my worries about the future of Gates of Vienna. Cole brings a lightheartedness I need in order to loosen up enough to consider our options.

Thus my preoccupation with GoV’s future, and the more immediate issues such as this most belated quarterly fundraiser (so tardy are we that 2014 will end up with only three fundraising weeks instead of the usual four). To have gotten to mid-June and to be only now starting our second campaign is startling; I’m dismayed. Letting one of them lapse because so much was going on (believe me, even I don’t know all the details and time-consuming work that never appear on the website) means that by year’s end we will have shorted ourselves.

Obviously this is a wake-up call, but I don’t yet know fully what the call concerns. Not a good sign, but given the complexity of the situation it’s not possible to know fully the ramifications.

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“If a Jew is Hiding, Go There and Kill Him!”

We’ve reported several times about Czech President Miloš Zeman, who said some unkind things about Islam in a speech last month, and brought down the wrath of the OIC upon his head as a result.

The OIC demanded an apology, but Mr. Zeman politely declined to provide one. Now Saudi Arabia is threatening sanctions against Czechia in retaliation for the president’s “Islamophobic” remarks.

JLH has translated an article from an Austrian newspaper comparing Miloš Zeman with the Egyptian-German scholar of Islam Hamed Abdel-Samad, who lives under a death fatwa for his own words about Islam. The translator includes this note:

This article contains an interesting contrast: “Islamophobia” — said to have been invented some years ago by one of the Iranian ayatollahs (Khomeini or Khamenei) and used to great effect as a motto for those taking advantage of the PC/MC movement — is contrasted to “Islamofascism” as coined by Abdel-Samad.

It makes me wonder whether Abdel-Samad’s greatest sin against Islam was not the powerful description of its totalitarian qualities, but the creation of a motto of equal and opposite power. Islam has discovered that language is a powerful tool in the West, and he has created a linguistic Uzi to match their propagandistic Kalashnikov.

The translated article from Die Presse:

“If a Jew is Hiding, Go There and Kill Him!”

Czech President Zeman claims a direct connection between Islam and anti-Semitic crimes. That’s Courage!

By Christian Ortner

Whenever a small massacre is carried out in the name of the religion of peace, as recently happened in Brussels’ Jewish Museum, public opinion is accustomed to dutifully drawing the distinction between “Islam” and “Islamism” or even “radical Islamism.”

‘Islam” — that’s the harmless religion of those nice Turkish greengrocers next door. “Islamism” on the other hand is a bloodthirsty ideology which has arisen from an alleged abuse of Islam. And the two have nothing to do with each other. So it was the more noteworthy that the (Socialist) Czech president Miloš Zeman publicly rejected precisely this ritual separation and the degradation it alleges. After the terrorist attack in Brussels, he said: “I am not comforted by explanations that this is only a small group. Quite the opposite, I suspect that this xenophobia, this, let us say, racism or anti-Semitism comes from the genuine basis of the same ideology which supports these fanatic groups. Allow me to quote one of the sacred texts as evidence of this claim: ‘The tree calls out, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him. The rock calls out, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him.’” (Speech on May 26th at the celebration of the independence of the state of Israel in the Hilton Hotel in Prague.)

Zeman can be understood in no other way than this: It is not the radical Islamism of a couple of screwballs with explosives that is the problem. Islam per se tends toward racism and anti-Semitism, and so — even if indirectly — is the basis for violence and terror.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 6/16/2014

The jihad warriors of ISIS have taken another Iraqi town, Tal Afar. Meanwhile the Syrian army has been bombarding ISIS bases in coordination with the Iraqi government. The United States is considering a rapprochement with Iran in order to confront the Sunni threat in Iraq. And the British government has now outlawed ISIS.

In other news, the Spanish authorities have arrested eight people on suspicion of recruiting jihad fighters for ISIS.

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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, JP, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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