The Dark Times: Three Survival Styles

The Trifecta video below the fold came yesterday in Bill Whittle’s weekly email. After viewing it, the idea of posting it seemed fitting, but as always, Dymphna Does Go On… and On. Because I’m so slow these days, too many things pop up before I’m able to hit “Publish”, including this time a notice from WordPress that I had expired. Or rather that my “session” had. Meanwhile, Speedster Baron has put up a few posts, done a radio interview, answered mail, and is now out shoveling our new gravel into some of the UPS holes in our driveway.

Onward and upward, junior birdmen… (well, Whittle would’ve liked it).

First off, you might want to consider subscribing to Bill’s new(ish) website. Not only is membership free, but there is far more than just this replay of the Trifectas or the Firewall. Bill Whittle has decided to start writing again. Those fans from the days of “Eject! Eject! Eject!” (Google is there to help, just like the gubmint) will be happy indeed to pick up where he left off and read about the range of changes since those long-ago days of Eject posts. As in D.B.O. — the Days Before Obama — which becomes more difficult to recall as time goes on. Has it really been only ten five years since he ascended the throne? This reign feels eternal…

Membership in his group, “The Common Sense Resistance”, is free but if you can afford to do so, a subscription or donation would be most welcome:

For example, this morning he has a video interview with Dr. Burt Folsom from Hillsdale College, that higher education torchbearer for authentic conservatism. Of Folsom’s book, from 2010, Bill says:

…one of the most influential books I have ever read. His idea of “Market Entrepreneur” vs. “Political Entrepreneur” is the most spot-on analysis of Free Market Capitalism vs. Mercantilism I have ever encountered.

In these dark times of ignorance about economic and political realities, both the interview and the book itself are bright spots. If anyone is interested in reading Dr. Folsom’s book and doing a review, please let us know. Yes, we do copy-edit if you’re feeling shy about grammar. And if you feel inclined to loan out this gem, we do have a Kindle, thanks to the Europeans.

The Myth of the Robber Barons: A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America

But back to the original idea behind this post, the video exchange known as Trifecta, and familiar to most American conservatives with a computer. It takes place every week at Pajamas Media, though if I remember correctly, the cast isn’t always the same. Initially each of them are behind a subscription firewall but when that expires I presume members (and players) may then repost whatever interests them.

In this format, each of the three chosen for the week are given a question or thought to consider. The tone varies with the subject, but it is always entertaining… and food for further thought by the viewers:

This isn’t my ‘style’ of Christology, but Scott Ott is free — at the moment — to express his beliefs in vivid terms.

At first I hesitated to post this video, but the aggressive atheist currently in our comments serves as a reminder of much that is wrong with militant nihilism. I have no problem with, say, Pat Condell’s rants. They’re entertaining. But as advice for how to get through the hard times? Not so much. And I usually skip his atheist stuff. Those are his beliefs and he’s welcome to say them. Unlike our commenter, I am free to move on.

As I said in a “Reply” on Twitter @Bill Whittle, Green’s spirited (and inspired) response was minimalist, Bill’s was his usual reasonable self, and Ott’s was authentically kerygmatic. For lack of a better word.

This will have to do for my Epiphany post. I’d planned on doing one, since it’s one of my favorite feasts, marking as it does the last day of Christmas. It also coincided with the appointment day of the Baron’s eye treatment and that was enough to distract me… though his still being able to have his sight is an epiphany of its own.

Years ago I used to give children small bags of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Myrrh is my favorite. For many years I had a long necklace — beads of dried myrrh — that could be doubled up. Later, when the necklace string frayed and sent the beads scattering, I collected them and tossed them in a drawer of clothing. The smell is lovely.

I sure do miss Gallette Rois, at least the Cajun version. Used to be that whichever girl got the coin baked inside was going to marry that year. Or at the very least she’ll get a big kiss from her true love.

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NOTE: While no religious wars will be permitted in the comments on this here particular post, I sure would be glad to hear how y’all plan to survive the dark times. Transcend them, even.