The Revenant Communists of Slovenia

A few years ago I compared the death of Communism with the “death” of John Barleycorn in the traditional English song. Despite being most thoroughly mowed, pitchforked, and ground to pieces, Communism somehow survived in various forms and permutations.

“They have worked their will on John Barleycorn, but he lived to tell the tale…”

And so it was with Slovenia. When the Yugoslav federation fell apart in the early 1990s, Slovenia managed to gain its independence, but it did not rid itself of the Communists that had run the country since World War Two. The following video describes the way the former nomenklatura of the Party managed to insert themselves into positions of power and gain control of privatized state assets after Slovenia became an independent state in 1991. The multiple shifting descendants of the Communist Party have maintained control of major media outlets and run the judicial system, all the while persecuting leading figures of the opposition.

Many thanks to TC for tipping us about this report:

Here’s little Sir John in a nut-brown bowl,
And brandy in a glass;
And little Sir John in the nut-brown bowl
Proved the stronger man at last.
And the huntsman he can’t hunt the fox,
Nor so loudly blow his horn,
And the tinker he can’t mend kettles or pots
Without a little of Barleycorn.

7 thoughts on “The Revenant Communists of Slovenia

  1. Wow. That was creepy. It must seem like you Americans & Europeans are looking in a mirror of sorts. The parrallels are chilling. Absolutely chilling. Behold the enablers of Islamic supremecism in the West, indeed united by a common enemy.

  2. well… at least we can drink some good wine here in ‘karantania’!
    so i’m told.

    — slovenian reader

  3. With all due respect, this report smells like a PR job by agents of “Mr Janez Jansa,” in which screaming “Communism” is a very useful red herring to counter the charges of corruption. The Slovenian rebellion of 1990 was not about anti-Communism: Milan Kucan, the first “democratic” president of Slovenia, was the leader of its League of Communists, and his successor Janez Drnovsek used to sit on the Yugoslav federal presidency, again as a Communist. Slovenia’s secession was not about ideology, but about protecting its economic privileges – which didn’t survive long after its annexation by the EU.

  4. Well I assure you that this is not a PR for Janez Janša. I live here and this is a true account.

  5. Kaj je Sivi Soko a boli resnica o vaši krvavi zločinski komunistični tolpi? Ali vas skrbi za vašo lastnino, ki ste si jo nakradli z lažnim ovajanjem vaših sosedov in z pobijanjem premožnih katerih lastnina vam je zadišala po 2.svetovni vojni? LAŽ, PREVARA in NASILJE to je vaša nesmrtna duša.

    [machine translation: What is a Grey Soko hurt the truth about your bloody communist criminal gang? Do you care for your property that you have scrounged false ovajanjem your neighbors and killing a wealthy property you smelled WW2? LIE, DECEPTION AND VIOLENCE this is your immortal soul.]

  6. I must inform friends from abroad that the writing from Gray Falcon is a big communist lie. LIE, DECEPTION and VIOLENCE is immortal soul of communism. I live in Slovenija and everything in the video is true. The truth is far more worse. Communist gangs have committed genocide against the Slovenian nation after World War 2. In Slovenia is more than 600 mass graves in which the Communist executioners threw their victims. They killed more than 40,000 Slovenes and 60,000 other nationalities. Communists still refuse them a decent burial. People who deserve credit for the independence of Slovenia is persecuted by false accusations and glorify those who attacked Slovenia in 1991, when she fought for its independence.
    So do not trust people like the Gray Falcon because they are plain liars. Slovenia is the last communist country in Europe, and their communist lies have managed to deceive the entire European Union.

  7. Unfortunately, for the foreign readers I must confirm the truth of what Maister wrote. There are over 600 mass graves in Slovenia-a genocide that happened after the WWII when the communists took over. It is bigger than Srebrenica, Bosnia but no one pays attention to it. Slovenia is in fact one big lie that is poised to shatter.

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