UPDATE: That Massacre in Nairobi

Some notes and quotes on the killings in Nairobi by a bunch of hoodlums, probably largely from Somalia, bent on revenge…

[I apologize for the lack of narrative flow in this post. I sat by my cat of thirteen years, Lulu, with the computer in my lap, following leads and trying to trace the patterns as I listened for her breathing, occasionally smoothing her cheek. At some point, she died and I retreated to finish this. Yeah, her death was small compared to this barbaric slaughter, but I thanked her for the fitting accompaniment anyway.]

There are no images. You and I have seen so much carnage and destruction delivered by the jihadists over the years that we surely have them memorized by now. Those pictures are jihad porn; they add pleasure for the killers, so I can I omit them here. On Twitter several people are complaining about the New York Times’ many images of bloody bodies. When I come across such pictures, I scroll past them. My first thought is inevitably some version of “oh, I hope the mother/wife/child doesn’t see this last image of their beloved”.

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From All Africa first, and amended by the National Post, some numbers:

At least 26 39 people have been killed or succumbed to injuries following the shooting at the Westgate Shopping mall in Nairobi’s Westlands area. This is according to the Kenya Red Cross service that provided emergency response services.

Red Cross The President also say[s] that a further 50 150 people have been admitted to various hospitals with injuries ranging from gunshot wounds to fractures and cuts.

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Kenya’s president had relatives killed or injured in that massacre. The mall is the most upscale in Kenya…

And here is some of the emptiest political bumpf I’ve seen in print lately as politicians fall all over themselves to offer meaningless assurance:

Deputy President William Ruto has assured Kenyans that the government is doing everything in its power to end the hostage situation that gripped the Westgate mall on Saturday.


Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph ole Lenku joined the Deputy President in assuring Kenyans that …”Our people have reached most of the floors and taken them over. We have put in place machinery to find the perpetrators of the crime,” he informed the press outside the mall.

Interior Principal Secretary Mutea Iringo said the government had taken the additional step of air surveillance in its bid to bring an end to the hostage situation…

In other words, they haven’t been able to clear the Mall and the terrorists plan to drag this out for maximum damage. They still have hostages.

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The National Post has good background on this story, including that message from Kenya’s president. (I didn’t see one from him at the All Africa site. Such omissions are usually politically-driven, but who knows?)

Terrified shoppers huddled in back hallways and prayed they would not be found by the Islamic extremist gunmen lobbing grenades and firing assault rifles inside Nairobi’s top mall Saturday.

At least 39 people were killed and more than 150 wounded in the assault, Kenya’s president announced on national TV, while disclosing that his close family members were among the dead.

Frank Mugungu, an off-duty army sergeant major, said he saw four male attackers and one female attacker. “One was Somali,” he said, but the others were black, suggesting that they could have been Kenyan or another nationality.

Al-Shabab, on its Twitter feed, said that it has many times warned Kenya’s government that failure to remove its forces from Somalia “would have severe consequences.” The group claimed that its gunmen had killed 100 people, but its assertions are often exaggerated.

“The attack at #WestgateMall is just a very tiny fraction of what Muslims in Somalia experience at the hands of Kenyan invaders,” al-Shabab said. Another tweet said: “For long we have waged war against the Kenyans in our land, now it’s time to shift the battleground and take the war to their land #Westgate.”

Notice that al-Shabab has created a Twitter hashtag for their massacre. Social media savvy serving the barbarians. Twitter is known to remove offensive accounts. Surely this one qualifies?

This turned up in Twitter also, from Jihadology so that we now know the full name of these latest Kenyan Muslim killers:

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Claiming Responsibility for the Westgate Mall Attack in Nairobi”

They have a few screen caps from HSM, the “press authority” for the mujahedeen. I’ll bet that ‘authority’ is one guy in a turban sitting at a laptop until the generator gives out.

From the National Post story, again:

Al-Shabab threatened in late 2011 to unleash a large-scale attack in Nairobi. Kenya has seen a regular spate of grenade attacks since then but never such a large terrorist assault.

Nairobi’s mortuary superintendent, Sammy Nyongesa Jacob, said Africans, Asians and Caucasians were among the bodies brought to the mortuary.

The United Nations secretary-general’s office said that Ban Ki-moon has spoken with President Uhuru Kenyatta and expressed his concern. British Prime Minister David Cameron also called Kenyatta and offered assistance.

Note: Our Secretary of State is condoling with the survivors but as far as I can ascertain, it’s Radio Silence from the White House. This is Obama’s homeland. What’s up with that?

Kenyan authorities said they have thwarted other large-scale attacks targeting public spaces. Kenyan police said in September 2012 they disrupted a major terrorist attack in its final stages of planning, arresting two people with explosive devices and a cache of weapons and ammunition.

Anti-terror Police Unit boss Boniface Mwaniki said vests found were similar to those used in attacks that killed 76 people in Uganda who gathered to watch the soccer World Cup finals on TV in July 2010. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for those bombings, saying the attack was in retaliation for Uganda’s participation in the African Union’s peacekeeping mission in Somalia.

The loquacious Obama is missing, even with some Americans involved as victims here, which is strange for a man who has been in and out of Kenya publicly since at least 2006. Here he is in back when he was a mere mortal, trying to rock the vote for one of his corrupt relatives:

There were other appearances in 2008, also captured for posterity on You Tube.

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In 2010, Obama congratulated Kenya for its new constitution, one which supported a carve-out for sharia law. Of course there was talk at the time that he illegally influenced the document and its passage. Here are some reservations by Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, who is the ranking Republican on the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health:

I, together with many others, was counting on a new constitution to provide hope for Kenya’s future by preventing a recurrence of the deadly violence that has followed past elections and by addressing the corruption that plagues this eastern African country. However, the apparent hijacking of this reform process by special interests and the blatantly undemocratic and potentially illegal contribution by the Obama administration give cause for grave concern as to what this document portends for Kenya’s future.

Kenyans are culturally conservative and largely Christian. The pushy socialist agenda of the U.S. is out of place there, and the use of American taxpayer monies to create sharia carve-outs in a foreign nation’s constitution, a nation with a small Muslim minority, is questionable “foreign relations” at best.

That was three years ago. This month, Obama was criticized again regarding Kenya this time for his two-faced policy: pushing voter I.D. in Kenya while fighting it in the US:

A conservative analyst finds it odd that during his recent African tour, President Barack Obama announced support for a citizen ID program in Kenya – yet considers a similar effort in the United States to be racially motivated.

While President Obama and his family toured the African continent earlier in the week, the White House released a Fact Sheet that promotes a $53 million U.S. taxpayer-funded program in Kenya that assists young people to “obtain National identification cards, a prerequisite to voter registration.”

Robert Knight, senior fellow of the American Civil Rights Union, says many who seek to defend against voter fraud in the U.S. are perplexed with Obama’s inconsistencies in regards to the voter ID issue. “The irony is that the president is using taxpayer dollars to promote something in Africa that he is actively suppressing in the United States, and calling people names who are promoting that very thing,” Knight remarks…

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Lastly, Pamela Geller has a collection of some of Kenya’s Muslim terrorism incidents. She calls it Kenya’s Killing Fields. The posts include the one today and go back through 2009.

So many Kuffar, so little time. Or, as someone said in an email recently, and which keeps repeating itself in a kind of mantra —

so much of life cannot be explained but only witnessed.

30 thoughts on “UPDATE: That Massacre in Nairobi

  1. I would not blame Kenya – or for that matter any other non-muslim majority country – if they adopted a policy stating that if you’re Muslim you have a choice of:

    A) Renouncing the religion and converting to something (anything) else.

    B) Being deported to a Muslim-majority country.

    Let the Muslims have their corner of turf in the world…Saudi Arabia, Libya, etc. And let the rest of the world live in theirs. Yes, ideally it shouldn’t matter, and we all SHOULD be able to get along. Too bad the Muslims reject that philosophy.

    I don’t consider myself a bigot. I personally don’t care what my neighbor’s religion is…Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Sikh, Bahai, or atheist. Just as long as it’s not Islam.

    • What’s wrong with being a bigot? ( as far as islam is concerned)
      A bigot is one who is intolerant to another’s beliefs.
      Tolerance is a vastly overrated virtue.

    • There _is_ no ‘corner of the world’ that was originally islamic. Even Saudi was Christian and Jewish first, and of course polytheist.

      What to do with them? Jettison the lot of them into the sun?

      • I’m not going to call that a terrible idea. But the practice of taqiya, which in no way disqualifies anyone from later participation in Jihad, makes sorting out honest conversions away from Islam a very tricky proposition anywhere that you try to ban Muslims.

        • Yes the holy lie, off the lot of them, they cannot be trusted at all, be fair, treat them how they treat christians!

        • But Muslims have the same problem; how to distinguish a true apostate from a case of taqiyya?

          In general, women can be trusted better than men.

          • The attackers in this case seem to have that problem well in hand, didn’t they? And, as I recall, their solution isn’t unique, it could even be said to be Koranic in origin. It certainly isn’t a difficult test for any Jihadist to administer, or for any of the faithful to pass.

            The thing is, for them the danger of letting an insincere covert through is essentially less than is the case for us. In fact, totalitarian Islam could hardly survive at all if too many professed Muslims were really sincere about their devotion to the Koran. It is not a religion that is ultimately compatible with sane or civilized existence.

  2. My condolences for the loss of your cat, and thanks to God for her life. I hope and think you will hold her again in better circumstances.

    “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God.” (Paul’s Letter to the Romans 8:19-21)

  3. @Dymphna

    Those pictures are jihad porn; they add pleasure for the killers, so I can I omit them here. On Twitter several people are complaining about the New York Times’ many images of bloody bodies.

    This debate was had in the U.K. several years ago, the end result is censorship and image sanitation – the selective publishing of postcard perfect victimless crime scenes.

    • A debate in the UK is pertinent to what we decide to put on this blog? In what way?

      That’s the old strawman fallacy, Jolie Rouge, and I’m disappointed to see you use it since I am not blocking you from seeing anything you choose to see anytime you want to see it.

      You want images of Nairobi? Go to Google Images, search for Nairobi Mall massacre. You’ll get hundreds of them.

      But there won’t be any here. In fact, there are blogs I do NOT visit because they do post those pictures and viewing them would trigger my PTSD…as I learned when we used to post them here.

      The Baron will sometimes post videos in which Islam butchery is featured, but he lets me know ahead of time and I simply scroll past them without opening.

      Censorship? Really? ? You mean my decision to select what will appear on my blog is preventing you from seeing those things?? I had no idea I was that powerful…

      • @Dymphna

        Was not referring to the GoV proprietary publishing policy – which I agree with, but the deployment of the ‘Too distressing to broadcast’ alibi as a means of censorship deployed by the mainstream media.

  4. Pingback: Obama Thinks Voter I.D. is Bad for America but Good for Kenya | Asylum Watch

  5. I am sorry for your loss. I know just how badly it hurts.

    May it please the Gods to lead her to a soft and quiet intercarnate period, and through that to a subsequenr incarnation favorable to her. Bast of the South, Freya of the North, keep her.

  6. In the middle of this tragic day my heart goes out to you on the loss of Lulu, you lost a true and fateful friend, may your souls reunite at some point and may you recognize each other and accompany each other on the journey

  7. Sleep in peace, Lulu.

    I’ve never known what to do with this theologically. Do animals have souls? I think the answer is clearly yes — the strict meaning of “soul” is pretty straightforward and needn’t carry metaphysical weight such as continuance after death. It is hard to fathom how to develop biblical faith around such things. Yet the experience of losing a beloved animal is of one type, though perhaps a bit less intense, than losing a loved one. I lost my wife 3 years ago, and sat with two family pets at their passing in the interim, and have dwelt somewhat on it from an experiential point of view. Christian theology is silent (or outright dismissive) on such matters, but I think whatever our theology says we must deal with the experiential aspect, and it hurts — a family pet represents a many-years investment of love and relationship development.

    To segue on-topic, one this side of the Nairobi (or similar) massacre can scale up the level of anguish and feeling of helplessness to understand (in a limited way) how this has torn apart so many people’s lives. 59 dead at last count, I believe. But those are the dead. Not including the seriously injured and those still clinging barely to life, what about the walking wounded who’ve had fathers, mothers, siblings, and children torn from them in a most meaningless way?

    God rest their souls. And … maranatha … come Lord. And bring a bit of justice with ya’. Amen

  8. Reports that among the Zoomali “freedom fighters” who so bravely mowed down pregnant women and other civilians were “Americans” “British” and even a “Finn”. Why anyone would object to the mass import of these wonderful Somalis to their benighted infidel nations is a mystery! Watch this space for more “Scandinavian” terrorist atrocities before you know it!

    • Note also, that of those surviving Muslims who could regurgitate Islamic doctrine to save their own skins, NOT ONE considered taking the opportunity to remind their ‘oh-so-devout-brethren’ of Qur’an verse 5:32.

      You know, that all too familiar verse thrown at us kuffar who dare to suggest Islam is an incurably violent doctrine against ALL non-Muslims despite the existence of this verse:

      5:32 “To kill one innocent man or woman is to kill all of humanity; to save one human is to save all of humanity.”

      A clear lesson should/must be learned about Islam from this horrific experience.

      It’s not just the terrorists and those willing to arm and support the perpetual jihad against all kuffar until all worship is for ‘allah’. It is also those Muslims who live relatively normal lives in the West and would save their own skins under similar circumstances and yet continue to practice their ‘faith’ . . .uninterrupted. This is a primary example of the ‘TOLERANCE’ of Islam.

      • That was my first thought. Not one scum bag Muslim appears to have acted heroically to save their fellow shoppers.

        They are seen running off grinning.

        • Yes, an important point of Islam is this participation in the conspiracy to commit such murders even by those who do not themselves put hand to weapon.

  9. Pingback: Larwyn’s Linx: Passed it, finding out what’s in it: lost coverage | Preppers Universe

  10. Dear Dymphna and Baron, you have my sympathy for your loss and your pain.
    Now, the big stuff: […]

    From Dymphna, sadly redacted. We cannot permit calls for violence to appear on our blog. I want to stay in business.

  11. Sorry to hear about your cat. It sounds like a fairly peaceful end, unlike the one our kitten had when he was run over by a speeding car outside our house. He was just on his way home for his dinner. Then his life was snuffed out in an instant. And for what?

    • I hope to die, peacefully, in my sleep like my Grandfather did.

      Not screaming in mortal terror like the five passengers in the car he was driving at the time.

  12. Mr Cameron, the PM of Great Britain and the UK and the Empire and the Three kingdoms, and the Greatest empire that is exposed to the sun for only 30 minutes, and the mother of all oppressed MUSLIMS in the WOrld and the Mother of ALL Muhammadsm, Ahmeds, Mahmouds, Muhamadies, Hamids, Abu Qatadas, Abu Usamas, who has been elected in the most advanced civilized methods that the EARTH has seen Hurray which is called “democracy’ which is only understood in the west, which until now can’t fit Russia’s brains… Cameron, who I respect so much for his cleverness said that what happened in Kenya has nothing to do with his beloved Islam. We must believe him because he was democratically elected so he must be honest and truthful. Doesn’t humanity feel safer when we have such rational and soothing people like Cameron? He has shed that dirty religion off himself in order to become perfectly honest.

    • Cameron was not the peoples choice! he blew that by being not a conservative hence the coalition!

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