17 thoughts on “The Speech That Got Robert Spencer Banned From The UK

  1. Who is more dangerous to Britain?

    British politicians in this case conservatives recognise and share some of the political characteristics of Islam, Sharia in a post-Christian U.K. affords them a structure of social control or in their words social cohesion.

    Anjem Choudary is an asset in their sordid war against the indigenous peoples of Britain.

    • There’ll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover
      Tomorrow, just you wait and see,
      There’ll be love and laughter
      And peace ever after,
      Tomorrow when the world is free.

      Dame Vera Lynn, who sang those words 70 years ago, is still alive, must be in her nineties now. She has continued to sing them nearly every year ever since. I wonder what she thinks when she looks at England now?
      She must be totally horrified and bewildered; but forbidden from expressing an opinion.

      And here’s another patriotic song she sang:

      Rose of England breathing England’s air,
      Flower of liberty beyond compare,
      While hand and heart endure to cherish thy prime,
      Thou shallt blossom till the end of time.

      Sadly it did not blossom till the end of time, liberty is dead and buried in England and freedom in England began its slow and painful death in the 1960s when any criticism of the unwanted effects of mass immigration was made illegal.

      • Vera nostalgia in some ways is part of the problem as the British people are conditioned and condemned to perpetually fight an inter civilisational war against the immortal Nazis and Fascists.

        Time to move on and change the record Ode To A Dying People, could be an appropriate national anthem.

  2. This is the first that I have heard that Robert Spencer has been barred from entering the United Kingdom. However, I should not be surprised. Going on what he has said then I am sure that any invitation to Geert Wilders to come here would also not succeed as he, too, would be barred. Anglo-Danish England spread democracy to large areas of the world. It is now probably Europe’s number one police state. We have been told by Edward Snowden that we are more subject to electronic surveillance via GCHQ (Good afternoon Cheltenham!) than any other country in Western Europe and we have more on-street cctv cameras than any other country in the world.

    Meanwhile, we are told that “racists” have daubed a mosque nearing completion in Redditch, Worcestershire, with vile graffiti. This is heartily condemned by the Daily Express. The mosque is costing £2.5m. Of course, there are some wealthy muslims living in Britain now so the money could have been raised locally. It would have been nice, however, if the Express had investigated whether the funding came from Saudi Arabia and published this. Most indigenous British are probably unaware that the mosques springing up like mushrooms everywhere are not the result of a pass the hat round collection amongst believers but of oil money coming from the Gulf States with the prime aim of European islamification.

  3. Simply amazing that the authorities in the UK consider this unacceptable speech. The UK is not, in my estimation, a grade ‘B’ sharia compliant nation that has turned its back on the ideas of liberty that were, in large part, formulated in its illustrious past.

    How cheaply the British people have sold freedom of expression. I am most saddened, I think, to see their young adolescent “white girls” be at the leading edge of their dhimmitude. I suppose a society that cannot defend its own values cannot be called upon to defend its young girls who have the misfortune to grow up in the wrong neighborhood.

  4. It is outrageous that Robert and Pamela have been denied entry to the U.K. It shows how worried the government are about the truth coming out about the, seemingly, endless problems with have with the Mohammedans here.
    There activities seem to cover the full spectrum of criminality: terrorism; child prostitution; sexual slavery; drug trafficking; drug dealing; honour killings; animal cruelty; benefit scams; VAT fraud; tax evasion; electoral fraud; car insurance fraud – the list goes on and on and on.
    Yet still they are protected by the state and seemingly above criticism of any kind.

  5. I expect ‘security considerations’ are behind this. But would someone please point out that if the Home Secretary fears an inability to control the hoards of the offended now, how is it going to become any better later, when they are even more numerous? If the matter needs to be brought to a head, it is better to do so early.

  6. Another bite of the axe of fanatic barbarity and lunacy into the oak of western democracy…..won’t be long now…….

    Regards, Don Laird
    Dogtown, Crankville County
    Alberta, Canada

  7. A lot of people have sold their souls and sold out their cultures for a few years of comfort. Little do they know their heads will be the first on the chopping block.
    George Orwell was right.

  8. The BBC tells us that an imam from Yorkshire has written a sermon for reading out in 500 mosques condeming of those of “Pakistani and North African Heritage” who groomed young ethnic English girls in Oxford. The imam is telling his fellow muslims to respect women. We will see what transpires. Unfortunately, the BBC coupled the report with a shot of the faithful in a mosque – all men – bowing towards Mecca, bottoms in the air. A bit of a change from Songs of Praise which the anti-Christian BBC is now showing at 6.30 am in the morning so as to punish the elderly unable to get to church. How the BBC hates European Christian culture. I think the clip of the men in full submission might just backfire on the Beeb, however; such blind obedience is alien to all those of North European descent i.e. from those countries bordering the North Sea. It recalled the Nuremberg rallies. I hope the viewers picked up on the similarity. I should think it filled them with fear.

    Meanwhile, Damian Green, the British minister of state for Justice and Policing has said that the majority of muslims were horrified by what happened in Oxford, silently horrified I suppose. He then referred to the muslims not as a community but a client group. This must be the new buzz word. So we ethnic English are no longer the rightful inheritors of our 1500-year-old homeland but just a client group living here, a bit like supermarket customers. And the only way to keep your loyalty card is to put up with the total removal of free speech.

    Today we hear also that electricity is going to have to be rationed if the lights are to stay on. This couldn’t be anything to do with the fact that because of the mass immigration at the behest of the New World Order in order to consign England and the English to the dustbin (trashcan for those stateside) we have more than twice the optimum population living here. We get more and more like India every day.

    • Quote:
      The BBC tells us that an imam from Yorkshire has written a sermon for reading out in 500 mosques condeming of those of “Pakistani and North African Heritage” who groomed young ethnic English girls in Oxford.

      I don’t care.
      I don’t care. And finally, I don’t care.
      That doesn’t negate the commands of Muslim scripture and the due diligence of those who follow it.
      Jihad is the command.
      Rape is the weapon of social control.
      Islam is the profane enemy of the West.

  9. Pingback: Einreiseverbot für Islamkritiker | diesiebtesichel

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