“My Definition of Courage Differs From Yours”

Back in March, as part of the nationwide reaction to the Sandy Hook school killings, New York State pushed through the SAFE Act, which imposed even more gun control on the state’s residents. There was widespread opposition to the Act at the local level, and some counties passed resolutions opposing the new law.

An Iraq vet named Aaron Weiss stood up to speak to the Duchess County legislature during the debate over their resolution against SAFE. He spoke passionately and forcefully, and received enthusiastic applause from his fellow citizens.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Hat tip: Heroyalwhyness.

2 thoughts on ““My Definition of Courage Differs From Yours”

  1. Treasonous leftists probably already have his name on a FEMA camp inmate list…

  2. Well yeah, you take the guns away first… 7 bullets in a magazine? Who came up with that?
    Our legislators are a joke, particularly in NYS. If they aren’t getting dragged to prison they are enacting laws to further restrict ordinary citizens.

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