“Where’s David Cameron?”

Below is a portion of Tommy Robinson’s speech during today’s EDL demonstration in London. It was recorded on a cell phone, and is of miserable quality, but it’s all that I have at the moment:

There is relatively neutral coverage of today’s events in London from Channel 4, including video and photos.

Hat tip: Steen.

2 thoughts on ““Where’s David Cameron?”

  1. Just as the Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, David Cameron is applying “the ostrich method”.
    I have a proposal to DC: Announce publicly in all British media, that from now on, there will be a surveillance and recording of what the imams say in the mosques. No “incitements to British law” will be tolerated (Quite legal. The murder of Lee Rigby was undoubtedly a result of a long time brainwash of his imam.).
    The British born imams who are not violating the law would have nothing to fear. But as we all know, there will be some arrests. I would advise David Cameron to clearly announce, in advance, that if there will be any riots, the rioters are not standing against the police, but the British Army.

    • The marches and such that went unanswered by the police; “behead those that insult the profit” etc, were truly a low day for British democracy.
      Fast forward a few years and those that dare to express their will, even if it might be a twitter or two ( does anyone wonder about the police force required to monitor their twitter feeds vs. a man that was deported from Kenya back to the UK? “Do not allow those that follow Islam to allow the killing of our soldiers”, are put in jail (whch none of those that displayed signs said that. Correct me if I am wrong; NO ONE THAT HELD A SIGN THAT BEHEADING INFIDELS WAS OK WERE ARRESTED)… Not even “behead those’

      But I am sick of this crazy train so, from a couple of tweeters in Bradfoshire to an 86 year old woman this must be supressed by police power…What is the British gov’t thinking? After all, they freely allowed this type of protest when it was the Muslims calling for beheading of their fellow citizens.
      Could it be that all of the “moderate muslims” will riot if things don’t continue to go their way with more and more restrictions on non-muslim speech and activity?
      I don’t live in the UK but I can tell you that the creeping dominance of Muslim Sharia law would really bother me.

      I find halal meat to be terribly inhumane and I would fight to exclude it from my public schools. The Muslims can fight for headscarves for their very young girls, to set them apart from the rest of the western population all they want but, when they impose their standards on me well, that is a bridge too far…

      I understand that halal meat is very similar to Kosher meat. As I have told the GOV readers on a number of occasions, I grew up in a suburb of NYC. There were many, many Jews in my neighborhood. The subject of hillal, or kosher meat, never came up.
      Here is the difference; the Jews I grew up with were post WW11 refugees. They were delighted to be given the opportunity to be American citizens and did everything they could to assimilate into the US and become part of the American dream; to which they excelled.
      Regina Chalinski, one of the smartest students in the class invited me to her home. Everyone was speaking Polish. Yet, she had full command of the English language, in fact she excelled in it!!
      This is the difference between today’s immigrants and those from as recently as the 1969’s; what has made the recent immigrants such greivance mongers vs those that have come before? Big govt, that’s what.

      At the height of bi-lingual education in SoCal I used to have a dream…
      The head of the school board would reqire all ESL teachers to gather and he would announce:
      “The good news is that half of you have a job. The bad news is that your work hours have been changed to 5-10 pm, because you will now be teaching English to the parents of the students that will now be in English emersion classes.”
      We didn’t have to do that 40 years ago. New participants in our great experiment already knew what would get them and their children ahead. I have lost touch with Regina Chalinskie but I am pretty sure that she has made a success of herself.

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