Deconstructing the Nations of Europe

The following op-ed concerns Thomas Hylland Eriksen, a Norwegian intellectual who has dedicated himself to the deconstruction of the European nation state — specifically the Norwegian nation.

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer, who translated the piece, includes this brief note:

This op-ed was published on Monday on the online discussion forum of the national broadcaster NRK. It deals with the European elites and their multicultural social experiment, and in particular with Thomas Hylland Eriksen.

The author Asle Toje is a Norwegian foreign policy scholar.

The translated op-ed:

Does Thomas Hylland Eriksen exist?

As demanded by the author, this article has been removed.

16 thoughts on “Deconstructing the Nations of Europe

  1. The destruction of the nation state and its replacement with a utopian vision–where have we heard that one before? The Communists couldn’t rebuild using the broken pieces of the societies they’d destroyed, I’ll bet the current crop of Eurocratic social engineers will fail catastrophically as well.

  2. Just another post-modern Communist who believes his deconstructionist swill.

    Guys like him are a dim a dozen, you can find them on campuses all across the U.S. as well and are quite poisonous to a nation should their ilk get influence.

    A stupid man like him doesn’t get those cultures he’s importing are very nationalistic and very, very racist. They put their people and values in power.

    I suspect Hylland Eriksen if pushed into a corner will tell people the real truth of why he promotes this form of ethnic cleansing. He hates his own people like most Leftist intellectuals do and wants them smashed.

  3. The strange thing is whilst that “nationalism” seems to be a dirty word in (continental) Europe and especially the Nordic/Germanic countries, the concept of “nationalism” is not seen as a bad thing at all here in Scotland. Read this website:

    “European network against nationalism, racism, fascism…”

    Whilst there are groups in the UK opposing “racism and fascism” there is not so much vitriol directed against “nationalism” as such, and especially in Scotland there is no similar witch hunt against “nationalism”.

    That’s because here, there is a major left-wing nationalist party with significant political power. Yet the “United Against Racism” group doesn’t seem to even want to acknowledge that left-wing nationalism exists in Europe.

    Whatever the case, left-wing nationalism is against racism and fascism. And is therefore against straight, white men.

  4. Oh and by the way here’s something I have always wondered ever since I heard about this man after a certain mass murderer who we shall call “Andy B” mentioned him in his manifesto…

    Is Thomas Hylland Eriksen a homosexual? He wants his own nation, Norway, to be “deconstructed” through mass immigration. Immigration is penetration and a white, Western nation opening itself up to mass foreign immigration is in a similar position to a white woman who spreads her legs so that she can be penetrated by the dark skinned foreigner. For a male to want to do this, the only real plausible explanation is homosexuality.

  5. How many murders, rapes and beatings are Thomas Hylland Erik-non-sens and his ilk responsible for?

  6. This is where our world view needs some clarification. As I see it the nation state has come to the end of its useful life – or rather the nation state is now less about kith and kin than it is about those that reside within its borders. Today’s Western nation states are in the process of denying their connection with the people that created, maintained, and defended them because it’s inconvenient for their ‘globalist’ ambitions.

    The reality of this, in Britain at least, is that a growing number of ethnic Britons prefer to label themselves English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, rather than British which has come to include third world immigrants – no matter how little effort they put into adopting British mores. English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish are race-label, whereas the British tag is more about residence.

    The world is being viewed more in continental than national terms – the problem with the EU is not so much its existence as its direction. And it’s a retrograde step to want a return to the nation state. What needs to happen is that Europe acts in the best interest of Europeans – and for the Antipodeans and Americans to do the same.

    So instead of seeking to undo Europe we should be seeking to steer it in the right direction – ie ‘right’ from our point of view!

    That’s the irony of the EU. Its architects’ intention was to do away with the nation state as a means of doing away with race identity. But instead it is inadvertently pushing a continental identity – precisely what Europeans need if they are to survive the coming onslaught.


  7. I wonder if Thomas Dirtbag Eriksen is on the suppressed list of 50 “prominent” Norwegians who took money under the table from the East German Stasi during the Cold War, in exchange for subverting the West? He looks to be old enough.

    Someone should investigate.

  8. “Is Thomas Hylland Eriksen a homosexual?”

    He is married, and lives in a great neighborhood, villas with garden, apple trees, roses, etc, far from the disasters of immigration.

  9. THE is married to Kari Spjeldnæs, publishing director at Aschehoug.

    Aschehoug, Salman Rushdie, “Satanic Verses” (1989), William Nygaard then publishing director, shot outside his home in October 1993, survived. There has not been much interest in finding the perpetrator(s), and it was difficult to admit that the shooting had anything to do with that totalitarian ideology, and even less in preserving evidence. A four letter state, formerly known as Persia, issuing the fatwa, is thought to have something to do with it.

    After those shots in Dagaliveien, the publisher may have changed policy, publishing a title such as “Min hellige krig” (My Jihad) by Nazneen Khan-Østrem (pakistani descent), (Aschehoug 2005)

    Ffw to November 2012: Norway’s King Harald decides to decorate Trond Ali Linstad, doctor and communist turned muslim. King Harald decides after much public debate, to withdraw the decoration, which was, however, never given physically to the muslim, koranic school leader, and a fan of islamic Iran.

    THE’s Culcom, Cultural Complexity, was a “research” project into immigration and globalization of Norway. Ironically, one of the questions he asks in this project

    “What keeps a society together?”
    – Hva holder et samfunn sammen?

    His Culcom project has been completed, but what he once said during this project, was that “the majority must be deconstructed to such an extent that it never again shall become a majority”.

    In other words, a total destruction of Norway and the Norwegian people as we knew it.
    – Evil.


    Pakistani Tajik as a culture minister, and a new upcoming Book Act will tighten even better the book monopoly in Norway.

    Communist ties are indeed tight on the Norwegians

  10. What happened to Jonas Gahr Støre?

    He is now Health Minister (of the nation), still with all his international connections. Recently an awkward Norwegian health director was conveniently pushed up and out to the WHO by Støre’s helping.

  11. Publishing house Gyldendal rejects book by Jens Breivik

    Anders Behring Breivik’s father wanted to write a book about his son, after the horror in Oslo/Utøya 22 July 2011. Now the publishing house Gyldendal after receiving the manuscript, rejects it with “no comment” as to why it does so.

    Paul Bjerke, higher education in Journalism, Volda, (significant to producing journalists in Norway) says he is very sceptical to any book by Jens Breivik.

    – This is basically a book written by a person(father…) who has not had much contact with Breivik(his son), so it is quite difficult to imagine how it could contribute, says Bjerke.

    How – in a world of free press and people with the liberty to think – could a book by the father still not be interesting to a large public?

  12. Roma/gypsies to Norwegian authorities
    – See you in court!

    The gypsies occupying, leaving all their trash, rubbish and exc… in one of the many recreational areas at Sognsvann in Oslo, refuse to accept Norwegian law and leave, saying they will appeal their case.

    During daytime they harass people in the streets, parks and places as well as paying unexpected visits to people’s homes, while they are at work and paying taxes – to accommodate the gypsies and all sorts of immigrants seeking to deconstruct and destroy Norway and its people.

  13. Publishing house Gyldendal rejects book by Jens Breivik

    Anders Behring Breivik’s father wanted to write a book about his son, after the horror in Oslo/Utøya 22 July 2011. Now the publishing house Gyldendal after receiving the manuscript, rejects it with “no comment” as to why it does so.

    Paul Bjerke, higher education in Journalism, Volda, (significant to producing journalists in Norway) says he is very sceptical to any book by Jens Breivik.

    – This is basically a book written by a person(father…) who has not had much contact with Breivik(his son), so it is quite difficult to imagine how it could contribute, says Bjerke.

    How – in a world of free press, and with a people still with the liberty to think – could a book by the father still not be interesting to a larger public after all that happened on that day?

  14. Thomas Hylland-Eriksen
    – What gives me the chills
    There are too many of them

    – What gives me the chills is not the photo of an African family with ten children (even though I cannot help thinking that it would have been better for both children and adults if they were just two), but photos of people like us.

    Only as late as up to the US elections the Romney family photo was seen the world over. Despite the fact that each member of the family, the dog included, had much too big smiles and way too white teeth, like only Americans are capable of, there were too many of them.

    A responsible president settles with two. Like Obama.

    Professor Thomas Hylland-Eriksen on overpopulation, Dagbladet 17 November 2012
    Too many whites in this world

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