A source close to EDL leader Tommy Robinson just sent the following message about the conditions under which Tommy is being held in Wandsworth Prison:
Kev Carroll has asked me to release the following info to you regarding Tommy.
1. He is still in the same clothes he went to prison in. 2. They are refusing to allow him clean/fresh clothes — family members took clothing in, but they would not allow it to be handed over. 3. He has received no mail or money from anyone and he knows his wife gave in a Postal Order for a large amount whilst visiting.
4. He is being refused all privileges. 5. With no money he cannot purchase razors, food etc. and is having to eat the slops provided. 6. He was arrested with £90 but at the Prison when asking for his money he was told he didn’t have any; where has this £90 gone? Please pass this information far and wide and include it in web posts.
Where are his lawyers? So far it looks like his supporters haven’t bothered to get him legal representation.
I can’t see any evidence of this being reported anywhere in the MSM. I actually tried to make reference to it earlier this week, on the Guido Fawkes blog and my comments were deleted. So, it seems that there is a concerted effort to suppress the facts of this case. At least we know who is on the side of the enemy, when things actually turn nasty. I just hope someone is keeping a record of the culprits.
I havn’t seen any reference to this in the MSM whatsoever, even after googling “Tommy Robinson arrested”. I didn’t know Guido deleted comments,although I’m not a regular visitor.His supporters in his area should bombard the local MP with emails and visit his/hers surgery.
Paris Claims
The EDL website says 27431 members. Surley there must be someone in the group with leagal training.
I agree with both comments!
Where are the lawyers? I actually provided a brilliant, friendly lawyer to the EDL but they seem to not have made contact…
@John…yes, a database of EVERYBODY, names of all police officers, prison wardens, journalists, councillors, public servants, ministers etc., who bend the law and/or aid and abett Islam in the UK or the subjugation of Islam critics MUST be compiled. And once their names are entered, the persons in question must be informed thereof, so that they later can’t say “We didn’t know, we’ve just followed orders”. That line of defence is obsolete since Nuremberg! NO SURRENDER!
Grow a spectacular beard Tommy. He is suffering political persecution. This is unthinkable and outrageous in the land of Magna Carta, prosecuted and persecuted by his own government. Where is that 90 pounds?
There’s something fishy or perhaps the EDL is run by nincompoops. Here in the U.S. if you get arrested and if you have the resources you get a lawyer(s) to get you out. Even the poor understand this.
I’m sure the EDL can raise funds for a good barrister.
Kev Carroll should be doing everything to get Tommy legal aid ASAP. Heck he should have had representation within 8 hours of being arrested.
I have posted 40 GBP for his cause.
I there fore hope some one will make use of them and help this hero out of
this mess. I wonder who´s mess it is.
Greetings from Sweden
Well, there’s legal representation and there’s legal representation. I know from bitter experience that legal help can be both expensive and useless at the same time.
If you want a really good solicitor who is willing to stick his head above the parapet and support the top guy in the English Defence League, with all that entails, that’s a big ask.
Having said that, I’ve had the good fortune to employ one really good solicitor in my time, and that was money well spent.
I’d like to think that all the members of the EDL would contribute to a legal fund in order to get a top guy to help Tommy out.
It is of course disgraceful that this is happening in the UK today. The Nazis first targets were their political opponents … the real nasty stuff came later.
Even if the lawyer is mediocre, it’s better than nothing. Even here in the U.S. if you’re dealing with the prison system you have to have a lawyer and preferably one that is quite competent. Because the system will bury you otherwise.
It will cost too. I’d expect no less than $30,000.00 USD. Might get lucky if the lawyer can scare the cops and local prosecutor who isn’t expecting any resistance. Most prosecutors and marginal as attorneys and lazy enough to plea bargain out most cases.
What the powers that be need to realise is that none of this proves that they are right – quite the contrary, it shows that they are wrong, and that they’re absolutely terrified of the truth.
I wish the progressive bleeding hearts could get as worked up about the fact that citizens are denied adequate legal counsel, as they do over the rights of murderers and child rapists.
The justice system of America is only for the rich. If you get a public defender, your fate is in the hands of luck or God. I’d like to see how all the Democrat lawyers would react to the socialization of Law with the same sort of liberal enthusiasm they had for Obamacare.
please email me comments.
Is it possible to set up an online petition – to be forwarded to the EU Human Rights Commission as this seems to be a case of political persecution by the UK state.
Puisse TOMMY retrouver la liberté le plus tôt possible, c’est une honte pour le gouvernement Anglais qui ne ferait jamais cela à un musulman, trop peur des représailles.
Saches que beaucoup de Français sont derrière toi !
Patrick —
Normally we require comments in English only. However, the Google translation of your comment is fairly clear, so I’m pasting it below.
Please use English in future.
TOMMY can regain freedom as soon as possible, it is a shame that the British government would never do that to a Muslim, too afraid of reprisals.
Know that many French are behind you!
This prison has a website, the contact info (fax, governor) is at
I will write him and suggest you do the same? Why not just refer to this article and ask him to comment?
Michael Laudahn
To give you an idea, I myself wrote as follows:
Governor Dave Taylor: What are you doing to Tommy Robinson?
I am deeply concerned about what your state is doing to one of its clearly most valuable citizens – a citizen who character-wise outweighs most of those who consider themselves the ‘elite’ (in politics, judiciary, media etc pp).
According to what I read at
and a number of other sources, Tommy Robinson’s situation at your dungeon is as follows:
1. He is still in the same clothes he went to prison in.
2. They are refusing to allow him clean/fresh clothes — family members took clothing in, but they would not allow it to be handed over.
3. He has received no mail or money from anyone and he knows his wife gave in a Postal Order for a large amount whilst visiting.
4. He is being refused all privileges.
5. With no money he cannot purchase razors, food etc. and is having to eat the slops provided.
6. He was arrested with £90 but at the Prison when asking for his money he was told he didn’t have any; where has this £90 gone?
If this is true, then this would be outrageous. Would you kindly comment, and in detail?
NB: This is an open letter, and I may publish the contents of your response.
Faithfully yours
M Laudahn
My message did arrive at the fax number indicated. This text may give you an idea about how you yourself could word your own personal message. ‘Don’t delay,…’
Michael Laudahn
Also an email address is available:
legalvisitswandsworth (a) hmps.gsi.gov.uk
Just ask to forward to the governor.
Michael Laudahn
Take it to the highest court!
This should be taken to the highest courts to document for history how the natives of Europe/Eurabia are treated compared to the invaders who seem to get lawyers to defend “their every human right”/sharia rights.
Baron, as much as I do see that you want to be strict about the language rule, I do also have great sympathy with the readers who like to follow GOV and at the same time do not feel that their English is not good enough for writing a comment, which leaves them with two options. Either not to comment at all, or to comment in another European language, like French, German, Spanish.
Please let me very humbly try to give a nuance to Patrick’s comment
“Let us hope that Tommy will/May he regain freedom as soon as possible.”
As a reader, I feel content that GOV is read by as many and of as many native languages as possible, and I think a French comment is proof of that.
Anonymous @ 12:38am —
You either misread our rules, or are doing a disservice to our readers whose “English is not good enough”.
I don’t require that a comment be spelled correctly, or use perfect grammar, or be punctuated properly.
I simply demand that it not be directly insulting, and that it avoid obscenities, profanities, etc.
Virtually everyone, even people whose native language is not English, understands which words are “bad” words, and can avoid those words if they try. If their English is good enough that they can read these posts, I’ll wager that they know which words to omit.
To expect any less of our readers is an insult to them.