Our Danish correspondent Signe sends this summary of the latest enrichment news from Modern Multicultural Denmark:
22-year-old man raped in Ørstedsparken
At first the media did not reveal who the perpetrators (one rapist, one complicit) might be. My guess was a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%. Later the tabloids published a description: “The police are looking for a man with a Mohammed tattoo” — not, please note, a Mohammed drawing 🙂
“The rapist is a man of Middle Eastern appearance […] The man spoke Danish with an accent and had the name Mohammed tattooed on one of his arms. The other man was also of Middle Eastern appearance […] He only spoke English. […] One of the perpetrators also has a tattoo on his right forearm, where it says Mohammed. It could of course be a fake tattoo, but we assume it is the man’s name. Mohammed happens to be a very common name, but this kind of tattoo is probably not that common,” says the no-nonsense police investigator to Ekstra Bladet.
Ørstedsparken is a park where homosexuals have sex, and the story goes like this: The 22-year-old is looking for sex early this morning, but he decides that he is not interested in any of the strangers after chatting with them. They pull him into a bush, and ‘Mohammed tattoo’ sodomizes him, while the other keeps watch outside.
The police are currently searching the park for evidence.
Politiken, a very leftist broadsheet, still has not seen it fit to update their article with a description.
For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
This being Scandinavia, I predict with 99.99% probability that the male rape victim will continue to clamor for unlimited third world/Islamist immigration.