Chris Knowles Talks to Michael Coren

“This is wrong on so many levels.”

As I reported here a few days ago, my good friend Chris Knowles was recently fired from his job at the Leeds City Council for his political opinions, without due process, and without being informed of any details on how he was alleged to have violated of his terms of employment.

Chris appeared tonight via skype on Michael Coren’s SUN TV program, and was given the opportunity to explain what happened to him:

Chris Knowles is a civil-liberties activist for the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA). He participated in the Brussels Conference on July 9, 2012, and assisted with the writing of the Brussels Declaration.

Previous posts:

2012   Aug   2   The Irony of “Unison”
        7   Undue Process

2 thoughts on “Chris Knowles Talks to Michael Coren

  1. One has to be careful of what your air in terms of public views.

    Here’s the rub, unless you know what your management’s political leanings are, you could open up a serious case of retribution on yourself.

    It’s not a matter of being “improper” it’s a matter of hacking off your management, politics in many ways is intensely personal like religion. Take a stance that runs counter to accepted dogma and you make enemies.

    If you’re not sure, be anonymous.

  2. I too am being pressured by my local police. in the United Kingdom, to refrain from criticizing Islam. This in spite of the fact that the U.K 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act protects my right to do so. I have challenged them to, if they think I have committed an offence, arrest me. I have heard of other examples in the U.K where people have been ‘persuaded’ not to criticize Islam. Stuart Parsons

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