The city council in St. Anthony, a small town in Minnesota, voted down a zoning request by local Muslims to turn an existing building into an Islamic center and mosque. This was a courageous move on the part of the council, given that CAIR has threatened a federal lawsuit in response.
It’s encouraging to hear ordinary citizens at this meeting standing up and speaking out about the nature of Islamic doctrine. Their awareness demonstrates that the word is getting out, despite the best efforts of the media and the government to whitewash the Religion of Peace:
Update: Below are excerpts from the Strib on the same topic:
St. Anthony City Council Rejects Islamic Center Plan
A lawsuit could follow after St. Anthony City Council voted 4-1 against proposal, citing land use and zoning.
St. Anthony City Council members on Tuesday rejected plans to locate an Islamic center in the basement of the former Medtronic headquarters off Old Hwy. 8. The proposed Abu-Huraira Islamic Center had been on hold for months after some residents objected to the center and city leaders studied whether city zoning would support the facility. About 150 people attended Tuesday’s council meeting, where Muslim proponents asked the council to approve the nearly 15,000-square-foot center, which would be used for worship and assembly by the congregation of about 200. “I’m a proud American. This is home. The center will serve the needs of our community,” Sadik Warfa said. “I know this issue is very emotional for some people. We are a melting pot. We are all Americans.” Close to a dozen St. Anthony residents asked the council to deny the proposal, which they argued would reduce tax revenues, an argument Mayor Jerry Faust denied. Others contended the center would attract increased traffic in the neighborhood and create problems for those living nearby.
Hat tips: DL, JP.
It’s about time! God bless these folks. CAIR needs to be confronted each time it says, does, or thinks of saying or doing anything.
If these were the only stealth jihadis out there, we’d have nothing to worry about.