Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer has condensed and translated an article about the demographic future that awaits the city of Oslo, whether “persons of Norwegian background” like it or not. The translator includes this note:
I have abbreviated and translated this article which was published in Aftenposten earlier today. It deals with the future demographic makeup of various neighbourhoods in Oslamabad. The neighbourhood of Søndre Nordstrand which is mentioned in this article has gone through an incredible demographic transformation in the last couple of decades, and as you can see in the article it is on a fast track to become a majority immigrant (non-Western) neighbourhood.
Oslo is a Norwegian Detroit.
The translated article:
This is Oslo’s first immigrant neighborhood
For the first time ever a neighborhood in Oslo is set to attain an immigrant majority. This summer Søndre Nordstrand (southern Nordstrand) will pass the magic 50 percent threshold. In the bordering neighborhood of Nordstrand the immigrant population has not yet reached 15 percent.
Almost half of Oslo’s population will have an immigrant background in 2040, according to demographic data released by SSB [Norwegian bureau of statistics]. That scenario is already a reality in several of the city’s neighborhoods.
On January 1, 2012, 49.2 per cent of the residents in Søndre Nordstrand were immigrants, which would suggest that the magical mark of 50 percent is set to be reached soon, if it hasn’t already happened.
Among the residents living in the neighborhood aged 20-29 there’s an overwhelming majority of people with immigrant backgrounds (62.1 percent). Among those aged 60 and above — the corresponding number is 25.9 percent.
86 percent are non-Western immigrants
There are 11,531 immigrants and 6,337 second generation immigrants (born in Norway to immigrant parents) living in Søndre Nordstrand. Of these 15,375 come from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Europe (Australia, New Zealand EU / EEA excluded). This amounts to 86 percent of the overall immigration population. The neighborhood’s remaining 2,493 immigrants hail from the EU / EEA, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
It is scary and sad what is happening to Sweden, Norway and the rest of Europe because of liberalism the mental disorder. Really by the self haters who despise all that is Christian and western, culturally speaking, The big government, control freak Progressive socialist, need to votes, by immigrants, to stay in power. Sooner or later,as the Muslim population grows, the immigrants will develop their own political agenda, based on Islamic Law.
It would be interesting to know how real estate values, both residential and commercial, have trended in this community vs. nearby communtiies that haven’t experienced this massive demographic shift.
Anyone want to make a guess?
Nordstrand, a prestigious villa with appletree garden neighborhood, with a view over the Oslofjorden and some of its islands, and with the evening sun, is to the left, uphill outside the frame of Edvard Munch’s “Scream”. I have the impression the name “Southern Nordstrand” was invented to give it a flair of old Nordstrand.