United Ummah Busted in London

Update: A report on the events described below has been published in Dawn.

The British Salafist group Muslims Against Crusades was banned by the Home Secretary last month. Its successor organization, United Ummah, staged a demonstration today in front of the American embassy in London, protesting drone strikes by NATO against terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Members of the English Defence League attempted a counter-demonstration, but were kept at a distance by police. More than twenty people were arrested, all of them from the Muslim demonstration. This was a refreshing change from the standard procedure of the Metropolitan Police, who have proved reluctant to arrest Muslims in the past, preferring the easier targets in the EDL.

The number arrested was also a significant percentage of the total number of United Ummah demonstrators, estimated to be between 30 and 300, depending on whose report you read.

EDL Buck was on hand to record the day’s events in Grosvenor Square. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading these videos:

The second video shows a number of arrests. One of the arrested mujahideen strongly resembles Anjem Choudary, the notorious Islamic firebrand and Ilford solicitor:

2 thoughts on “United Ummah Busted in London

  1. Choudhary was actually shown at the end of the 2nd video and still free.So he hadn’t been arrested at that stage.
    Also in evidence were a number of useful idiot white converts including the ginger idiot.
    I particularly liked the discomfort shown by one who was frisked and then arrested by a woman police constable. SO humiliating. Ha ha

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