The IAEA has determined that Iran’s nuclear program is aimed at producing a nuclear weapon. Up until now the agency evidently had no idea what was going on. Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak says that if it became necessary for Israel to undertake a pre-emptive strike on Iran, it could survive the inevitable retaliatory strikes with fewer than 500 Israeli fatalities.
In other news, Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is under siege within his own government. Defectors within his conservative coalition are attempting to force a no-confidence vote on the prime minister. According to some reports, Mr. Berlusconi has said that he will resign once the necessary fiscal reforms have been approved. He believes that he is the only Italian politician who can successfully tackle his country’s debt crisis.
Meanwhile, according to recent polls, 58% of the Dutch people would prefer to reinstate the guilder as the country’s official currency.
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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Egghead, Erick Stakelbeck, Fjordman, Insubria, JP, Steen, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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