Must Catholics Make Room for Muslims?

A controversy erupted a few days ago at Catholic University in Washington D.C., where a lawyer filed a civil rights complaint about the university’s alleged failure to accommodate Muslim students adequately.

The video below features a heated argument on the issue from Sean Hannity’s TV program. It’s a shame Mr. Hannity and Jay Sekulow spent so much time shouting down Ibrahim Ramey, the Muslim spokesman on the show. I would have been interested to hear him answer the questions fully.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

3 thoughts on “Must Catholics Make Room for Muslims?

  1. Would Muslims make room for Catholics?
    I think we know the answer to that. an ashram or what ever they call there schools?

  2. Would Muslims make room for Catholics in any capacity or form?

    Would Muslims make room for [enter name of any non-Muslim identity] in any capacity or form?

    Their connotations suggest, Yes.

    Their historical actions suggest, no way in heck would they embrace any kind of non-Islamic ideologies.

    Why the popular media coddles their connotations is beyond me. Only logical explanation is there are people who want to believe in coexistence so badly they’re willing to risk their lives to home some magical thing happens to change how Islamists think.

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