Newly-elected President Michael Sata of Zambia has told China that he wants the Chinese to respect Zambians, and not to exploit his country. China has extracted considerable mineral wealth from Zambia over the past two decades, and Mr. Sata is determined that Zambians should gain more benefits from the relationship between the two countries.
In other news, the Greek government will fail to meet its debt-reduction goals this year, and next year’s budget will also fall short of the target required by the “Troika” as a condition of the EU bailout of Greece.
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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JP, Kitman, McR, Rembrandt, Steen, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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“We’re very concerned how Muslims are treated in this country,” said member Sam Baily of Newburyport. “Read any newspaper and you’ll see there are issues.”
I see no problems with “how Muslims are treated in this country.”
They are not denied the franchise.
They are not denied citizenship if they seek it.
Their humanity is not denied.
Their right to their religion is not denied either.
If anything, their demands beyond all this, their attempts to institute and practice the Sharia, their attempts to humiliate the non-Muslim community, and their attempts to influence the secular American education of the public schools, are what make them unwelcome.
American schools have no business teaching Islam.
American public schools must not be forced to accommodate Islamic practice.
They have never accommodated Christian practice.
There is no tolerance in Islam.
Therefore, there should be no tolerance of Islam.