A Perfect Muslim

Below is a video from Fox News about Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif (a.k.a. Joseph Anthony Davis) and Walli Mujahidh (a.k.a. Frederick Domingue Jr.), who planned a terrorist attack at a military recruiting station in Seattle. Both men are Muslim converts who were radicalized in prison.

Their glorious martyrdom operation was foiled by a government informant in their midst, who strung them along until they were arrested while attempting to purchase machine guns from FBI agents.

Note the protests by Abdul-Latif’s wife, who insists that her husband is a “good Muslim, a perfect Muslim”:

You know, I think she’s absolutely right.

See this article for more details on the case.

One thought on “A Perfect Muslim

  1. Note the protests by Abdul-Latif’s wife, who insists that her husband is a “good Muslim, a perfect Muslim”. You know, I think she’s absolutely right.

    First of all, per Carnita Matthews, how can anybody be sure that the person being interviewed really was the wife of alleged conspirator Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif? For all we know, it may as well have been his personal bugger-mate nancy boy in a burqa pulling that case of the vapors.

    Second of all, I think we’ve all had just about enough of these “perfect Muslims” pimping our preteens, sodding anything that stands still long enough and killing everything else that strikes their effing jihadist fancy.

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