A key liberal Jewish donor to Barack Obama and the Democrats says that he will not contribute to the president’s re-election campaign nor help him raise funds. Billionaire Haim Saban says Mr. Obama’s antagonistic policies towards Israel have caused him to withdraw his support.
In other news, a Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt says that his organization will dominate the next Egyptian government. Meanwhile, the end of the oppressive Mubarak regime has allowed the Egyptian Nazi Party to come out in the open. It vows to play a part in the country’s politics.
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Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, KGS, Nilk, Steen, Swenglish Rantings, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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The ironic side of Jewish history is fraught with events in which non-Jews had helped Jews whereas Jews hurt Jews. Such ironies have been most obvious among American Jewry.
Well Haim it sucks to be you. You got what you paid for. Can you say “buyers remorse”?
So, Obama’s support in democratizing North Africa have served to revitalize the Nazi party in Egypt?
I think this is situation where we may correctly make use of the term, Irony.
Nope. Central planning. Ha!