An angry mob of 4,000 Muslims in a village near Cairo attacked a Coptic church, exploding gas cylinders inside it and burning it down. A priest and three deacons may possibly have burned to death inside the church. The conflict began with a violent disagreement between a Christian family and a Muslim one over a relationship between a Coptic man and a Muslim woman.
In other news, Marine Le Pen, who recently succeeded her father as the leader of the National Front in France, leads both President Sarkozy and the Socialist candidate in advance polling for next year’s presidential election. If the election were held today, Ms. Le Pen would gain 23% of the vote, while the other two candidates poll at 21% each.
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Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, Mary Abdelmassih, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Baroness Warsi, you will die for nothing.
You will kill for your beliefs. That is the more correct, the more Islamic way of stating your great devotion.