Demonstrators in Pakistan burned Pope Benedict in effigy in protest over the pontiff’s criticism of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. They say the Pope must butt out of Pakistan’s affairs and stop insulting Islam.
In other news, hedge funds in Britain are betting that China’s long-running period of strong growth is going to collapse soon — they are, in effect, short-selling China.
Meanwhile, a politician in the Left Party in Germany says that he wants to introduce communism in the country.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to C. Cantoni, DF, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, KGS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Meanwhile, a politician in the Left Party in Germany says that he wants to introduce communism in the country.
Beautiful, it’s a race to the Abyss. My increasingly worthless money is on Sharia beating Socialism to the race.
Time to start burning Mohammad in effigy.
I am so there, EV.
You don’t lay hands on my Pope. Not even in effigy.
Burn the Black Flag.
Criticizing Islam Successfully to People Who Don’t Want to Hear It
Meanwhile, a politician in the Left Party in Germany says that he wants to introduce communism in the country.
We’ve already got it…
Exiled Tunisian Leader Provokes
Backlash From Saudi Bloggers
When the autocratic president and his family were forced to leave, they celebrated, online, the success of the first “Arab street revolution” which proved that “Arabs have dignity and can revolt.” [emphasis added]
Tunis was far from the start. The 9-11 atrocity proved once and for all time that Arabs can revolt our entire world.