16 thoughts on “I Am An Englishman

  1. Is that supposed to be a parody? With the darkened lights, the grilled moonlit windows, the creepy icons of Enoch Powell, the actor with the mockney accent? What can I say, the whole thing is what it is: a liberal’s work of fiction.

  2. Whether it is meant to be a parody or not, I found it mesmerising – as in hair standing up on the back of my neck, eyes unable to move from the image.

    Looking forward to where you are going with this, Baron.

  3. Homophobic Horse: Is that supposed to be a parody?

    … I think it’s grotesque.

    So, please feel free to tell the studio audience and all the folks back home exactly what is an Englishman should be fighting for?

    The Crown, Parliament and Big Ben?

    My vote is for the seven men called “George” and five women called “Victoria”? That all which they struggled to build up with their blood, sweat and tears should fall into the possession of some ungrateful and seditious Pakistani wankers, their four wives each and broods of spawn goes beyond obscene.

    That Britain’s elite social engineers are so cheerfully handing over this hard-won legacy to these Islamic wankers goes well beyond obscene.

  4. The Powell poster resembles ‘Big Brother’ from 1984 and the clear implication is that the immigration restrictionist state will be a dystopic, Orwellian state. Pretty creepy overall.

    Has anybody seen Brazil? In that film set in a future, dystopic Britain a terrorist bomb goes off in a restaurant and the diners ignore it and continue eating while it is cleaned up around them.

    Here is the opening scene where a Blair-esque Minister spouts mindless ‘War on Terror’-type rhetoric.

  5. I found this speech to be an accurate reflection of what I and many other English/British people think and feel.

    We are pissed off to the backteeth with policians, the MSM, Gruniad readers, PC/MC cretins treating us like we are racists for asking relevant questions and always being met with the same reply…… The spokesman made an absolutely telling point when he said “nobody asked us”. Well they bloody well did not, they passed the 1948 Nationality Act without so much as a referendum and have passed many more bills that infringe on the basic rights of the British and favour incomers or colonisers the same way. They have succeeded where Hitler failed in turning our nation into a proto-fascist state where to speak your mind openly and without fear is a crime.A country where a legitimate political party the BNP can be prosecuted, threatened with sequestration and misrepresented by an organisation that is corrupt, the laughing named, Equalities and Human Rights Commission. They have dragged us into illegal wars, made us subject to EU beaurocrats whose laws supercede those of the British. As to his final statement, yes, we will have to fight to get it back.But it was not people like me that started the fight. Believe me we will finish it.

  6. This was clearly a program meant to portray immigration restrictionists as the “lunatic fringe.” But, by golly, if they didn’t inadvertently provide us with a superb dramatic portrayal of what we all justifiably feel in our hearts.

    I went to Costco yesterday. I heard five different languages being spoken. FIVE!! Over 70% of the customers were born in foreign countries. SEVENTY percent.

    I live in a suburban Midwestern city. During my first 35 years here I never heard, not one single time, a foreign language being spoken. NOT ONE TIME!

    Last week, I saw a woman in a full burka in this same store. On the way out of the store I said to the employee who checks receipts: what is happening to our country? We are giving it away. To which he replied: It’s getting worse every single day.

    And it is. It is getting worse every single day and our overlords, the self-annoited ruling class elite, blithely carry on.

    Soon, there will be blood in the streets. It can end no other way.

  7. Never saw the original episode, so I don’t know the context.

    But, if this Englishman was supposed to be providing the audience with a “scary radical Islamophobic racist figure”, the attempt failed, because his plea rings too true, even with the “creepy” mood that the dark setting and murky backround was trying to inculcate.

    A stirring speech for preserving that green and pleasant land from being swamped under a tide of resentful, contempt-filled colonizers intent on replacing England with a Third World despotism.

  8. Yeah, are tptb telling you , that he’s talking about COMMON LAW? The LAW of the Anglo-Saxons- those ancestors who judged and were judged through a direct Representative Council of the of the Common Warriors of the Clan?

    NO! Tptb are NOT telling you that we’re – now ruled by Mercantile Law….Corporate Law? The Law of making more profits this year over the profits of last year..and the devil take you! This is the Law of Oppression!

    It is time to bring back Robin Hood! Bring back the Common Law of Justice…Equality!

    See Youtube:

    John Harris It’s An Illusion

    This vid applisince the laws there are basically the same.

    I would also suggest, we start finding out how circumvent the current Western laws that the islamics (& CAIR ) are taking advantage of. ..such as the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights…since islam is NOT a religion.

    We MUST envision our great Wstern Civilization, even more than the islamics envision theirs.

    Motto: Vinceremus

  9. Good to see the diversity of opinion here. I come down on the side that finds this creepy.

    It’s not about keeping England pure for Englishmen, but in maintaining rights for all people against one group that seeks to restrict them.

  10. This was very good – and as a Bermondsey boy myself, I can say this man was not a mockney
    The left only ever have an emotive argument for their imposed poison, and this is the antidote.

    What film or series was this from?

  11. I am with Zenster.
    Even as a third generation Canadian, of English and Scottish descent, I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck while viewing this clip.
    When I study the videos and pictures coming out of the UK and read the horrible news, I wonder just by what means the UK could have the rug drawn out from under HER feet after what we went through in WWII fighting to keep Her free from Nazi tyranny.
    All of Europe is under the same Red Alert. Nazism took Europe, it was defeated, although not totally, at the cost of 60 million lives, and now we are letting Europe and the UK collapse to Islamism.
    What is going on in this world.
    Is it a Bilderberg scheme to allow Islamic dominion over the world? I wonder.

  12. I am with Zenster.
    Even as a third generation Canadian, of English and Scottish descent, I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck while viewing this clip.
    When I study the videos and pictures coming out of the UK and read the horrible news, I wonder just by what means the UK could have the rug drawn out from under HER feet after what we went through in WWII fighting to keep Her free from Nazi tyranny.
    All of Europe is under the same Red Alert. Nazism took Europe, it was defeated, although not totally, at the cost of 60 million lives, and now we are letting Europe and the UK collapse to Islamism.
    What is going on in this world.
    Is it a Bilderberg scheme to allow Islamic dominion over the world? I wonder.

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