JLH has has translated a media interview with a female Turkish-German author from Berlin. The translator includes this note:
This is a short but interesting interview from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. It sets in sharp relief the difference in the immigrants before the invasion of the mullahs and afterwards, and explains why so many mature and older immigrant women are not only apostate, but willing to shout it from the rooftops.
And the translated interview:
“German Basic Values Are Disappearing”
Turkish woman author, Güner Balci
by Gordana Mijuk
NZZ Sunday: Why is Germany now speaking about the problem of the integration of immigrants?
Güner Balci: Apparently people have suddenly become aware that there is a group of people in Germany that has not of itself adapted to German society and adopted its values. People see that this group has pulled back into its own culture and its own religion and that there are more and more points of friction with German society. For instance, in school where it suddenly becomes noticeable that there is no gender equality among Muslim pupils. Or that a majority of Muslim children are touched by domestic violence, which is not proscribed in their community.
NZZ: Why did Thilo Sarrazin’s book cause such a turmoil? You addressed the same subject in your novels “Arab Boy” and now “Arab Queen.”
GB: Because people immediately like to hammer away at someone who makes a mistake — and Sarrazin made big mistakes in his book. Now the sow is being driven through the village and everyone is running along behind. It is simpler to say: that is wrong, than to differentiate and debate with it. I am afraid the subject will not endure in public, because it is not seen as an accepted problem in Germany.
NZZ: You grew up in Neukölln and then worked with young people as a social worker. What has changed?
GB: It seems to me that German culture is disappearing more and more. By that I mean the basic values: equal rights and above all the self-determined life of women. When I grew up here, I had a mixed environment — not just East Anatolian villagers all around me. Living-among-your-own and a lifestyle shaped by traditional ideas has increased. Islam plays an increasingly important role, precisely for the young people. That was not true in my time. Nor was the fundamentalist Islam that is demanded from the many mosques. The biggest problem is that half-truths are often spread.
NZZ: What motivated you to write books about Neukölln’s young immigrants?
GB: When I meet women who cannot lead self-determined lives, that shocks me. I feel my existence threatened when it is natural in a society for men to decide about women. It is depressing for me that women have to live in such a sick world. It chokes me up.
Granted that, like many European nations, Germany faces a direct threat to the cohesion of its traditional culture.
For better or worse, imagine how much more potent that threat could be were Germany not reunified. Arguments that Eastern Bloc countries were less likely to be overrun by Muslims are neutralized by the tremendous damage that Communism wrought upon its satellites in general.
Having had the opportunity to see the more recently reintegrated Eastern sector and the tremendous effort put forth by free Germany to modernize and rehabilitate its once Communist half, I can say that it is one of the best things that could ever have happened to all of Europe.
Unlike a majority of its neighbors, Germany has managed to achieve a functional blend of industry and tourism that continues to create wealth. Many other European countries have turned themselves into nothing more than tourist destinations.
Such service-based economies rarely create the wealth or work ethic needed to propel a country to greatness. Too frequently there is a lack of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit needed to overcome the profound inertia commonly induced by Socialist states.
That inertia manifests most sharply in the entrenched voting patterns displayed by Germans and their neighbors alike. A glimmer of hope has shown itself in the recent Dutch turnout for Geert Wilders’ PVV party and it can be hoped that this trend will continue throughout Europe.
As can be seen in Britain, conventional politics are pure suicide for indigenous European populations. If Germany can break free from the fetters of habitual voting practices, then there is hope for it to resolve the threat from within that Islam presents to it and every other country where mass Muslim immigration has happened.
Just as the economic meltdown in Greece threatens to initiate a dominoe effect within the EU, so is there the possibility that Holland’s sea change in voting habits might trigger similar shifts in other European countries.
Granted that, like many European nations, Germany faces a direct threat to the cohesion of its traditional culture. — Zenster
Also known as the Western Left, Marxists of many stripes.
That is the disease, Islam moving in is the symptom…of an already incohesive culture tearing itself apart in self immolation.
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Spot on, Velocity.
We haven’t even begun to face the real problem yet: that while economic communism has been proven a pipedream, cultural marxism is alive and kicking. Nobody has denounced socialism per se, and demanded that progessivists give account of their complicity when the Wall fell, and in the public discours marxism and it’s implicit evil has never been accused and exposed.
Far too many people still think that socialism was ‘in itself a good idea’ which has fallen in the wrong hands; as if any human being or institution can be trusted with the power marxism and it’s clones places in the hands of the state
Germany had to cleanse itself after the nazi-period, marxism is unrepentant and undeterred and diligently works behind the screens
Paardestaart: Nobody has denounced socialism per se, and demanded that progessivists give account of their complicity when the Wall fell, and in the public discourse marxism and it’s implicit evil has never been accused and exposed.
This ranks among one of free market Capitalism’s greatest moral failings. It started during the Vietnam conflict era when America’s captains of industry did not step forward to counter domestic support for the Viet Cong.
The public required a vivid demonstration of exactly why Communism was the most grisly mass murderer cloaked in sheeple’s clothing. No one bothered to decry Stalin’s mass starvation of 20 million in the Soviet Union’s Ukraine. No one bothered to expose Mao’s Cultural Revolution and its 60 million dead.
Nor did anyone bother to explain how America’s outstanding quality of life was a direct result of Capitalistic free market economics. This allowed Cultural Marxism a toehold it should otherwise never have gotten.
Far too many people still think that socialism was ‘in itself a good idea’ which has fallen in the wrong hands; as if any human being or institution can be trusted with the power marxism and it’s clones places in the hands of the state
File this under the age-old Leftist screech of “Communism just hasn’t been done right, yet!”
Even as more Communist mass graves are excavated, Liberals will continue to excuse and exculpate Communism’s role as the ultimate kleptocracy. No one seems to grasp that the Soviet Union was “Nanny State” writ large. Instead, people entrust Obama to install a nanny state of unparalleled proportions here in America.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Sometimes, the French get it just right.
Germany had to cleanse itself after the nazi-period, marxism is unrepentant and undeterred and diligently works behind the screens
This is why it is yet another tremendous moral failing of the West that Communism never enjoyed its own version of the Nuremberg trials. Far too many Reds were allowed to shed their uniforms and don business suits as they set about looting their countries yet one more damn time. What should have awaited all of them was the same ill-dignified fate suffered by Nicolae Ceauşescu and Benito Mussolini.
I can only suppose that the Cold War’s end brought about such a unanimous sense of relief throughout the West such whereby no one thought to ensure that those who necessitated the nuclear arms race answered for their crimes against humanity. We can all be sure that the West’s Cultural Marxists were too happy in assisting in this amoral sleight-of-hand that saw their very worst facilitators get off scot free.
I’ll agree with the Prussians and say it all started going wrong for the Germans because of unification after the Franco-Prussian war. When Saxony and Bavaria finally joined up with the other states and “Germany” was born. Since then they’ve been following one degenerate “ism” after another. Imperialism, National Socialism, Socialism, Democratic Socialism and now they seem headed for Islamism.
I think it would be better for a disunification so the varying cultural strains of the different states from north to south can embolden the old volk to be proud again of their heritage.
Forget “Free Tibet”, better “Free Bavaria”