At the request of Republican Senator Jim DeMint, the Congressional Research Service investigated the funding of NPR and PBS, and determined that about 14% of public broadcasting money comes from American taxpayers. The issue arose in the wake of the firing of Juan Williams by NPR for his less-than-positive statements about Islam.
In other news, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s sister-in-law says she converted to Islam during a trip to Iran. She also says that she now prays five times a day and wears hijab outside the home.
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Thanks to DF, Fjordman, Gaia, JD, JP, KGS, McR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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The Muslims are waging an increasingly vicious homophobic jihad in Britain, with attacks increasing as they get more numerous and more confident. Strangely enough, the BBC has now taken notice of this
Now if only Cherie Blair could be persuaded to wear the full burqa, in the interests of optical mercy…
Islam belongs in Islamic countries only. It’s a MUSLIM problem