Our Danish-Australian correspondent Anne-Kit sent a tip about a
news report on Geert Wilders that recently appeared on Australian television. The program’s host displays the customary attitude — a mixture of hostility, condescension, moral disapproval, and just a trace of fear — towards Mr. Wilders, which is what we have come to expect from any major media outlet in the West. Nevertheless, Mr. Wilders’ message was allowed to come though at length in his own words.
Anne-Kit includes these notes:
SBS is your standard multicultural, intellectual, lefty tv station, and host George Negus is an insufferably puffed-up, politically correct “celebrity” journalist with all the right opinions which, as you will see, he sees fit to pontificate on at any given opportunity.
This notwithstanding, the programme manages to give Geert Wilders quite a decent platform, and I am pleased to see that the interviewer and video journalist, during the “deconstruction” at the end of the segment, manages to stay reasonably neutral and fair on his subject.
Check the comments (115 at the moment of writing): 63 are supportive of Wilders, which in itself is surprising on such a “progressive” website, but check the “Agree” and “Disagree” icons! On the comments which are critical of Wilders up to 200+ people disagree …
Vlad Tepes has YouTubed the program in two parts. Part 1 is below (Warning: There is a small amount of profanity from a culture enricher near the end of this segment):
Our Flemish correspondent VH has also sent some translated material from the Dutch media on this topic, which will be posted later today with the second part of the video.
Here are a few points that struck me about Part 1:
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The undercurrent of violent threat. The title of this post is taken from what a young Dutch Muslim tells the interviewer near the end of this portion of the program. The producers of the documentary may not realize it, but clips like this make Geert Wilders’ case for him.
Despite all the feel-good multiculti sentiment, the fact remains that it is very common for Muslims in the Netherlands to threaten (and sometimes carry out) murder against politicians and other prominent people whose views about Islam they don’t like. Theo Van Gogh’s corpse lying on the sidewalk with a knife stuck in his chest has not been forgotten by the Dutch people, especially with young punks like the one in this video jogging their memories virtually every day. This is one of the main reasons for Geert Wilders’ success in the polls.
The sense of grievance. “No matter what you [Muslims] do, it’s never enough.” That’s what Fatima Lamkarat tells the interviewer. Despite being welcomed into one of the most affluent and tolerant nations on Earth, despite being housed in conditions that are palatial compared to their countries of origin, despite being handed generous welfare benefits and offered free high-quality education — despite all that, Muslim immigrants in the Netherlands are aggrieved. The Dutch people are just so mean to them.
Kitman. There is a large amount of dissembling by Muslims interviewed in this video. They talk about how well they behave, and therefore don’t deserve to be “kicked in the stomach” by the PVV.
There is no discussion of the persistent refusal of large numbers of immigrants to integrate. No one mentions the demands for special privileges, halal food, separate swimming for women, and all the other accommodations that Muslims require of their infidel hosts. No one refers to the exceptionally high crime rate among immigrants, or their attacks on Jews, homosexuals, and anyone else considered traditional prey for faithful Muslims.
None of these things are mentioned by the oh-so-benign Muslims featured in this video. But you can bet that ordinary Dutch people are well aware of them — as are most Australian viewers, who are all too familiar with the behavior of Muslims in certain culturally enriched areas of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and other cities.
Muslims are thinking about leaving the Netherlands. The threat by aggrieved Muslims to leave the Netherlands is obviously intended to instill feelings of shame and regret in viewers. The makers of this program, however, may be so removed from the ordinary people who make up their audience that they don’t realize the thrill of hope that such declarations actually awaken in most viewers.
Without truly coercive measures, it’s unlikely that Dutch Muslims will actually carry through with their threat (promise) and shake the dust of the polders from their feet. Like so many other dishonest public statements, this one is designed to play on white guilt and manipulate their infidel hosts into taking back all their mean demands.
Still, I can imagine the average Dutch citizen standing up in front of the TV, pumping his fist into the air, and shouting “Ja!” when he hears these words.
And then he makes sure to vote for the PVV again in the next election.
The direct threat against Wilder’s life was really outrageous. Death threats are not protected speech. What is especially ironic is that the same people who howl about “hate speech” do not seem to have a problem with this kind of “murder speech”, so long as it is directed against someone who is critical of their pet religion.
Damn…Aussies are familiar with the Muslim’s way of behavior..? – How can that be? – Last I looked Australia wasn’t a EUSSR member. And next week my 20-year old, blonde Danish daughter goes to Australia…
Nothing could delight me more than to see Muslims leaving ALL non-Muslim countries.
In hoc signo vinces
“The makers of this program, however, may be so removed from the ordinary people who make up their audience that they don’t realize the thrill of hope that such declarations actually awaken in most viewers.”
The provision of transportation for the purpose of muslim repatriation to the territories of islam would not be an issue for European Taxpayers.
Thanks for the heads-up, Anne-Kit. I can’t bring myself to even look at SBS (television for special people) these days. The “world news” is appallingly biased against us, and while it used to have some excellent programming 20 years ago, that’s no longer the case.
It does feature news coverage from all around the world, but that comes without subtitles, and I don’t speak Greek, Chinese, Russian, Arabic or any of the rest.
A great use of taxpayer’s money. Not.
Kepi, how can we not be aware of muslims’ behaviour? They can’t help themselves.
My pics on Melbournistan: here and here.
Gotta give them this – they’re consistent all the world over.
Nilk, those pics are horrifying! – Why did you allow all those Moslems to invade your beautiful Australia? – Let me elaborate: My own country (Denmark) isn’t a sovereign state anymore but merely an insignificant appendix to the EUSSR. When that monster back in 1972 made an agreement with the oil-producing Arab states, we had to accept their surplus population in return for oil. And our dear leaders still cling to that ‘deal’ regardless of the populace, who’s highest wish is to make that ‘deal’ undone.
But Australia? – You’ve had something like, say 30 years to observe Europe going south and being torn asunder for exactly that reason. My impression was that Australia’s immigration laws were quite restrictive (my daughter had to go through endless troubles in order to get a visa and a ‘backpacker’s work permit’) for just 6 months. But then again, she isn’t a Moslem…
If you want Muslims out of the non-Muslim West, then you must first
1. put a cap on all immigration and visiting
2. demand that all Muslims wear Western dress
3. demand that all Muslims live surrounded by Westerners and not in their own communities
4. require the study and mastery of the indigenous language by Muslims
5. require the study and mastery of at least one classical Western language through four years of instruction in Classical studies for all citizens.
Believe me, the Muslims will run if such things are required of them.
I’m sick of Westerners who don’t know their culture.
And I’m sick and tired of being told Western culture has no depth by non-Westerners.
If they want to live among the white devils, they’d better damn well figure out that Western culture is more than make-up & miniskirts.
Kepi: it’s hard for me to buy the surplus pop reasoning. After all Arab countries had far less population than today, and if the population were truly surplus they would have made moves to curb the growth. As a pretext I suppose it is a possible reason.
Goethe: as for culture, Europeans don’t have any because we don’t eat meat off a stick, don’t sing off-key, no longer wear the colourful folk costumes, etc.
Nilk, I looked at your photos from Melbournistan – there is one where you comment about the American flag being Muslim; that is actually the Malaysian flag.
Kepiblanc, if your daughter is going to be in Perth, then I would be delighted to give her a home cooked meal if she’s homesick! I’ve got two sons of a similar age. The Baron has my email address … 🙂
Anne-Kit, how kind of you! – Somehow she managed to survive her dad’s cooking – which proves that she’s a very tough person indeed – so I guess she would be delighted to taste some real frikadeller for a change…
The part about your two sons, though… 😉
Like so many other dishonest public statements, this one is designed to play on white guilt and manipulate their infidel hosts into taking back all their mean demands.
This is reminiscent of that bumper sticker that says:
All of this mudslinging about “Islamophobia”, “racism” and “White guilt” will, in the long run, have one simple effect; namely, to make such terms irrelevant and, eventually, invert their original impact.
Much like how homosexuals have appropriated many of the originally derogatory terms use in reference to them, so will Islamophobia, racism and White guilt eventually become labels of pride for those intent upon preserving their cultures from Muslim predation.
This is yet one more aspect of Islam that foredooms it. In and of itself, Islam is so highly polarized against all other cultures and belief systems that it both inspires equally hostile opposition and a similar degree of xenophobia against Muslims.
Most ironic of all is how Islam’s hostility is only understandable within its own framework, whereas the opposition it inspires represents a functional resistance to all forms of tyranny.
This is how Muslims will bring about their own downfall. While Muslims can only unite with other Muslims, the enmity they inspire externally can enable all other cultures to unite against Islam.
This is both a measure of how repellant Islam continues to be and the broad swath of human rights violations that shari’a law embodies.
Muslim taqiyya and kitman may have worked well before now but, much as with Soviet Communism, the Internet and modern telecommunications technology will finally work to disseminate both the truth about Islam and make clear the dire threat it represents to all other cultures on earth.
In another similarity to Soviet Communism, Islam has embarked upon its quest for world domination with very few well-fletched arrows in its quiver. The Soviets did this as well by deluding themselves that their food production and manufacturing capability were sufficient to the task of global domination.
Islam suffers far more grievously from such delusions of adequacy and its violent aggression against nations with large nuclear arsenals epitomizes the height of Muslim folly. That Islam also remains wholly dependent upon many of these same nations for the bulk of its food supply only goes to show the profound ingratitude and astounding degree of idiocy that all jihadists exhibit.
Adamantine stubbornness alone is not enough to achieve the goal of Islam’s global caliphate. Absent are the vital tools of charismatic doctrine or leadership by example. The ability of Muslims to ignore these glaring deficiencies is an unconvincing display of qualification to rule the world and fewer people are falling for it each day.
The continued terrorism and aggressive criminality routinely exhibited by so many Islamic immigrants will eventually earn them a ticket out of town. European Muslims will be more than a little fortunate if their journey’s end is back to their countries of origin. Islam’s enduring obsession with genocide could just as easily see chimneyed camps as their destination.
Like so many other dishonest public statements, this one is designed to play on white guilt and manipulate their infidel hosts into taking back all their mean demands.
This is reminiscent of that bumper sticker that says:
All of this mudslinging about “Islamophobia”, “racism” and “White guilt” will, in the long run, have one simple effect; namely, to make such terms irrelevant and, eventually, invert their original impact.
Much like how homosexuals have appropriated many of the originally derogatory terms use in reference to them, so will Islamophobia, racism and White guilt eventually become labels of pride for those intent upon preserving their cultures from Muslim predation.
This is yet one more aspect of Islam that foredooms it. In and of itself, Islam is so highly polarized against all other cultures and belief systems that it both inspires equally hostile opposition and a similar degree of xenophobia against Muslims.
Most ironic of all is how Islam’s hostility is only understandable within its own framework, whereas the opposition it inspires represents a functional resistance to all forms of tyranny.
This is how Muslims will bring about their own downfall. While Muslims can only unite with other Muslims, the enmity they inspire externally can enable all other cultures to unite against Islam.
This is both a measure of how repellant Islam continues to be and the broad swath of human rights violations that shari’a law embodies.
Muslim taqiyya and kitman may have worked well before now but, much as with Soviet Communism, the Internet and modern telecommunications technology will finally work to disseminate both the truth about Islam and make clear the dire threat it represents to all other cultures on earth.
In another similarity to Soviet Communism, Islam has embarked upon its quest for world domination with very few well-fletched arrows in its quiver. The Soviets did this as well by deluding themselves that their food production and manufacturing capability were sufficient to the task of global domination.
Islam suffers far more grievously from such delusions of adequacy and its violent aggression against nations with large nuclear arsenals epitomizes the height of Muslim folly. That Islam also remains wholly dependent upon many of these same nations for the bulk of its food supply only goes to show the profound ingratitude and astounding degree of idiocy that all jihadists exhibit.
Adamantine stubbornness alone is not enough to achieve the goal of Islam’s global caliphate. Absent are the vital tools of charismatic doctrine or leadership by example. The ability of Muslims to ignore these glaring deficiencies is an unconvincing display of qualification to rule the world and fewer people are falling for it each day.
The continued terrorism and aggressive criminality routinely exhibited by so many Islamic immigrants will eventually earn them a ticket out of town. European Muslims will be more than a little fortunate if their journey’s end is back to their countries of origin. Islam’s enduring obsession with genocide could just as easily see chimneyed camps as their destination.