The Bare Facts: Plenty of Money and Honey

The Lurker from Tulsa sent along an oldie but goodie today. This detour into the woods offers a respite from the bad news bears back in the MSM. At this point, let us take our smiles where we can, hmm?

This is appropriately named, ta da! —

***Montana Bear Tragedy***

It hardly bears thinking about:

It is such a tragedy to see what has happened to our country’s wildlife!

Everybody should heed the warnings to not feed the animals because they become dependent and can no longer forage for themselves.

The photo below captures a trend that is beginning to affect several species of US wildlife.

Bear Picnic

Poor wildebeests! Formerly self-sufficient, they now exhibit disturbing signs of allegiance to the Democrat Party philosophy.

They have learned been trained to simply sit on their tush and wait for the “we’re-here-to-help-you” gummint to drop by with their monthly allotment of care and sustenance.

This photo portrays a Democrat black bear in Montana, barely able to contain his greed hope that the spoils will soon be divided and his fair share will be dumped on that table.

The forest Service Rangers nicknamed this particular specimen…(yes you can guess):

– – – – – – – –

Bearack Obearma!

Now, let’s all sing together here:

If you go down to the woods today
You’re sure of a big surprise
If you go down to the woods today
You’d better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today’s the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

Every Teddy Bear who’s been good
Is sure of a treat today.
There’s lots of marvelous things to eat
And wonderful games to play.

Beneath the trees where nobody sees
They’ll hide and seek as long as they please
‘Cause that’s the way the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

If you go down to the woods today
You’d better not go alone
It’s lovely down in the woods today
But safer to stay at home.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today’s the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

Every day is a picnic when you’re a Democrat politician… just ask Mr. Rangel. Or maybe not. He put his hand in the beehive once too often. Why, even Bearack is backing off.

There’s barely any loyalty left for you, Charlie. Especially when you’re sliding under the Big O bus so fast.

4 thoughts on “The Bare Facts: Plenty of Money and Honey

  1. Nope…’twas all mine, though he was barely in time finding that song lyric link…

    Yeah, it was fun. A heck of a lot more fun than studying Islam’s political ideology…I am again pushing my way thru the OIC 3rd Annual Report. Fascinating: they’re obsessed with the Swiss minaret ban and convinced it led to Geert Wilders’ victory…??

    …they’re also sure that if they show up every single week to pester Swiss govt officials, they can get them to overturn this citizen referendum. They suffer from a terminal case of do-not-get-it.

    I can’t prove it, of course, but my guess is that many of those so-called ‘hate crimes’ with the pigs’ ears nailed on mosque doors are self-inflicted. If a rowdy infidel was going to do some damage, he’d do real structural damage to the building…

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