Millions of Martyrs Marching to Gaza!

“If they board our ship, we will throw them into the sea, Allah willing!”

Here’s a peek behind the scenes on board the Mavi Marmara the day before the Israeli commando raid on the Gaza “aid” flotilla. IHH leaders can be heard exhorting the crowd in Turkish and Arabic:

Hat tip: TB.

[Post ends here]

One thought on “Millions of Martyrs Marching to Gaza!

  1. 1:20 – “We don’t want to be recorded in Allah’s book as cowards.”

    So, instead, they settled for “fatally stupid”.

    1:26 – “In two days we may encounter some negative matters.”

    I suppose that death could be considered a “negative matter”; that is, unless Muslims are involved, and then it becomes an opportunity for “glorious martyrdom”.

    More than anything, there are the usual lopsided results;

    Sayeret Tzanhanin: 9

    Pirates: 0

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