Let Them Come to Berlin

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Pax Europa and Politically Incorrect are planning a demonstration next Saturday in Berlin to support Geert Wilders and oppose the Islamization of Europe. Here’s the report from the ICLA website:

“Solidarity with Geert Wilders — Against the Islamisation of Western Europe!” — Demonstration in Berlin on Saturday 17 April 2010

Following the overwhelming success of the London demonstration in support of Geert Wilders that was organised by the English Defence League, Pax Europa Citizen Initiative and the Berlin PI Group have organised the 17 April Berlin demonstration.

Sharia is entering our daily lives to an increasing extent thanks to intensive Muslim lobbying and appeasement from Western governments. Geert Wilders is one of the few Western political leaders who has the vision and the courage to stand up and say ‘no more’. Of course he has now been subjected to a show trial by those who are determined to undermine and destroy Western Civilisation. Just as the views of silent majority are represented by Geert Wilders, that same majority must come out and protect their champion from an elite that wants to transform Europe into an Islamic state.

This demonstration is an opportunity for the people of Berlin to stand up and demonstrate in favour of freedom and against sharia. It is an opportunity for the people of Germany and surrounding countries to come to Berlin and challenge the anti European project of the European political elite. Berlin has had its share of tyranny, and Islamism should not be allowed to rise in a city where the similar barbarisms of fascism and communism were allowed to grow and flourish.

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The people of Europe do not want Islamism to take root and they do not want to be governed by the backward and barbaric sharia. Governments must halt their pro sharia policies now! Hopefully, the Berlin demonstration will be the start of a popular movement against the tyranny of Sharia within Germany. A movement like the English Defence League needs to develop and expand in Germany, otherwise the German Government will continue to ignore its own people and continue is destructive policies.

Be part of the historic counter jihad movement that is now rising in countries across the world. Stand up for Germany, stand up for European Civilisation, stand up for future generations, stand up for yourself — join the ‘Solidarity with Geert Wilders’ demonstration in Berlin on 17 April.

More information about the demonstration can be found at Politically Incorrect (in German here ).