Geert Wilders Interviewed on Croatian TV

Update: This was originally identified as a Serbian video, based on the source video on YouTube. Thanks to alert Gates of Vienna reader Gray Falcon, the error has been corrected. This undated interview with Geert Wilders, conducted by Goran Milic of the Croatian TV, for “A sad u Europu” (“And now to Europe”), is in English with Croatian subtitles:

Hat tip: Kitman via Vlad Tepes.

[Post ends here]

3 thoughts on “Geert Wilders Interviewed on Croatian TV

  1. Small (but perhaps important) correction: this is Goran Milic of the Croatian TV, interviewing Wilders. The interview was posted on YouTube on 2/24/10 by a Serbian user (hence the possible mis-identification). The show is called “A sad u Europu” (And now to Europe).

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