Your Fireworks or Your Life

Cultural Enrichment News

Late in the evening on December 31 I predicted that we were not yet done with a culturally enriched New Year’s Eve, and unfortunately I was right. Our Danish correspondent TB sends this translation about a particularly brutal attack for the most trivial of reasons.

TB includes this note:

As expected, the jackals did not waste much time in 2010 before destroying the life of yet another native Dane. This time the psychopaths attacked a 53-year-old man celebrating New Year’s Eve. It is like herds of wild animals coming out of the sewer to hunt innocent and weak prey when darkness falls. The cruelty is beyond the common man’s imagination.

And the translation from Ekstra Bladet:

Beaten half to death over fireworks dispute

Robbers beat a man with an iron club and kicked him when he refused to hand over his fireworks — police searching for a gang of immigrants

His chin and nose got smashed. Several bones were broken and his spleen was destroyed.

That’s how New Years Eve ended for a 53-year-old man from Frederiksberg after he became the victim of unmotivated violence which could have killed him. He got away with his life intact but is still hospitalized and is being treated for the extensive damage he received when a group of young immigrants attacked him because he refused to hand over his fireworks.

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The assault happened early this morning at Flintholm Alle in Frederiksberg where the 53-year-old man, together with some friends, was celebrating the evening with fireworks.

A group of between five and six youngsters came to him and demanded that he gave his fireworks to them. He refused and was smashed. Blows and kicks were ‘raining’ down on him. He was also hit at least 20 times when he was lying down on the frozen ground.

“We have no clues about the group, so we would very much like to hear from witnesses. It is an unusually heinous assault. The man’s injuries are extensive,” the police say to Ekstra Bladet.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

3 thoughts on “Your Fireworks or Your Life

  1. That’s how New Years Eve ended for a 53-year-old man from Frederiksberg after he became the victim of unmotivated violence which could have killed him. [emphasis added]

    Western journalists really need to get over the silly notion that immigrant criminality, especially Muslim immigrant criminality, is “unmotivated”. The motivation is simple: opprotunistic predation upon populations stupid enough to admit such parasites into their midst.

    When you import scads of unlettered tribal Neanderthals into a highly structured and supportive environment like that of the typical Socialist Scandinavian state, such vermin immediately begin doing what they do best. Namely, identifying any low-hanging-fruit in the form of easily obtained benifits or those belongings which can be most readily stripped from the surrounding populace.

    This is the well established modus operandi of these jackals and it requires an almost blinding degree of naïveté to think that such savages will suddenly adopt that more recently evolved tenet of civilization known as deferred gratification.

    While this in no way excuses the violent and predatory criminal nature of such scum, there is still a portion of culpability that resides with those budding social engineers who blithely assume that, once introduced to all the modern conveniences of civilized society, such throwbacks will suddenly walk erect and behave like sentient human beings.

  2. quote: “The assault happened early this morning at Flintholm Alle in Frederiksberg where the 53-year-old man, together with some friends was celebrating the evening with fireworks.”

    Where the heck did this 53-year-old man’s so-called- friends disappear to during this attack? What kind of friends permit such an assault to go unanswered?
    With dhimmified spineless friends like these, who needs enemies? This man’s cowardly so-called-friends will soon find their pc veil of ‘tolerance’ is worn thread bare providing no place left to hide.

  3. The motive is crystal-clear :

    1. The victim was engaging in a traditional, noisy and exuberant custom which has acquired the characteristic of a Christian celebration (even if it is not really prescribed by the Church).

    2. He had fireworks, which are used nowadays by Muslim thugs as weapons against the police.

    Dhimmis are not supposed to celebrate their religion and customs ostensibly on Muslim territory.

    They are also strictly forbidden to own weapons. Those are reserved for Muslims. To steal them is therefore legitimate.

    Ignore the message at your peril.

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